The Collection of The End

Chapter 994 The Prologue to the End and the Beginning (End)


Logically speaking, a huge and strange black and red pillar suddenly erected on the beach should be very eye-catching, but the problem is that there is a huge "girl" about five times as tall as it, and her clothes are The color scheme is also the same weird black and red, and there are black mud and tentacles spreading all around under the feet, which completely attracts the attention of Uruk.

Therefore, to defeat Leif who has become "Nergal", Ryunosuke can only rely on "Enkidu", "Bull of the Sky" and Mash.

But Ryunosuke played a great role in Uruk's defeat of the first two. Even though they were freed from control, they still had some doubts about him, so he could only take the lead in attacking the Demon God Pillar to set an example.

Considering that Leif, who symbolizes the "present" and "future", was defeated by various allies, this is actually Ryunosuke's first "one-on-one" challenge with the Demon God Pillar.

"Have you never seen pigs running or eaten pork..." Ryunosuke muttered, jumped out of the armored vehicle, swung his sword and struck an eyeball at the base of the Demonic Pillar, which was closer to the ground.

With a splash, the huge crystal burst suddenly, and a mixture of black and red liquid splashed everywhere.

"Senior!" Mashu jumped out of the vehicle and raised his shield to block some of the things that didn't look like good things splashed towards Ryunosuke.

"[I'm waiting on the outside to pick you up!]" Yade, who was fixed on the driver's seat, shouted, directly controlled the armored vehicle, turned around and ran away.

Is this guy really using himself as a GPS...

Ryuzosuke complained in his heart, and then moved Mash to the side of the Demon God Pillar to avoid the several eye beams it shot at.

Like the previous two Leifs, this Demonic Pillar's attack methods are mainly tentacle smashing and eye-tracking strafing, but it also has its own unique attack method.

For example, it seems to have figured out that Ryunosuke can only attack in close combat, so it will actively "explode" each "eyeball" when it is about to be attacked, although Ryunosuke has not yet been touched by those disgusting liquids. Yes, but just by the sizzling sound and puffs of white smoke they made after being splashed on the sand, you knew it must be quite troublesome.

Or, after discovering that Ryunosuke can't fly but is agile, it "evolves" a circle of spouts on the surface of its body close to the ground, continuously spitting out purple-red smoke, and then takes advantage of Ryunosuke to fly far away. Use tentacles to hit you when you are dodging.

boom! ! Bang bang!


At this moment,

"Enkidu" rode on the head of the Bull of Heaven, driving it to suddenly rush forward and make a long, charred trail on the other side of the Demonic Pillar. This time. The huge "eyeball" that was broken directly turned into gray ashes and disappeared without splattering black and red liquid.

"Thank you, brother!" Ryuzosuke and Mashu hurriedly avoided the demon pillars that were smashing them crazily because of the pain.

"After this battle is over -" Enkidu rode the Bull of Heaven and passed by: "Don't tell Gilgamesh that I was once controlled by such a disgusting thing."

You were still inside Humbaba's head.

Ryunosuke swallowed these words back in his stomach and just nodded to him. Just as the Demon God Pillar's tentacles came over again, the two sides were separated at the first touch.


Now that they have begun to fight side by side, and the Demonic Pillar is not an enemy that can be defeated in a short while, Ryunosuke and Enkidu inevitably communicate about tactics, and after a few more words, he has already told Nel about the previous series of events. What Galle did was analyzed clearly.

To put it simply, as the Demon God Pillar whose purpose is to "burn away human nature", Leif, who symbolizes the "past", naturally has a common language with Tiamat, and successfully borrowed the authority of "Warcraft" and "Earth", and used this to interfere. The birth of Enkidu and the Bull of Heaven, and the subsequent conspiracies and frame-ups are also consistent with Tosaka's guess.

The only variable is the goddess of the underworld [Ereshkigal].

The God of Plague [Nergal] overlaps with the functional scope of the Demon God Pillar, so he pretended to be this god and went to the underworld to seize the priesthood of Hades and spread the plague on a large scale in Uruk. The success rate of his plan was actually very high, but he managed to survive. The ground collided with [Ereshkigal] in the "heroic spirit" posture.

Just like the two "heroic spirits Gilgamesh" in Uruk looked at Ishtar who had done nothing, so the "heroic spirit Ereshkigal" also looked at Nergal. I hate emotional liars so much that I took time out of my busy schedule to give him a good beating.

As a result, the plague spread, but it could only cause illness but not death, which made Leif's plan go wrong step by step. The originally rigorous plan was torn to pieces from here on, and finally had to be overthrown. The trump card awakened Tiamat. After all, if one of the Sumerian creator gods wanted to destroy her creation, there was really nothing the Chaldean side could do to stop it.

Due to the behavior of "Past Leif", the key to repairing the singularity changed from defeating the Demon Pillar to stopping Tiamat, and the difficulty increased by more than an order of magnitude.

However, since Tiamat has always been in the "Imaginary Number Space" and is relatively naive, she has a certain connection with Sakura Matou, who also has the attribute of "Imaginary Number Magic", so she gained her appearance, the "Gorgon" The prototype of [Medusa] directly inherited part of the bodyguard's character, perhaps the breakthrough lies here.

However, the premise of everything possible is that Ryunosuke can quickly defeat this demon pillar and return to Uruk to help.

Unlike the previous Demonic Pillar that "breaks all the eyes and then outputs the main body", this Demonic Pillar actually creates eyes that are essentially weapons. If you don't actually break them, you won't know whether they are real or fake. When you break them, they will violently attack the surroundings. The splashing corrosive liquid forcibly slowed down the speed of cleaning the eyes.

Seeing that the huge back of "Sakura" had walked out of the forest and approached the Uruk city wall, Ryunosuke had no good solution even if he was anxious.

"Hey, boy, it seems you need help~ ( ̄ω ̄)"

After Ryunosuke circled the Demon God Pillar again, he found Quetzalcoatl, the god of Quetzalcoatl, appearing at the edge of the forest at some point, squatting on a stone without any form.

"Please help! I can play Mexican wrestling with you afterwards and have a lot of fun!" Ryunosuke responded loudly, and was ready to be beaten into a pig head again.

"I, I also -" Matthew probably thought this was her task, so she also interjected.

"Oh, no, no, no~" The Quetzalcoatl goddess waved her hand casually: "This time it is a personal grudge ( ̄ω ̄)."

"Ah?" Ryuzosuke hurriedly avoided a few glances, not thinking about any personal grudges for the moment.

"Let the sea water rise and flood my forest, and even put up a cat teasing stick here..." Quetzalcoatl looked at the huge Demon God Pillar, and suddenly changed his face: "Tell me! How do you want to die, you idiot?! (▼Dan▼ # )”

At the same time as the goddess changed her face, countless green cat eyes lit up in the darkness of the forest behind her, all of them shining fiercely.



As Tiamat, who looks like a giant Matou Sakura, advances step by step towards Uruk, she sometimes puts her hands over her mouth and sends out real green sound waves towards the city wall.

Whenever this happens, scattered golden sharp feathers will fly out from the city and break through this series of specific points. Although they can hit the city wall, their power is greatly reduced.

As Tiamat continued to approach the city wall, more and more golden feathers flew out to intercept, and even if the interception was successful, cracks would inevitably gradually appear on the wall.

Young Gil and Ishtar, who were flying in the air, looked very anxious and kept trying to launch long-range attacks on Tiamat, but to no avail - the giant girl wore a black and red dress on her body and wrapped her tightly. Even if it is attacked, there will be no reaction, and if the target is the head, the clothes around the collar and shoulders will even suddenly stick out to intercept it, as if it has a life of its own.

The only good news so far is that she moves extremely slowly, waiting for the tide of the Persian Gulf to spread inland to her feet with each step she takes before moving on.

Although her route of advance was deliberately directed towards Kuta, and the citizens of Kuta who believed in the goddess of death were not timid about confronting a god of creation, Gilgamesh, who worked as a Caster, still fought with all his strength on the city wall. Block the sound waves shouted by the other party.

"[Taste, taste, this, this.]"

Tiamat approached a hill, then easily lifted it entirely from the ground, and then threw it directly into the city wall.

Boom boom boom——

[King's Horn Cannon] sounded, and golden light feathers flew out, but this time the boulder did not disappear after being shattered. Instead, it turned into meteor showers of different sizes and continued to scatter towards the city. The scattered golden feathers barely bloomed again, They shatter further to the point where no harm is done.

"[Hoo, ho--]"

Tiamat made a sound that was unclear whether it was annoyance or interest. She stretched out her hand and took two quick steps forward. However, because the water under her feet failed to keep up, she fell to the ground, causing a small earthquake, but at the same time, At the same time, her stretched out arm was enough to touch the city wall.

【King's Horn Cannon! 】【King's Horn Cannon! ! 】【King's Horn Cannon! ! ! 】

The top of the city wall flickered one after another, and countless golden lights suddenly stabbed out like hedgehogs or sea urchins, causing Tiamat to retract her stretched out hand as if it was set on fire.


The girl is sitting on the ground with her knees together, holding her hands that were stung by bees while trying to pick flowers, and weeping. This scene looks quite endearing - if this "girl" could be fifty times smaller.

At the same time, the "bee" that stung her had turned into a tiny golden light point and disappeared from the world after instructing the others on the city wall to evacuate as soon as possible.


"[Oops, Caster's Spiritual Energy has disappeared, and the others can't deal with that 'eldest lady'.]" Yade, still embedded in the steering wheel of the armored vehicle, muttered as he drove at high speed.

Even for Caster, in the position he built, the continuous firing of this kind of free Noble Phantasm is enough, and it is not surprising that it will disappear on the spot.

Ryuzosuke put his hand on the hilt of the sword and thought. Although he couldn't see the blade of the sword due to the wind gem magic, he knew very well that all thirteen stars on it were shining brightly.

After defeating Leif with the help of Quetzalcoatl and a group of tiger sisters, all the oaths of this [Sword of Oath and Victory] have been unlocked. He can now choose to kill Tiamat with one sword, but at the same time, all The stars will be extinguished again.

Shouldn't the number of unlocks be determined based on the enemy's attributes each time a sword is swung? What does this kind of collection mean if it can only be used once? He is probably a fake King Arthur.

Wait, you are a fake to begin with, right?

In short, we should catch up first and see. If there is really no other way, we should decisively kill the resurrected Tiamat. No matter what conflicts there are between her and the gods, it is not a reason to kill humans wantonly.


After Tiamat fell, she didn't seem to have any intention of getting up again. She just crawled forward on all fours. The city wall that the Bull of Heaven had not been able to break through for a long time was smashed with a few hard blows and a big hole was made.


Ryunosuke just thought of the Bull of Heaven when he saw the two temporary allies. Enkidu rode the Bull of Heaven and flew through the air above his head. Before the surging black mud could stop him, he struck fiercely. The ground hit one of Tiamat's horns, and then flew straight in the direction of Kuta.

Afterwards, they seemed to have some conflicts with the young Gil and Ishtar in the air, but after a brief dispute, several people launched an attack on Tiamat together, trying to lure her towards Kuta City.

There is no doubt that a city-wide plague broke out in Kuta City before, but miraculously no one died. This is enough to prove the authority of the goddess of death, and she asked everyone to attract Tiamat, so she must have a complete plan. of.


Thanks to the guidance of three "Sky Knights", Tiamat followed their thoughts and attacked Kuta.

As for the result, it can be said that it was unexpected but reasonable.

The goddess of death provides immortal protection to all the residents of Kuta, so that even if they are knocked flat by Tiamat, they will recover like a blown balloon and continue to attack.

After Tiamat futilely wiped out a population that was ten times more than the residents of Kuta, she suddenly realized it and rushed to destroy the goddess temple deep in the city.

But when the temple was destroyed, [Ereshkigal] appeared from the ruins of the temple. Her size seemed to be a head taller than Tiamat - of course they are two giant goddesses. head of.

After the Death Goddess appeared, she hugged Tiamat directly and sank with her to the surface of the earth. Ryunosuke's long-awaited decision to strike out with the sword was all in vain.

At the same time that the two giant goddesses disappeared, Lin Hao's shadow returned to the vicinity of Yade, and the singularity itself began to disintegrate or be repaired.

When Ryunosuke hurriedly got into the "armored car" and left with Mashu, he saw Prime Minister Tosaka, who had arrived at an unknown time, smiling at him and saying "see you later".

So was everything about this singularity part of your plan? Tokiomi-sensei?

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