The Collection of The End

Chapter 977 Prologue to the Beginning and End (3)


"Yes, as you said, there is a third party force in this singularity, that is, the native Indians, and I am their leader, Geronimo."

Geronimo is an obvious Indian, wearing an Indian hunting suit decorated with many feathers and teeth. He has a strong body, dark skin, a white face pattern in the middle of his serious face, his hair tied into countless braids, and his hands Show off his skills with a large dagger.

Yade, who has completely become a search engine, lived up to expectations and popularized his origins.

Geronimo, born in 1821, was born in the Apache tribe among the Indians who settled in Mexico. Because of Mexico's attack on his tribe, he led the tribe to rise up in resistance. However, at the end of the U.S.-Mexican War, Mexico Ronimo's hometown was directly assigned to the United States, and then, unable to distinguish the division of white power, he turned against the U.S. Army. After fighting with the U.S. Army for twelve years, he finally ran out of ammunition and food. In 1886, he took only 19 remaining Many of his subordinates surrendered to the US military and died of illness in 1909.

At this time, he was summoned to the newly independent United States more than a hundred years ago to become the leader of the Indians here. He must have mixed feelings in his heart.

As for the giant wolf just now, it is the "Coyote" in Indian legend, the messenger of harvest. It is said that it stole tobacco from the sun and distributed it to the people of the Indian tribes, so the Indians had tobacco to smoke. .

Ryunosuke wanted to complain that this was probably not the messenger of lung cancer, but after thinking that this was someone else's Noble Phantasm, he decided to forget it.

"The fact that you did not rashly choose sides to support proves that you still have the ability to make preliminary judgments," Geronimo said while taking Ryunosuke and Mashu to the camp in the hilly area: "You can see the bright side. There are problems on both sides of the fight."

Relatively speaking, they are indeed invaders... Ryuzosuke nodded in agreement.

"No, I'm not discussing whether Europeans coming to the Americas is considered an invasion," Geronimo seemed to have guessed what Ryunosuke was thinking, and said directly: "I mean, if we want to repair this singularity, we can't let either of them Win.”

"Would you like to hear the details?" Ryuzhisuke asked.

I don’t know how the world translated it, but Geronimo obviously understood it, and he responded: "The Celtic followers, sub-followers and shadow followers are not trying to settle in America, but are planning to During this time, the American continent was completely moved away as their home in the Kingdom of Shadows - I still sympathize with them regarding the loss of their homeland, but I cannot allow them to act like this."

"What about the steam robot army?" Mashu asked.

"They... are also very problematic," Geronimo shook his head: "For example, who do you think built those steam robots?"

"Create yourself? Copy it exactly?" Ryuzosuke guessed.

"No, those tin cans recruited all the Indians within their sphere of influence to help make robots. However, when fighting against the Celts, the robots would suffer serious losses, which directly caused the Indians who joined the factory to have to work day and night. If he is allowed to win, this situation will basically be the same in the United States in the future. There is also a possibility that in order to avoid wasting time, they may mechanize the native Indians."

"This..." Ryuzosuke didn't know what to say for a moment.

"In contrast, I personally think that only by letting the indigenous Indians who live a pastoral life have the last laugh can this singularity be truly eliminated." Geronimo concluded: "The other two forces, even after winning, still It’s called the ‘United States of America,’ and its nature is completely different.”

At this moment, the road ahead turned, and a large, simple and strong barrier made of stones and wood appeared in the center of the hidden hilly area. Many shadowy figures wearing Indian costumes could be seen nearby. .

With Ryunosuke's rapid growth in strength and vision at this time, he could naturally see at a glance that they were all living people and not followers. And since there is such a large settlement of ordinary people here, then his previous thoughts can be obtained Verified.

"Mr. Geronimo, how many servants are there who are naturally in the camp of these Indian natives after being summoned?" Ryunosuke asked.

Even though this Indian leader seems to be very bold and bold, telling everything he knows, he buries a trap for Ryuzosuke and Mashu during the conversation. Although he calls the Indians "Native" open and closed, as long as Ryuzosuke If the person here dares to call him, he is afraid that he will fall out immediately. Although he will not take action directly, it will be difficult to get help.

Just like black people can call each other "Negro" without any scruples, but if people of other skin colors say the same thing, well...

Ryunosuke, who has experienced several special points, will naturally not be fooled by this and directly calls them "Aboriginal".

Geronimo had just done this trick casually, and had no reaction when he was discovered. He continued to respond as usual: "Counting me, there are four of them in total. All of them have abilities that can only be used against living people, not machines or machines. The type used by the dead, the purpose of your coming here should be to seek help from such servants, right? After all, there are none in the other two camps."

"Yes, during the process of repairing the singularity, one of our companions was hit by a special attack and was in a strange state. Mechanical repairs or throwing her into the Kingdom of Shadows and then fishing them out obviously did not help her condition." Ryuzosuke raised his hand and pointed at the Yad hanging on his hand.

"Well... were you beaten until only the 'SoulGem' was left? The situation you encountered is really dangerous." Geronimo looked at Yade and nodded seriously.

"[I'm not a spiritual core!]" Yade shouted: "[I'm just preserving and protecting that girl's soul.]"

"Isn't that the function of the spiritual core?" Geronimo glanced at the blue-grey cube with a little surprise: "But your existence is quite strange, just like the heart of ordinary people can speak."

"[I don't...huh?]" Yade paused suddenly in the middle of his words.

Obviously, although Yade's previous function was to seal the holy spear, as a container, what it is is of course determined by what is inside, not to mention that its shape itself has no tendency.

Ryunosuke was laughing at Yad in his heart, when he suddenly heard a noise coming from the barrier that was already close at hand.

"[The lesions must be removed immediately!]"

"Stop! That's my head!"

...Well, is it too late to turn around and leave now?

——[Jin Ge fights with arrows]——

"[In order to protect your comrades, did you fight until there was only one spiritual core left? What a respectable soldier.]"

In the conference hall of Geronimo Castle, a tall woman was squeezing Yade, tossing and turning while observing. Her voice had reverberation, and the tune sounded a bit like military music.

As for her appearance, this woman has long silver shawl hair, red eyes, stern features, and a serious look. She wears a red uniform with a stand-up collar similar to a military uniform, an armed belt on her shoulder, sterile gloves on her hands, and a black skirt. , white stockings, and inexplicable silver metal leg armor that looks like a mecha.

Yade, who had previously insisted that he was not a spiritual core, remained resolutely silent at this time.

"Then, can it be saved?" Mashu asked tentatively.

Although Ryunosuke should ask this question, after he heard the real name and job description of this heroic spirit, he resolutely pushed Mashu away.

Berserker, Nightingale, cut off the head for headache, cut off the foot for foot pain - where is the promised angel with the lantern? How come one or two of the historical figures in your magical world don't follow the rules?

"[There is no patient that I cannot cure!]" Nightingale placed Yade on the table, then clasped her hands together and raised them high as if they were holding something.

At this moment, another virtual image of "Nightingale" appeared behind her, whose movements were consistent with hers. The virtual image was more than ten times larger than hers, but its face was very blurry. It was wearing a nurse's uniform, and it had a ball in its hand. Holding a huge sword.

The next moment, the two Nightingales waved their hands at the same time:

"[I will eradicate all poisons and all harmful things (Nightingale Pledge)!]"

Directly using the Noble Phantasm... Ryunosuke has nothing to complain about.

The big sword in the virtual image's hand slashed past Yad's body, and then disappeared without a trace. Yad immediately began to emit sparks like an electrical leakage, and kept shaking.


Lin Hao reappeared in mid-air in a three-dimensional projection posture, looking around with a confused expression, while Yade, in order to maintain the setting of the "spiritual core", flew over and landed on her hand.

"[Are you awake? The operation was successful.]" Nightingale let go of her hands and said to her in a tone that could be called kind.

"Ah, thank you," Lin Hao looked at Yad in his hand in confusion, then looked at Ryunosuke and Mashu: "Didn't I already..."

"You are now in the state of a disembodied heroic spirit. Unless you encounter an attack that can erase your soul, how can you die again?" Ryunosuke sighed and explained to her: "But you ruined that by acting so randomly. Servant incarnation, the 'one' who relies on you is very angry, and she will probably never come to help again in the future."

"It's okay, 'I' will definitely forgive 'me'." Lin Hao made a face.

Hmm... That's true. Ryunosuke nodded. As long as this childhood sweetheart becomes a heroic spirit in the future and is summoned to that singularity, she can only choose to forgive herself.

"[This treatment is not perfect yet,]" Nightingale, who was dressed in red, completely ignored the inexplicable conversation between Lin Hao and Ryuzosuke, and looked at Lin Hao's shadow up and down: "[Follow me, you Post-operative rehabilitation is required.]”


In Ryuzosuke's surprised eyes, Nightingale actually grabbed the hand of Lin Hao, who was just a projection, and pulled her away directly.

" it turns out that 'stealing people from the hands of death' means literally?" Matthew said in a daze.


Although this temporarily built mountain fortress is not big, it is not small either. In addition to a limited number of stone and wooden houses, there are more tents carried by the Indians themselves.

When Ryunosuke went out with Nightingale, he noticed that the locals did not pay any special attention to the heroic spirits whose skin color was different from their own, and even occasionally smiled and said hello.

Obviously, although they hate the outsiders who drive them out of their homes, they regard outsiders with similar origins but are willing to help them in a different light. It can be said that they are quite honest and have clear grudges. I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that Jie Only then would Ronimo be willing to become their leader.

When she walked to a small lake inside the barrier, Nightingale shouted directly to the two people standing by the lake talking something: "[Finn! Give me a handful of your 'water of life'!]"

"Ms. Nightingale, you should know that my water will lose its effectiveness as soon as it leaves the palm of your hand. Please stop trying to make them into infusion bottles or injections." The two men turned around, and the one with blond hair responded helplessly. road.

Finn? Ryunosuke looked carefully at him and the black-haired man with two guns next to him.

It seems that it is really the Lancer Diarmuid who pointed at Lin Hao and said she was Saber, and this Finn's appearance is also very similar to the Mr. Kenneth she captured at that time - as long as he puts on a silver and blue light armor, If you let down your lemon-like hairstyle again.

Finn McCool and Diarmuid Odina should belong to the Celtic camp. Could it be that his healing water ability was ineffective in the servants there?

As for the spearman... If I remember correctly, it should be due to the passive ability of the charming woman. At the last singularity, he accidentally activated "Yingling Linhao" and received a heavy beating. Now look at it. Come on, it is of no use to Nightingale, who is a berserk job agent and has devoted his life to nursing.

"[Stop talking nonsense and get some water quickly!]" Nightingale shouted.

"Oh, do these two lovely ladies need treatment?" Finn shook his blond hair and looked at Matthew: "But it's a pity that for this kind of congenital defect, the effect of 'healing any injury' is to help Not too busy."

"Miss, have we met somewhere?" Diarmuid also came over and winked at Mashu.

Bang! The spearman was knocked away by a heavy shield blow and fell far into the lake.

"[]Say, if you encounter anyone who talks like this, just shoot him away..." Mashu held up his shield and said with a guilty conscience.

"[Water!]" Nightingale continued to glare at Finn unmoved.

"Hey... okay," Finn shook his head and raised his hand to fish out the splashing water, and then gathered a fist-sized water ball in the air on his palm: "This is a special treatment for ladies, if you are a man , I would just let them drink water directly from the palm of their hands.”

Even if you beg me, I won’t drink it! Seeing Finn giving him a meaningful look, Ryunosuke almost rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm starting." Lin Hao's shadow was nudged by Nightingale, walked towards Finn, nodded slightly and drank the hanging water balloon.

The next moment, three bright halos suddenly descended around her.

Before they could shrink and solidify, a clear and arrogant female voice came from them:

"Finn! Diarmuid! What are you two doing!? Why don't you go defeat that nasty Maeve!?"

"Granny?" "Princess Granny?"

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