Qin Feng began to mobilize his power, and Meliodas naturally saw this scene, but at this moment, the black magic around Meliodas continued to grow!

Echoing the magic behind Meliodas was the black magic pattern on his forehead.

The two forces seem to be constantly entangled because of something, and it is especially important to change between them!

However, in comparison, the momentum that Qin Feng showed was too strong.

Countless black magic powers seemed to be summoned by Qin Feng, directly opening a huge gap between heaven and earth, and the target of this gap was Qin Feng’s side.

Qin Feng’s body was like a bottomless pit and began to absorb the magic power that constantly appeared around him, and as these magic powers continued to pour!

A different Qin Feng also gradually revealed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the powerful force exploded perfectly at this moment, and even more than that, countless forces from Qin Feng’s every move had already descended!

The magic storm directly turned into Qin Feng’s best weapon at this moment.

Every time he strikes, he will almost usher in the blessing of the magic storm, but at this moment, Meliodas does not have much performance!

The only thing he probably shares with Meliodas is the movement between the two.

It is almost exactly the same, which shows that not only Qin Feng is accumulating so-called power here, but Meliodas here is also doing the same thing!

In contrast, Qin Feng only possessed the magic storm, and Meliodas didn’t seem to have the slightest existence, but around him!

The dead black seemed to tell everything around it that it was powerful.

“Under this power, I can’t guarantee that you will still be alive!” Meliodas’s voice suddenly came from the darkness at this moment!

For Meliodas’s words, Qin Feng just shook his head, “Some words, if you say too much, the result will not be very good!” ”

Rivalry, but that’s it.

Speaking of which, the attack that just belonged to Qin Feng was actually just an experiment, an experiment on his own strength!

Now that Meliodas has such self-confidence, then simply order!

Break out!

The storm of magic began to expand, and the power that had been hoarded before had a completely different posture at this moment!

And Qin Feng is now getting closer and closer to his opponent Meliodas!

The distance between that black magic power and the magic storm was shrinking more and more, and even Qin Feng felt the smell of death from the other party’s magic power at this moment.

Touch mortal!

It’s just a pity that judging from Qin Feng’s performance, this force doesn’t seem to be so terrifying!

Even, the so-called opportunity needs to be grasped by yourself here.

Unconsciously, Qin Feng directly ignored the existence of the Demon God King behind Meliodas, and now for Qin Feng!

There is only one thing that needs to be done, and that is to kill the other person.

On the road of strength, Qin Feng understood in the previous world that only the strong have the qualifications to speak and perform!

The weak, even survival has become a luxury.

A luxury that can be seen, but never obtained!


The mana expands wildly, and behind the two swelling mana is an undisguised explosion!

The violent explosion directly covered everything here, and even the sky that was originally cloudy seemed to be stained with a different aura at this moment!

The hustle and bustle of death comes unexpectedly.

What is even more amazing should be Qin Feng’s move, in the face of the opponent’s performance at this moment, Qin Feng’s performance seems so bland and unremarkable!

Or rather, fearless.

A hand stretched out from the magic storm, and the target was the black that wrapped Meliodas here.

Death? Qin Feng’s intention had never been this, even if the terrifying aura that was now displayed around Meliodas was so powerful!

One step, two steps, touch!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The most terrifying and shocking sound came from heaven and earth, and everything seemed to be submerged here!

And under this powerful force, only one thing exists.

That hand, that hand that belonged to Qin Feng.

Even the original black color of Meliodas was slightly eclipsed at this moment, and the entire heaven and earth changed color under this powerful force!

Or maybe there is only one thing in this world now.

A hand that belonged to Qin Feng’s hand.

Abruptly, but so commonplace, as if in such a battle, this hand should exist!

Not only that, the originally open hand suddenly held at this moment!

This grasp is more like holding all life in the hands at this moment, holding the power of life and death for everyone!

“But Erle!”

A relaxed sentence came out, followed by not only that hand, but also Qin Feng’s figure at the same time!

Now Qin Feng looked so calm, and above his unmoving expression was more about the perception of strength.

There is no slightest skill, there is no so-called you and me, only the confrontation of forces between each other!

Qin Feng unleashed his power, and Meliodas was even more so!

It’s just a pity that this collision seems a little nonsensical?

The black that originally symbolized death was actually defeated in the first time after touching Qin Feng’s power!

Even the simplest insistence doesn’t seem to be done.

However, the matter was not over yet, with the release of this time, Qin Feng could clearly feel that his strength had actually improved a lot unconsciously!

Looking at Meliodas, who had been completely unconscious due to the power confrontation in his hand, Qin Feng was finally silent!

That power, in fact, Qin Feng is also very familiar now.

This is not Meliodas’s terrifying annihilation mode, but this force comes from a greater source, which is why Qin Feng now has some headaches!

The opponent is the Demon God King!

The terrifying death-scented power that appeared in Meliodas’s body came from the Demon God King!

This is also an important reason why the current Qin Feng did not directly kill Meliodas.

It’s not that you don’t want to kill, but this kill, even if you are an explosive species, you may not be able to deal with the final boss!

“It seems that having a good daddy is really very important!”

With Qin Feng’s sigh, Meliodas’s body was also directly thrown out by Qin Feng!

Since there is no way, then naturally there is no need.

Qin Feng’s goal was still on the Ten Commandments!

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