The Collection of The End

Chapter 988 Prologue to the End and the Beginning (2)


"In other words, who put [Enkidu]'s spiritual power into the body of [Humbaba] he was scheduled to defeat, and used external pressure to prompt the young king to go on a crusade, turning his best friend into a mortal enemy. Well, it turns out So," Tosaka said as he polished the new gemstone.

At this time, Ryunosuke and Mashu had returned to Uruk and informed the Uruk Prime Minister of the details of the operation.

As for the young Gilgamesh, after he realized that he seemed to have been deceived by others, his aura became very dangerous. He took out a "skateboard" from the king's treasure and walked away on it without saying a word.

"I'm a little surprised. The Ancient King should have the [Omniscient and Almighty Star]. Why didn't he find this problem?" Although Ryunosuke had some guesses, he still raised this doubt.

"Yes, of course, omniscient and omnipotent," Tosaka put down the polished gem and picked up another rough embryo: "But only under the conditions of demigods and below, and when they are not deliberately obscured by other demigods and above. After all, This is the [Age of Mythology], and with only two-thirds of divinity, we can only ensure that we will not be monitored at any time or our senses will be misled."

"Just like Yade, there is no other function here except GPS." Ryunosuke glanced at the blue-grey cube.

"[Hey!]" Yad shouted dissatisfied: "[I can also monitor the responses of Warcraft and spiritual energy, can GPS do it?]"

He actually compared it with the GPS...

"But..." Matthew started hesitantly: "You don't seem depressed. You seem to be a little happy? Did you discover something?"

"Of course I have found something," Tosaka put down the sapphire and diamond files in his hand and chuckled: "If the crusade against Humbaba goes smoothly this time without any accidents, I will have to be vigilant because the other party interferes... Kidu's purpose is completely unpredictable, but the other party used the characteristics of Humbaba and Enkidu to fuse them to frame the young king. This is equivalent to showing the tip of the iceberg and no longer completely hiding his purpose. Under the sea, then the next plan can be formulated accordingly.”

"In other words, just like when two sides play chess, when each other's chess pieces are in their original positions, it is completely impossible to guess the opponent's chess style and ideas. But as long as the opponent makes a move, even the most common path will enter. The range that can be speculated and analyzed." Ryuzosuke continued.

"You are very good. Are you interested in becoming my student? Of course, it doesn't just mean that you are a jeweler." Tosaka nodded in agreement.


"Ryuunosuke nodded and saluted without any hesitation.

This is not an act of hitting a snake with a stick or kicking the nose in the face. Just judging from the words and deeds of this Tosaka, we know that he is more or less related to Mr. Tosaka of Fuyuki, and the former Tosaka When Mr. Tosaka, who "doesn't exist", came to ask for help because of the awakening of his magic circuit, he very generously gave him a magic seal that surprised even Xiao Rin. That magic seal played a huge role in his journey. The effect is also obvious.

Ryunosuke boldly guessed that Mr. Tohsaka probably served as prime minister here before "appearing", but he just doesn't remember it. This matter does not need to be pointed out, and cannot be pointed out, otherwise it is likely to cause [time] Paradox] or something.

"So, what's your next plan?" Matthew glanced towards the second floor of the jewelry store: "Do you want Rin, um, Miss Ishtar to confess to the young Gil? I don't think it can be done. .”

"It's not like it! It's definitely!" With the obviously angry little girl's voice, little Ishtar sat on her huge harp-like bow and floated down from the second floor: "You two! First, you help the barbaric Quetzalcoatl in the south plot against this goddess, and now you want me to confess to that nasty Jill? I will deprive you of all your wealth! Let you die of poverty!"

Obviously, she was not aware of the previous crusade against Humbaba. Her memory still stopped after taking away the car and before she fainted due to the conflict between divine powers.

Although he said that "you" would die of poverty, the little girl's eyes never left the golden sword behind Ryunosuke.

"Don't think about it, it's a Noble Phantasm. Even if I take it away from you, Ryunosuke can make it exactly the same with other strips." Tosaka stood up and walked towards Ryunosuke, taking out the blue-green he had just carved. The gem was pressed on the hilt of the golden sword.


With a slight sound of wind, the entire golden sword disappeared, but if you look closely, you can still see subtle distortions and divergences in the air at its original position.

"Tch... Noble Phantasm, Jill has as much as he wants," Ishtar curled his lips and turned his gaze to the street outside the door: "Just now I sensed that a lot of wealth was approaching. Someone discovered a new gold. Is there any silver mine?”

Wait, does it matter how much Jill has there?

"Indeed, because we have just cleaned up a ferocious demonic beast, we just happened to transport back the backlog of products there. The gold, silver and gems will be transported directly to the temple as usual. Does the goddess want to take a look?" Tosaka asked Ish. Tal held out his hand.

"Yes!" The little goddess jumped down from the giant bow and held Tosaka's hand happily.

This strong atmosphere of a father coaxing his daughter... In order to avoid showing any strange expression, Ryunosuke turned his head to one side and followed Tosaka out.

Obviously, the teacher's teachings include both words and deeds. If it is not convenient to explain the meaning of actions at this time, Ryunosuke can only let Ryunosuke figure it out on his own.

What can be seen so far is that... this goddess can only be coaxed. It is best to be treated as one of her own. The behavior pattern can be guided by words, but never directly go against her wishes.

After walking out of Tosaka's gem shop, Ryunosuke saw a series of fully loaded human or animal-drawn carts coming from the direction where he defeated Humbaba. However, looking at the Uruk Minzhuang who pulled or drove the carts, They all seemed injured or tired, which meant that they were not doing well during the days when they were cut off from contact.

As Tosaka said, the reason why Humbaba had to be eliminated was that it blocked one of the "corners" of Uruk's "eye", directly interrupting the minerals, livestock, timber and other fields in that direction. The input of fresh water and other resources, as well as the support of those resource points by conventional troops - the three Gilgamesh can still provide remote support there.

Adding chaos to Uruk, destroying the confidence of residents outside the city, and destroying the friendship between young Gil and young Enkidu are killing three birds with one stone. It can be said that the main messenger who drove Humbaba there was quite clever.


"Ah! I hate it! Why does it smell like a monster again? Is that old Gorgon woman so idle?"

In the temple of Ishtar, the little goddess is sitting on the throne, kicking her calves randomly while inspecting the gold and gems delivered to the temple. This is her favorite part of the day, but her mood at this time is obvious. It's not good. I've knocked over several plates of gold presented by the temple maids.

"Next one." The chief priest, who was completely unmoved by the goddess's chaos, said calmly.

She was a woman with a gentle temperament and a calm attitude, as if she had everything under control. She was wearing an elegant and exquisite long dress, with long black hair tied behind her head, and a thin light green gauze on her face, only revealing A pair of gentle eyes.

"That's the chief priest of the goddess [Siduri (Aoi)]," Tosaka, who stayed outside the temple door, introduced to Ryunosuke while listening to what was going on inside: "Responsible for collecting tributes presented to the goddess. and deliver oracles.”

"Convey?" Ryuzosuke was a little confused. This living goddess didn't have a mouth. Wouldn't he be able to express what he wanted to say?

"Of course she can express it, but everyone in the temple will only listen to Siduri's interpretation." Tosaka seemed to have guessed Ryunosuke's doubts, and then said after slightly curling his blue eyes.

Huh? In this case... okay, I probably guessed it...

"Confronting the goddess?" Mashu didn't seem to have figured it out yet, and asked with his eyes slightly widened.

"Oh, keep listening." Tosaka shook his head and smiled.

"The gems and gold offered by these three villages, Kish, Lagash, and Ur, all have the smell of monsters! They neglected their duties! Arrest all their village chiefs and those in charge of mining!" Ishtar said during the conversation. You knocked over another plate of gold and issued an "oracle."

However, no one moved inside or outside the temple.

"Convey the 'oracle' to several kings," Siduli's gentle voice sounded: "There are a large number of monsters wandering near the three villages and towns of Kish, Lagash, and Ur, and they may launch an attack in the near future. Please Immediately send troops to support or organize transfers."

Two responses immediately came from inside the temple, and a temple maid and a guard came out quickly.

"Humph, it's easier for them." Ishtar sat on the throne and swayed back and forth. He seemed to have no objection to Siduri's tampering with the oracle in person, and turned his attention to the next batch of treasures: "The red one! First! Bring it over and show it to me!”

"This..." Matthew didn't seem to have turned the corner yet, with a confused look on his face.

"Half of the character of the goddess is the result of the habits you and Priest Siduli have accustomed you, teacher..." Ryunosuke looked at Tosaka with a complicated expression.

"No, that's how the goddess is originally. As the patron saint of Uruk, she wants to care about mortals, but she can't let go of the goddess's airs. So after discovering problems, she often thinks she is right and issues some orders that can solve the problems. The result is often To make things more complicated," Tosaka shook his head: "For example, just now, she saw that a monster was trying to attack the mine or mine, so she ordered all the miners to be captured. In this way, the attack would fail, and the village chief would be captured. It is to prevent him from issuing an order to resume work. In addition, if the chief is captured, Uruk City will naturally need to send temporary officials, and there will definitely be accompanying guards, so that the defense of the village itself can be strengthened."

"..." Ryuzosuke was speechless for a moment, there are so many detours, I'm really sorry you two can understand.

"There is a blind spot here that the goddess couldn't think of," Tosaka continued to explain: "She thinks she is right and is thinking about mortals. She has never thought about whether her own unproven actions will lead to her own He is regarded as an evil god who is just looking for fun and gives random orders.”

"These are just words. Let's take another fact: She once passed by a pasture and found that one-third of the sheep in the flock were infected with some kind of plague that can only be spread in a latent state. If left unchecked, the whole flock would be infected. Death, so she killed the infected sheep and then flew away without explanation." Tosaka shrugged: "What do you think the herdsmen who lost one-third of their flocks would think?"

Ryunosuke really had nothing to say this time.

"However, as the saying goes, things must turn against each other, unless things turn to the extreme, Ishtar's behavior, which has a very bad reputation among the people, has almost completely turned her into an evil god. Therefore, she was invited by the [Goddess Alliance] who vowed to destroy Uruk. , and she also chose to join out of indignation that most of the citizens of Uruk did not trust her. As a result, after seeing the situation of other goddesses, they were not misunderstood like her, but really wanted to destroy Uruk. After that, she hurriedly came to Siduli and I to discuss countermeasures - the goddess who looked at a loss at that time and looked like she wanted to cry at any time is probably impossible to see again." During the last few words, Tosaka lowered his voice, but showed an old fatherly smile on his face.

It turns out that it was precisely when those kings saw this that they allowed her temple to be located in the middle of the palace of the three kings. You must know that whether it is an epic or a historical fact or a fact, Gilgamesh does not like to see gods like this. Existence-except for his mother Ning Sunshen.

"...If the goddess takes away all the gold and gems, won't it have any impact on Uruk's economy?" Although he understood, in order to prevent Tosaka from continuing to show off his "daughter", Ryunosuke decided to change the topic. .

"Remember, this is the Age of Gods," Tosaka repeated the concept. "Gold and gems are very high-quality materials in the field of magic. It is impossible to let them circulate as currency. The gold and gems selected by the goddess, except Apart from a very small number for her own use, most of them were blessed and plated on the armor and weapons of the soldiers who defended the city. As for the ones circulating in the market, they were basically made of silver with extremely poor magical effects but similar appearance. of silver coins.”

"Well..." Ryunosuke listened to Tosaka's explanation and slightly verified his previous guess: insulators such as wood and ceramics are very well adapted to magic infusion, while copper and iron are relatively poor. At that time, due to time constraints, there was no I found silver with excellent conductivity to test, but now it seems that it has been completely abandoned, which proves my inference from the side.

A physics teacher who can't travel through time is not a good magician, hmm...

"Cough, cough, cough! What is this! It's so choking!" Ishtar in the temple suddenly coughed loudly.

"Reporting to the goddess, the donor called it 'pepper'."

"Ahem! Catch me, catch me - Ah Sneeze!"

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