Facing Ron's accusation, Draco remained silent, as if he didn't know how to refute it at all.

Li Kai said calmly:"Don't blame those who don't know. This matter has nothing to do with him. Let's talk about what to do next."

"Now that I have the notebook, Voldemort still refuses to tell me how to open the Chamber of Secrets."Harry said distressedly:"It keeps trying to trick me and make me open my heart to him, but I can't do it no matter how hard I try. Li

Kai smiled slightly:"This is normal. After all, you already know who he is. Naturally, you can't accept him when you are on guard in your heart." Don't be in a hurry, just study slowly. Now we have the initiative. As long as you keep communicating with him and showing some Slytherin traits, he will definitely take the initiative to reveal some secrets."

In the original book, Tom Riddle learned about Harry's existence through a conversation with Ginny, and also knew that Harry was his future enemy.

So the young Tom Riddle decided to help his future self get rid of Harry.

But now , after communicating with Ginny, they found that she had not yet had time to tell Tom Riddle about Harry.

In other words, the young Tom now has no idea who Harry is, so there is still a lot of room for maneuver.

As long as By gaining the trust of Tom Riddle, you may be able to open the secret room again without sacrificing your life force. It is not difficult to do this, as long as you let Tom know that the person who holds the notebook is the same type of person as him.

"But, I can't do it. Harry said in embarrassment:"I don't have Slytherin characteristics at all, and I don't know how to gain Voldemort's trust. I'm just a twelve-year-old wizard - ah!"

Li Kai said casually:"What's so difficult about this?" You can try to put yourself in Voldemort's shoes. That poor guy can't feel love. He is ruthless and only pursues magic and power. As long as you tell him that you don't want anything but to control the entire magical world, he will definitely favor you and maybe even teach you some advanced magic."

"If that doesn't work, tell him that you admire Voldemort, tell him about Voldemort's current situation, and say that you want to help Voldemort make a comeback. In short, just say whatever he wants to hear, act more naturally and relax, and you will be able to hide it."

He knew where the secret room was opened, but he didn't rush to tell everyone about it. Let them think of a solution first, and then talk about it if they can't solve it.

Interfering in everything will only make their brains empty and lose their enthusiasm for independent thinking.

Li Kai needs a tool with brains, and he doesn’t want everyone around him to become useless.

"Well, I'll try my best to make it happen."Harry said solemnly


After a few ordinary days, the school suddenly heard the news that Lockhart had opened a dueling club.

"The person who started the duel club was Lockhart. This thing feels a little unreliable!"

"But fortunately, Lockhart is only one of the initiators. I think other professors will teach us some real skills."

"The first party is going to be held tonight, and I'm going to beat the hell out of those Gryffindor guys!"

"Gore! I think you are too confident. How many magic spells do you know? Is it enough for three?"

"Hahaha! It would be nice if Goyle didn't get beaten up by the Gryffindors. We in Slytherin have to look at Kael'thas and Cassandra. Their level will definitely crush the Gryffindors!"

"Tsk tsk! I think the guys on the Gryffindor side would be trembling with fear knowing that they were going to face Kael'thas."

In the Slytherin lounge, everyone was talking loudly.

Li Kai felt that something was wrong with Cassandra recently, especially the way she looked at him. She often read a book related to love, and she blushed at every turn..

As someone who has been there, how could Li Kai not know that Cassandra was already in love and was obviously interested in him.

In fact, this situation had already started to show signs of happening since the beginning of this school year, but it was not obvious at that time.

It is said that Westerners mature precociously. In the past, Li Kai only knew that they matured two or three years earlier than Asians, and had never had an intuitive understanding.

But now he has learned the lesson. He is also twelve years old, and he is 1.6 meters tall. Della is also 1.6 meters tall now.

Both of them are already a bit super tall!

Li Kai is super tall because he has a high constitution. When the system adds points, the energy is sufficient and there will be no malnutrition.

So when adding points , , the growth rate has been stretched to the limit.

And what about Cassandra? She is extremely capable, especially those long legs.

Every time he sees Cassandra's long and beautiful legs, Li Kai feels I am witnessing the birth of a top leg model in the world.

Compared with them, other little wizards are far behind.

Among his peers, Harry is only 1.4 meters now, Ron is only a centimeter or two taller, and Draco 1.45 meters.

This gap is really too big!

Li Kai still likes Cassandra's changes very much. After all, he also likes Cassandra.

Although Cassandra's character is not very likable, But who said someone with fair skin and good looks has a rich family?

Li Kai thought to himself that he might be able to take the initiative a little bit, but he can't wait for other girls to take the initiative, right?

Both sides have feelings, and it would be a bit pretentious to take the air.

It's almost time. It was eight o'clock, and the first gathering of the Duel Club was about to begin.

Li Kai said to Cassandra:"The time is almost up, let's go there together."

Cassandra nodded, stood up and followed behind Li Kai.

After walking a few steps, Li Kai suddenly slowed down and quietly reached out to grab Cassandra's little hand.

Cassandra seemed to be frightened, and her little hand He subconsciously shrank back, and then obediently let Li Kai hold him.

"You, what are you doing?"Kassandra's pretty face turned red. She felt like everyone was looking at her, and she felt ashamed but also a little happy.

"I've seen that your face has turned pale recently. I guess you may have insufficient energy and blood. If you don't have enough energy and blood, your hands will become cold. Let me help you cover your hands."Li Kai was squeezing Cassandra's hand and talking nonsense.

Cassandra rolled her eyes at Li Kai and whispered:"Coward, you obviously like me. I have noticed that you often peek. Me"

"No, I looked at it honestly. Li Kai said with a smile:"Okay, I admit that I like you. Can we have a sweet love?""

Although he felt very embarrassed, Li Kai still said this, because the West does not like to be subtle. If you like it, you should speak it out boldly.

Of course, the premise is that both parties are interested in each other, otherwise they will still be easily rejected.

"Since you said so, let's try it."Cassandra felt that her heart was about to jump out of her mouth, her face was extremely hot, and even her head seemed to be smoking.

Li Kai showed a smile and thought:"The progress in this life is too fast. When you are only twelve years old and you have a rich and beautiful friend, your life is half successful, right?!"

They soon arrived at the auditorium. At this time, the appearance of the auditorium had changed drastically.

The long dining tables of the four colleges disappeared, and a gilded stage appeared along one wall. There were hundreds of candles floating on the stage. The ceiling became as dark as velvet.

Many people had gathered in the auditorium, each holding a wand in their hands. They were talking excitedly, guessing who would teach them how to duel.

Harry and others also came, The moment Hermione came in, she saw something strange about Li Kai and Cassandra.

"They actually held hands! Hermione found it hard to accept:"Are they in love?" This is too fast!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other and didn't know what to say. They were both straight men. It was really embarrassing for them to think about emotional matters.

"Kyle!"Hermione couldn't hold it back. She wanted to ask things clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

"Hermione, are you here? Li Kai smiled and said,"What's wrong?" Why does something look wrong with you?"

She is still a child after all. Hermione can't hide her thoughts at all. Her eyes are a little red. Although she hasn't cried yet, she is already full of tears.

"Are you in a relationship? Why didn't you tell me?"Hermione asked.

Cassandra seemed to be aware of Hermione's thoughts. Hostility appeared on her face and she moved a little closer to Li Kai.

"Hermione, you didn't even ask me!"Li Kai had already seen Hermione's thoughts, but he had too much experience in dealing with this kind of thing. Even when facing the Shura Field, he did not panic at all. He said softly:"There are too many people here, we will do it later. Can we find a place to talk slowly?"

Cassandra glared at Li Kai fiercely, but didn't say anything. She just silently took her hand out of Li Kai's hand. She was a little dissatisfied with Li Kai's ambiguous attitude.

Hermione nodded obediently. Nodding, there is no other way. She has almost grown up with Li Kai and has already obeyed Li Kai's advice.

At this moment, Li Kai was also extremely emotional. He was also twelve years old. At this stage, the boy was still fantasizing about Godzilla vs. Transformers. But girls have already begun to dream about Prince Charming, which is not in the same dimension at all!

No wonder so many people have gone from missing to making mistakes.

At eight o'clock sharp.

Gilderoy Lockhart and Professor Snape walked on the stage side by side, and the little wizard They couldn't help but whisper, feeling that today's gathering might not be very pleasant.

Especially those who knew Lockhart's details, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. What can Lockhart, this idiot, teach? Use the magical bone disappearing technique to destroy Harry's body. Will the bones be taken away?

Snape looked serious and said nothing. Lockhart waved his hand to everyone to be quiet, and then shouted:"Come around, come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Very good!"

"Well, Professor Dumbledore allowed me to open this little dueling club in order to fully train everyone in case you need to defend yourself one day. Protect yourself the same way I have done countless times - see my published work for more information……"

"Wouldn't it be great if they fought it out and both sides suffered losses."Ron whispered in Harry's ear.

On the stage, the two professors had already begun to demonstrate dueling etiquette.

They took a few steps apart, turned to face each other, and bowed.

Then, they pointed their wands diagonally at each other, with their feet Stagger a certain distance to facilitate dodge at any time

"As you can see, we hold the wand in a normal dueling position and on the count of three we cast the first spell. Of course, neither of us would take the other's life. Lockhart babbled, and Snape was already impatient with waiting.



Lockhart was knocked out before he could cast any magic. He looked very embarrassed. He immediately defended himself after getting up:"I just want to let everyone see what the disarming spell Professor Snape used just now. It's very good, but I can actually resist it easily. However, in a duel between two wizards of similar level, one of them must give way, otherwise, wouldn't it be necessary to fight for days and nights? Okay, this is the end of the demonstration. Now you can start practicing in pairs.……"

Li Kai was about to form a group with Cassandra, but Snape said calmly:"I'm not here to watch you play house, otherwise my arrival would have no meaning. Kael'thas Lee, come up."

All Everyone was stunned, not understanding what Snape wanted to do, and the same was true for Li Kai. Although he performed well in every class, he had never been too close to any professor.

Although Professor Snape is the dean of Slytherin, he has never had any private communication with Li Kai other than academic exchanges.

So Li Kai was a little confused. After all, Professor Snape would not target the students of his own college arbitrarily. He just hated Harry and Gryffindor very much.

"Professor, how can I help you?"Li Kai walked up to the stage and asked politely.

Professor Snape ignored Li Kai. He turned to look at Lockhart and said maliciously:"Professor Lockhart, I am not particularly satisfied with the demonstration just now. This is my most proud student, I hope you can help me point him out."

Li Kai grinned. This was the first time that Snape had praised him in public!

He seemed to understand what Snape wanted to do. This was clearly digging a hole for Lockhart.

I guess Snape had already been worried about Lockhart in his heart. Full of resentment, I heard that his many applications to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor were not approved, but an incompetent person like Lockhart could become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

In this situation, no matter who it is , It won't be comfortable.

What's more, Snape is so proud, how can he tolerate being defeated by an incompetent person?

Snape can't help Dumbledore, so he can only vent to Lockhart.

If there is no such reason , he might not even come to train with Lockhart, he is not the kind of person who likes to play with a group of children.

Perhaps, just now, he was expecting Lockhart to last a little longer, so that he would have the opportunity to ruthlessly He tortured Lockhart severely.

But he overestimated Lockhart's strength and underestimated Lockhart's shamelessness.

He certainly didn't expect that Lockhart couldn't even block a move, and he could say shamelessly What did he say?

In this case, how could he be willing to let Lockhart fool him?

Just now he saw Li Kai inadvertently, and an idea flashed in his mind. Lu Novel Network!)

Snape thought very simply. Lockhart's defeat to a professor was nothing, but if he lost to a student, he didn't believe that Lockhart could still hold on shamelessly.

It can only be said that he still Underestimated Lockhart

"Can you help guide students? Of course there is no problem, no problem at all. Lockhart obviously didn't see through Snape's evil plan. He said carelessly:"Come on, kid, let me teach you how to duel in person. Just use the disarming spell and no other magic. Remember?" Li

Kai glanced at Snape, showed a meaningful smile, then turned to look at Lockhart, pretending to be embarrassed and said:"Professor, does it count as a duel if you only use the disarming spell?" I think we should relax the requirements a little bit. We can also use repel spells and armor spells. As long as it's not an unforgivable curse, I believe the school can cure it. Are you right? In addition, I also hope to experience some advanced magic spells. I think everyone has this idea. You must not mind showing it to us, right?"

To be honest, Li Kai also wants to teach Lockhart a lesson.

For a person like Lockhart, a small lesson in private is of little significance, because what he cares about is fame and fortune, and personal dignity and so on. It's meaningless to him. Only by making him embarrassed in public, discrediting him and making him unable to profit from his fame, can we deal an effective blow to him. It's rare that Snape is willing to play support, and Li Kai doesn't mind being the main attacker for once.

Listen. After hearing what Li Kai said, the little wizards all agreed, and they cheered and asked Lockhart to agree to the proposal.

The smile on Lockhart's face was a little stiff, and he couldn't move forward or retreat, so he had to reluctantly say:"Okay, since you insist on this, then Let's have a real wizard duel"

"Thank you to Professor Lockhart for your generosity."Li Kai said with a smile.

Then, both sides bowed and started the duel process. They quickly took their positions.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and Snape was ready to intervene at any time.

Although he got some news from Dumbledore, But after all, that was just a hearsay. He had never seen Li Kai take action. In order to avoid an accident, it would be safer to serve some snacks.

"I am the referee," Snape said calmly:"Except for the Unforgivable Curse and the Fire Curse, there are no restrictions on other magic. Prepare, three-two-one-start!"

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