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"Luo Yun's Yasuo! ?"

"What the hell!? Is this true!? Luo Yun is going to use Yasuo to fight against Silver Coin!?"

"Hahahaha! Although Silver Coin is a lousy mid laner, he is still a professional player after all! Using Yasuo to fight Silver Coin is too disrespectful!"

"You guys think, Brother Silver Coin wouldn't really be killed by Luo Yun alone, right? ?"

"Hahaha, how is that possible! You don’t really think that Silver Coin is weak, do you? No way! ?"

Seeing Yasuo switch to the middle lane, the entire live broadcast room was filled with laughter.

And Luo Yun’s female fans suddenly became unhappy.

After all, in their eyes, what’s the big deal about being good at playing games?

They came just because Luo Yun plays the piano well and is handsome.

Suddenly, before the friendly match between the two sides started, the male and female fans in the barrage had a wave of confrontation....

On the Blue Team, unlike the Red Team who were nervous and ready to be beaten, Doinb and Saint Spear suddenly burst into laughter!

Smile and Curly in the bottom lane also looked eager to try.

After all, judging from the strength on paper, their team was much stronger!

"Brother Silver Coin, I won't go to the middle lane with you! I'm going to gank the upper and lower lanes in this round!" The moment he entered the game, the hacker who played duo with Doinb also said simply and directly:

"You are laning against a non-professional player, and a Yasuo of ordinary level, you shouldn’t be killed by a single player, right! ?"

"How is it possible! How could I be killed by a single person! The opponent is not F6!"

Doib said excitedly!

The others were already used to his frightening personality.

They just smiled and said nothing!

"Eh? The opposite Yasuo...He actually brought a bunch of blades?...?"

Curly, who was usually calm, immediately noticed the difference between Luo Yun Yasuo and others:

"As I recall, Yasuo doesn’t seem to have Hail of Blades?"

"How can Yasuo bring Hail of Blades! If you want to rob, you need to bring Swiftness! Swiftness is so strong in this version! Why not bring Swiftness! Isn’t it better to just bring Swiftness to get more blue shields and last hit under the tower? Why bring Hail of Blades!"

Doib looked confident

"When I saw him with the blades, he was already dead!"

"Ahem! That...Don’t kill too hard!"

But the top laner couldn’t stand it anymore.


That Yasuo is our boss!

If you kill him, I will be the one who is unlucky!

And the top laner has made up his mind for this game. Although he picked Quinn, a top laner with strong roaming ability.

But in this game, he will play in the line!

Only play solo!

He will never go to the middle lane Gnak!

He doesn’t want to play a friendly match and lose his job.....

"but...Congren Ya, it's not that there was no...When I played in the Korean server King's game, I encountered a single single Yasuo..."

After thinking for a while, Saint Gun decided to help his boss out:

"That person is called Te. With the attack speed increased by the Blade, he can greatly reduce the cooldown time of the Q skill in the early stage of the fight, and use the Q skill's wind in a short time! In addition, with extremely fast general attacks between the Q skills, the early burst damage is no worse than that of the Electrocute!"

"Forehead..."Okay, I got it!"

Doib was slightly stunned, and looked nonchalant.

Are you kidding!

That's Shy's Blade Yasuo!

Shy's top laner Kalita also has Hail of Blades!

Who else can play it except him?

On the blue team, after seeing that Luo Yun's talent was Hail of Blades,

PDDUZI and Xigua also fell into a state of helplessness.

"Is this the retribution for rewarding myself with a D Yasuo?"

UZI thought silently. However, like Saint Gun, he would never dare to say such words in front of his boss.

"Lie down and wait for me to be the C!

However, when he entered the game, Luo Yun instantly became extremely serious!

He went out directly to equip Doran's Blade and a bottle of red potion, and then rushed out of the fountain first!

"Boss! Watch out! The opponent has Thresh and Kalista! We can’t win the level 1 team fight!!!"

UZI was shocked and shouted in confusion!

"It’s okay, I’ll go get a ward!"

However, Luo Yun was not afraid at all, and played Yasuo like Garen!

"I will lead the charge!!"


PDD"........ watermelon:"........."

Dai Xiaomei:"Well, come on, you are the best~ Try to die more times~"

At the same time, the blue team also gathered five people and rushed directly to the lower jungle area!

From the perspective of the live audience, Luo Yun was about to encounter the opponent's Thresh who was walking in the front!


Insert a ward!

Just when everyone thought that Luo Yun was going to collide with the opponent, Luo Yun suddenly inserted a fake ward in the bush!

However, it was too late!

On the other side of the bush, the hook in the hand of the Ghost Warden on the Shadow Island was ready to go!

Death Judgment!

Curly Hair doesn't want to be more B with you!

Thresh, who had finished at least tens of thousands of games, threw out the hook in his hand the moment he saw Yasuo's figure, just relying on subconscious reaction and muscle memory!

Q skill-Death Judgment!

"What the hell!? What a fast hook!"

"Will Luo Yun be able to use his Flash in time! ?"

"It feels like it’s too late! Why does he seem to be frightened?!"

Seeing this extremely fast hook, both the audience and the other players on the field were shocked!

And Luo Yun seemed to be frightened too. Yasuo, who was under his control, just stopped there in a daze, motionless!


This extremely fast hook passed by Yasuo and hooked the air behind Yasuo!

Then, Luo Yun seemed to have just reacted and hurriedly ran to the back, leaving only the five members of the blue team who were confused!

"What is going on?"

Doib said in bewilderment.

"Cough, cough! I subconsciously predicted his movement, who would have thought...He didn't move! Damn, I've played too many high-end games, and I'm not good at hooking players like this!"

Curly Hair was also helpless! When he hooked just now, he subconsciously predicted that Luo Yun would move backwards!

But...Who would have thought that Luo Yun would not even move!

He stood there like a fool, waiting for the hook to be hooked before running back!

Who could have thought of this! ?

Is this, not moving is the best move! ?


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