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"Ahem, this luxurious presidential suite...It's a bit big, but why are there only two bedrooms and two beds?"

Looking at the bedroom in this suite, Luo Yun suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Xiaoqian and I will sleep in one room, and you can sleep in another room!"

Li Kexin rolled her eyes at Luo Yun, took her luggage, and dragged Luo Xiaoqian to the innermost bedroom.

Then she closed the bedroom door and locked Luo Yun, who was following behind, outside the door.

"Damn! Is this a typical case of three monks having no water to drink!?"

Luo Yun suddenly felt his heart bleeding.

He had originally wanted to take advantage of this trip to have something happen with Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian.

After all, doesn't everyone say that traveling is the best way to enhance the relationship between men and women?


Who would have thought that there are only two rooms in this presidential suite!

If there is only one room, then Luo Yun can sleep in the same room with Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian openly.

Even if he sleeps on the sofa, there is still a chance.

If there are three rooms, then the three of them can have one room each.

At night, no matter which room Luo Yun sneaks into, the other party will probably not refuse.

Even, Luo Yun can go to this room tonight and that room tomorrow night...

But the bad thing is that there are only two rooms!

If Luo Yun really sneaks in at night.

Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian will definitely take each other's existence into consideration and work together to drive Luo Yun out!

"Damn it! I lost money! How could Chen Bin, that bastard, book a hotel with two bedrooms? I'll deduct his salary when I get back!"

Luo Yun said angrily, then he could only shake his head and sigh, and took his luggage to another room.

After a while, Zhao Xiaoqian and Li Kexin also came to Luo Yun's room hand in hand:

"Big boss, it's your treat! We want to eat lobsters and crabs. Oh, and we also want to drink coconut juice!"

""Okay, okay, got it!"

Luo Yun was like a weasel that hadn't eaten the chicken, so his mood was naturally not very high.

However, it was really late, and the sky outside had already darkened. The temperature had dropped a few degrees compared to the daytime. Going out to enjoy the sea breeze was still a good choice.

"Let's go, call Liu Tian and Yu Bai, let's go eat something good together."

Luo Yun packed up a little, and took Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian out the door.

Liu Tian and Liu Yubai were already waiting at the door.

"Liu Tian, send a message to Chen Bin, give each employee who comes to the team building this time, whether they are from Xiangyun Investment or Kexin Media, 10,000 yuan in entertainment expenses, so that they can have fun and eat well."As soon as

Luo Yun went out, he directly ordered Liu Tian.

As the boss of the company, Luo Yun naturally had to be generous when taking his employees out for team building.

After all, Sanya is a tourist city, and it costs a lot whether it is eating, drinking or having fun.

Ten thousand yuan per person in entertainment expenses is naturally not a lot of money for Luo Yun.

But it can let the employees have fun, so why not?

Of course, if they want to go to the duty-free shop to buy some luxury things, it has nothing to do with Luo Yun.

"Yes, boss.

Liu Tian nodded.


Oh, by the way, tell Chen Bin that this will be paid from his salary."......"

Liu Yubai:"......."

""What's wrong? Did Chen Bin offend you again?"

Li Kexin, who was standing by, was also helpless. Why did she feel that Chen Bin was just like Luo Yun's punching bag?

If other companies had such a good agent, they would definitely treat him like an ancestor.

Why did Luo Yun always try to cheat Chen Bin? He would take out his anger on Chen Bin from time to time.

Even so, Chen Bin was still loyal to Luo Yun.

This was really admirable. Could it be that Luo Yun's personality charm was so strong?

"How did he offend me? How many places did he offend me?"

Luo Yun was furious when he thought of the two bedrooms in the presidential suite!

As for whether his occasional tricks on Chen Bin would cause Chen Bin's dissatisfaction, Luo Yun naturally didn't worry about it.

Not to mention that Chen Bin was a talent rewarded to Luo Yun by the system and would never betray him.

For example, the last time Luo Yun directly rewarded Chen Bin with 100 million gold.

It also made Chen Bin's loyalty reach death.

And compared with 100 million gold and Chen Bin's usual work.

This little one million is nothing at all.

At most, it will make Chen Bin depressed for a while, and it can be regarded as a little relief for Luo Yun.

"Let's go, let's go out for a big dinner!"

Luo Yun, who had let out a sigh of relief, felt relieved immediately. He walked out of the room with Li Kexin and others and headed straight to the most famous seafood market in Sanya!

The most attractive thing about coming to a place like Sanya is naturally to have a delicious seafood dinner!

And the most authentic way is to go to the seafood market in Sanya and choose the freshest raw materials that have just been salvaged today.

Then go to the beach to find a processing shop with a good reputation and process it into a delicious seafood dinner according to your own taste.

Then have a pint of Tsingtao beer, enjoy the sea breeze, and eat seafood. How pleasant it is.

Soon, Liu Tian drove the navigation and took Luo Yun and others to the largest seafood market in Sanya.

As soon as they got off the car, a strong smell of seafood hit them in the face.

However, the ventilation of the seafood market in Sanya is still It's pretty good, so it's not too stinky.

Luo Yun took Li Kexin and a few others and went straight to the lobster area, and directly bought ten large lobsters produced locally in Sanya.

The boss who sold lobsters was immediately shocked.

You know, the large lobsters produced in Sanya are not like the small crayfish eaten in the mainland that cost dozens of yuan per pound.

The large lobsters here. They are even bigger than Australian lobsters, and the taste is not worse at all.

Especially those that were just caught today, the taste is extremely delicious.

And although the price is slightly lower than Australian lobsters, it is not cheap.

Ten large lobsters, each of which is the fattest and largest, costs almost three or four hundred yuan!

Even though the boss here has seen many generous tourists, he was still surprised by Luo Yun's generosity.

"Boss, how many people are eating here? Why buy so many lobsters at once?"

"It's okay, if you can't finish it, just keep it and continue eating tomorrow."

Luo Yun shrugged.

Besides, there is also the martial arts master Liu Yubai. Let alone ten lobsters, he can eat ten more by himself. You know, martial arts masters are real big eaters.

""Fuck, boss, you look like a rich man. My friend got some good stuff today. Do you want to take a look?"

Seeing that Luo Yun didn't care about money, the owner of the lobster stall said to him mysteriously.


Luo Yun was slightly stunned, and suddenly became interested:

"What good stuff?"


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