The Collection of The End

Chapter 960 The Melting of Existence (End)


"Noodles!" "Puff puff——"

Within the entire "Red Lotus Hell", there are skeletons with different weapons and equipment emerging from the ground, and Ryunosuke will not miss it, so they haven't left the village for a long time. Taiga and Tsukune Kanna have another place to use. .

However, apart from the two of them, only Mashu and Hasegawa could barely do it. The two sisters, Sakura and Xiao Rin, have not woken up since they left the "Mimikyu Servant" state. While Medusa was taking care of them, The "Blood Temple" must be deployed to prevent skeletons from emerging from the ground and catching everyone off guard. However, the opponent is a skeleton and has no vitality and magic power to absorb, so this position magic is completely unable to make ends meet.

Finally, there is Ryunosuke Ugyo himself. He has a weapon in his hand no matter what. It’s not like he has never seen a skeleton in the biology classroom. When he saw a skeleton walking over, of course there was no reason to hide behind the little girl, and , then it cannot be used when summoned. The golden sword, which is regarded as a fake, can be used as a stick after all.

So, when the first skeleton swayed towards the crowd, Ryunosuke raised his arms and slashed with his sword.

Outstanding effect.

The cut was actually a bit crooked. Normally it would get stuck or bounce away, but Ryunosuke felt no resistance after swinging the sword and easily split the skeleton into two. The skeleton was hit by the golden sword. At the same time, a flame ignited. After the sword slashed, what fell to the ground was not broken bones, but ashes on the ground.

However, because there were so many strange things experienced today, this scene hardly attracted the attention of others. Only Yueyong Shena called "brother" twice.

After trying a few more times and confirming that the golden sword in his hand could "ignite" and "instantly kill" the attacked skeletons, Ryunosuke took the initiative to stand on the front line and kill them. After all, even if the previous plan was It was made by myself, but it is also true that it has always been protected by the girls.

Finally, after a group of people wiped out all the skeletons that popped up nearby, leaving only a few that occasionally wandered from a distance, Ryunosuke had time to look up at the aerial battlefield over there.

Well...most of the sky has been occupied by those "flying skeletons".

This type of skeleton only has half the upper body, the head is larger than the body, the bone claws are larger than the head, and there is a strange gauze-like turban on the head. If this thing is not called "Flying Skeleton", could it be called "Beauty withered Bones" ?

Except for the extremely huge head that protects the dark King Arthur, the rest of their bodies are quite normal. They are just like a plague of locusts, flying in the air and trying to attack Gilgamesh and Iskandar with their bone claws.

However, although these skeletons were numerous and capable of flying, their speed and lethality were obviously insufficient. They could not break through the protection of the yellow-green aircraft, nor could they catch up with Iskandar's horse.

However, the purpose of the flying skeleton was only to contain him. During this period of time, the giant skeleton directly above the dark King Arthur was slowly growing in size, and the "gauze scarf" also began to emit an ominous red light.

Isn’t that guy capable of destroying the world? Ryunosuke tried to target Black Arthur and the Demon God Pillar again and shouted "Sword of Oath and Victory", but it was still useless.

Ryunosuke frowned and looked around.

At present, everyone has basically used up all their trump cards and used their ultimate moves. There is no one left who can be called a helper or a heroic spirit. If they still can't get rid of the Demonic Pillar, they can only find a way. "Go back in time", but so far there is no choice at all?

Could it be that Ah Cha remembered it wrong?

Just as Ryuunosuke was thinking this, he heard Iskandar riding a big black horse in the air shout loudly:

【hero King! Are the weapons reserves sufficient? 】

"Ah? I think it should be enough...if you don't go too far." The blond boy sitting on the golden-green "plane" responded listlessly.

"Hahaha! If it were an adult King of Heroes, he wouldn't say that." Iskandar laughed on the horse.

"Hehe, yes, he will definitely throw a lot of Noble Phantasms directly at you, and then say arrogantly, 'What do you think?'." The blond boy also laughed.

"It's such a waste. It's better that he doesn't come out first," Iskandar said, dodging the flying skeletons that were attacking him, turning his horse's head and rushing toward the ground.

"The world of adults is really incomprehensible..." Young Gilgamesh muttered as he controlled the "plane" to knock away several monsters blocking the route and fly downwards.

When the two servants were about to reach the ground, two loud shouts sounded at the same time.

"[The King's Army ()]!" "[The King's Treasure (Gate of Babylon)]!"

Bright golden yellow and azure blue suddenly spread outward from where they landed.

In just an instant, the original "Red Lotus Hell" turned into a golden desert with a blue sky above it.

The skeletons that were not on the horizon were either buried in the sand or fell from the sky.

"Another 'inherent barrier'?" Ryunosuke put away his sword and looked around.

At the same time as the environment changed, many people wearing ancient warrior armor appeared out of thin air everywhere. However, each of them was located near a skeleton. The moment they appeared, they swung their weapons to kill it.

Click, click, click!

After a soldier killed two skeletons in a row, the short sword in his hand was blocked by a skeleton holding a shield. The skeleton holding a gun beside him immediately launched a thrust. At this moment, a bright golden armor appeared on the soldier. After steadily blocking the thrust, the soldier raised his eyebrows, swung his sword and slashed again. The shield-wielding skeleton repeated its old trick and was about to block it again. Unexpectedly, the weapon in the soldier's hand glowed with golden light, changing from a worn-out dagger to a golden and sharp one. With half a sword in hand, after killing the shield-holding skeleton with one sword, he also cut the gun-holding skeleton next to him into two pieces with one stroke.

Similar scenes abound throughout the "desert."

Obviously, in order to fight against the skeleton army of Dark King Arthur, Iskandar also released the inherent enchantment of his own soldiers [King's Army], and these soldiers obtained the powerful weapons in [King's Treasure] and instantly attacked the skeletons. They formed a destructive force and killed all the skeletons in the "Red Lotus Hell" within a few minutes.

In the end, only the dark King Arthur, the giant skeleton and the Demon Pillar were left, surrounded by soldiers armed to the teeth.

Although the huge skeleton could slap away a dozen soldiers with one slap, it was unable to defeat countless hands with its fists. In the end, it was completely wiped out by a charge of the king's army. The dark King Arthur turned into a point of light and disappeared without any more nonsense.

After the king's army disappeared together with the desert, the "Red Lotus Hell" and the "Demon God Pillar" also disappeared with a tremor, and everyone returned to the familiar Fuyuki.

Although there is aurora lighting on the ground, it can still be seen that it is already late at night, and the location is still in the abandoned hotel area.

Ryuzosuke shook the golden sword in his hand and turned around: "This thing hasn't disappeared, and I don't know what to do with it - Xiaohao!?"

Strange black mist was rising from Lin Hao's body, but she was still unaware of it: "What's wrong?"

It doesn't count in the inherent barrier, so is the settlement delayed? !

Originally, you would die just as soon as the command spell appeared. In the inherent barrier, not only did the command spell appear completely, but it was also used several times... Will the next step be a volcanic eruption or a meteorite falling?

"Stand there and don't move! Wait for me -" Ryunosuke rushed towards her with the golden sword.

"Huh? There's nothing to be afraid of anymore——"


Lin Hao was halfway through the movement of tilting his head. Before he could say the final sound of "ba", his whole body turned into a pile of black ashes and disappeared completely in less than half a second.

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