The Collection of The End

Chapter 986 0.999999%

Ereshkigal (), the lord of the underworld in Sumerian mythology, [the mistress of the earth, the goddess of death and the undead], is also the guardian of the city "Kuta".

Because Kuta is hostile to Uruk, she is also hostile to the guardian of Uruk [the mistress of the sky, the goddess of beauty and war] [Ishtar].

According to mythology, the death of Ishtar’s husband [Tamuz, the God of Harvest and Cereals] caused a great famine, so she went to the underworld to try to bring back his soul. After going through seven stages of depriving her of her divinity, After the gate, Ereshkigal was reduced from a god to a human being. Logically speaking, Ereshkigal should return her soul according to the rules at this time, but she killed Ishtar for unknown reasons.

In another story, Ereshkigal was successfully pursued by the [God of Plague] [Nergal], but Nergal only pursued her to prove his charm and had no intention of staying in the desolate underworld. , abandoned her and fled the underworld after seven days of marriage. Ereshkigal chased her all the way to the surface, and ended up bringing all the undead souls from the underworld up, causing serious chaos. In the end, the seemingly inseparable couple were together killed by Ish Tal was beaten back to the underworld.

In the Xingyue universe, without overturning any of these myths and legends, a "sister with two sides" relationship was added to Ishtar and Elle, which directly caused the above-mentioned myths to be full of the atmosphere of the green grassland.

However, because Ai Lei is still a cute loli, and Ishtar should be the same, so those bullshit things have nothing to do with her now.

"So, you mean it was Ishtar who was originally coming here?" Since I didn't know where Ailei was, I asked in a random direction.

"[Well...she promised to give me an incarnation,]" Ai Lei's voice still came from all directions, erratic: "[Because I have no body, these 'undead' are almost out of control.]"

Not a living thing but an undead? I raised my head and glanced at the black mist that was still strangled in the air.

Chi chi chi——

I glanced at it, and the black mist everywhere I looked froze. Even if it was bitten by other "Snake of Black Mist" behind, it remained motionless. When I followed the movement and looked over, those behind me also froze.

After just looking around, the original turbulent scene instantly turned into a static abstract painting.

Very good. I was originally a little worried about whether my status would be degraded when I possessed another ordinary self. But now it seems that maybe it is not possible in the mortal world, but in the underworld, I am in full condition.

He stretched out his hand tentatively, and a double-headed spear with gold and black ends appeared in his hand.

Noble Phantasm·Fever Temple [Methlamtheia] ().

Hey, wait a minute, if I create Airei’s Noble Phantasm now——

"[So you were sent by Ishtar to help!]" Ai Lei's tone was full of surprise: "[Then the authority of the underworld will be given to you——]"

Halfway through the sentence, her voice began to shrink rapidly, just like a child who ran out to play after learning that there was no homework today, and she didn't hear the last few words at all.

But the one who has no homework is the kid in the class next to you...

"Hey! Wait, Ai Lei?" I called several times, but the little girl's voice never appeared again.

Unlike Ishtar, Elle is not only a goddess, but also the underworld and death itself, and for her, condensing a godhead to do things is probably as painful as a child having to do homework.

Okay...I've memorized this "pain", and I can't be more familiar with the priesthood of "death".


I spent some effort to temporarily build a Sumerian-style "Yama Temple" in the underworld.

In this mythological system that has the concept of the underworld but no concept of reincarnation, the biggest problem is that the underworld is often full. Judging from the process of my fall, the scattered undead have floated to a position only two floors away from the surface.

On the surface at this time, if nothing else happens, the Three Goddess Alliance wants to destroy Uruk. Even if the wise king Shen works with the momentum of overwork, the sacrifices of Uruk's soldiers and civilians will not be less. , if this situation continues, the undead will really overflow to the surface.

Because of the different cultural systems, there is not only no market, but also no time for the Six Paths of Reincarnation here. So there is only one conclusion - no matter what kind of people these undead were during their lifetime, they will all be thrown back to Uruk to give Gilgamesh a headache.

However, it is not possible to throw the undead back to rebirth simply and crudely. The aura of the underworld is so strong, and their parents may have died before they were born.

I have to thank Meng Nali here...well, if I'm going across the world, I'd better thank Da Vinci for his wisdom. I used the authority of the underworld to create many "spirits" that look like cages according to the structure of the [Case]. The transfer device "pseudo" can remove the breath of the underworld from the dead and then return them to the surface.

Because those who have committed serious crimes naturally sink deeply, and the aura of the underworld is naturally stronger than that of ordinary people, they will be locked up for a longer period of time, because the cage is not comfortable at all, which coincides with the purpose of punishing sinners.

As for the specific operation... I raised my hand to catch a thin wisp of black mist, stuffed it into the cage, and then asked: "What is your name? How did you die?"

"I, I went to the river to fetch water for the temple, and accidentally drowned..." The voice seemed to be that of a little girl.

"Who cares most about the person in this world?" I continued to ask.

"King!" The little girl seemed quite excited.

"If you could choose, who would you like to be?"

"I want to be the king's maid!"

"..." Well, I shouldn't ask.

Although the situation of most undead should be much more complicated than hers, in this case, she only needs to be reincarnated into a family that has served the King of Uruk for generations.

I patted the cage and activated its "Spirit Transfer Pseudo", and saw the wisp of black mist slowly drifting to my body. Then, a thin white light shot into the sky from the top of the cage, and a vague appearance could be seen inside. Fuzzy little girl.

"All the undead should be treated like this. If the cages are not enough, wait for me to build them again." I said to the void.

Don’t you know how to copy homework?

Swish swish——

Before he finished speaking, the black mist snakes from all directions were thrown into different soul cages. Some shook and then reincarnated directly, but more were trapped inside, constantly extracting black mist, and these represent death. The black mist gathered towards me like iron powder attracted by a magnet.

Well, anyway, I am the one with the highest status here. It doesn’t matter if I have more or less death aura on my body. As long as I have more debts, I don’t have to worry about it.

Seeing that the cage was quickly full, there were not many black mist snakes in the air. The underworld itself revealed a pitiful aura to me, so I could only shake my head and continue to build the cage.

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