"Sister Hu, they seem to have started to act!"

In the Magic City, along the Puhuang River, in Zhoushan Office Building.

This is the headquarters of Ziyun Financial Newspaper.

"What? Who!?"

Hu Yunyun was stunned when she heard the report from her subordinates, and then suddenly said with a look of realization:

"Xiangyun Investment!? Are you saying that Xiangyun Investment has started to take action!?"

"Yes, Sister Hu, it’s Xiangyun Investment!"

Hu Yunyun's assistant nodded seriously.

"I knew it! I knew it!! This Xiangyun Investment is definitely not a simple one! Their previous actions were definitely prepared for this moment! This will definitely be a milestone battle in our domestic foreign financial war! Everyone cheer up! We must report this financial battle in full as soon as possible!"

Hu Yunyun's sensitivity to finance is terrifying.

From the beginning, she intuitively felt that Xiangyun Investment would not simply acquire Xingrui Coffee and be done with it.

There must be a back-up plan!

So several days ago, she sent people to observe the actions of Xiangyun Investment.

Naturally, she also discovered that Luo Yun had prepared dozens of U-country stock market accounts early in the morning!

And now, with Luo Yun's order, all these accounts began to act!

"Xiangyun Investment! What kind of company are you? What is your background? Who is the person in charge? How will you fight against Shuihun Organization and even the U.S. Erhua Street? I am more and more interested in you now!"........

At the same time!

Also on the bank of the Puhuang River.

On the 33rd floor of Fengheyuan.

The headquarters of Xiangyun Investment Company!

"Buy! Buy! Buy as much as you can! Buy all of them, and the stock of Starry Coffee will rise!"

"Add more positions! Add more positions! I don’t have enough funds in my account! Mr. Chen! I can still add more positions!"

"10 million M gold! 20 million M gold! 30 million M gold! I am continuing to increase my position! The U.S. stock market has no restrictions on our purchases! They certainly didn't expect that we would buy up a lot of Star Coffee stocks!"

"No! It’s not that they didn’t think of it! But even if they thought of it, they wouldn’t restrict us from buying it! Because in their eyes, the stock of Xingrui Coffee can’t go up!

"This, this is indeed the fact! Can the stock of Xingrui Coffee really go up?"

In Xiangyun Investment Company, all the traders were very enthusiastic!

They bought Luckin Coffee stocks crazily!

However, some traders still raised their doubts.

Although they were frantically buying up under the command of Luo Yun and Chen Bin.

However, in their hearts, they were also not very optimistic about the stock price of Xingrui Coffee.

After all, Xingrui Coffee has fallen to less than 1 million gold per share!

And these days, it is still falling!

Will it be a loss if we buy a lot now to go up?

"Well, the boss has spoken, and those of us who are paid should just listen to him."

After hearing the question raised by a colleague, an employee said

"That's right! Anyway, with the strength of our company, we can definitely afford to pay the salary! At worst, we can just give up the 100,000 yuan bonus!"

"This is not possible! For our bonus! Let's pray that the share price of Xingrui Coffee will rise a little! Even a little bit is good!"

Listening to the discussions of their employees, Luo Yun and Chen Bin smiled at each other.

Of course, they couldn't tell the inside story to these small employees.

"Boss, dozens of accounts in our company have bought up Luckin Coffee stocks in batches, and have already entered more than 500 million gold!"

That's right!


In the past few days, Chen Bin has naturally not been idle.

Most of the funds in the company's account have been converted into gold!

In order to buy more stocks in the fastest and most convenient way in this financial battle to raise the share price of Xingrui Coffee!

"Don't be in a hurry, keep buying! Waiting for the response from the U country!"

Luo Yun was naturally in no hurry to use the [Ticket Increase/Decrease Device].

Only 500 million M gold, how much is this?

He now has 600 to 700 million M gold in his hands.

With this money, he can buy as much as he can sell!

After this battle, he wants to beat the U country stock market, as well as the entire U country financial street and Erhua Street, so that they can't raise their heads for three years!

Kill them and it's over!

Sure enough, after Luo Yun bought a large number of Xingrui Coffee stocks.

There was also a wave in the financial street of Country U!

First, Xingrui Coffee slightly went up by a few dollars because of Luo Yun's massive buying.

Then Shuihun Company entered the market and invested a large amount of M gold again, continuing to short and buy!

And with the statement released by Shuihun Company again, a large number of retail investors also entered the market again!

Continue to buy short!

And Luo Yun also continued to increase funds and continue to buy high!

500 million M gold!

1 billion M gold!

2 billion M gold!

The share price of Xingrui Coffee continued to rise under Luo Yun's massive investment!

Even at the highest point, it directly rose to 2 million gold per share!

And then, Erhua Street, the financial center of Country U, finally couldn't sit still!

Countless financial tycoons came and bought... They were all ready to join the fight, together to lower the share price of Xingrui Coffee!

At this time, it was already late at night in China! The time difference between the U country and China is almost exactly twelve hours.

So if you want to trade in the U country stock market, you must do it during the day there, which is late at night in China!

All the traders stayed up late with Luo Yun! Everyone

, under the command of Luo Yun and Chen Bin, fought all night!

And tonight, it was not only the employees of Xiangyun Investment who fought with Luo Yun.

On the same bank of the Puhuang River, in the Zhoushan office building.

The employees of Ziyun Financial Newspaper, together with Hu Yunyun, have already written the first report on this financial war!


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