At this moment, Ning Yun's mood was complicated.

For her, there has been no relationship between them for a long time. Whether she and this person are grudges or hatreds, they have already turned into dust, but when she heard the news that he was about to die, she felt a stinging pain in her heart. .

Her body had already reacted first, and before she could clear her mind, she nodded.

Hongluan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately this time she didn't carry out her stubbornness and arbitrariness to the end. In fact, even if she didn't agree, she would definitely tie her up.

Lijiang Inn.

Two sedan chairs, which looked low-key but gorgeous, stopped at the door. Outside the sedan chairs stood four servants and several servant girls.

One of the more delicate-looking maids stepped forward and opened the sedan curtain, and inside came a middle-aged man dressed in a purple long gown with slightly gray hair, with a rather majestic look between his eyebrows.

The servants around immediately bowed their heads and saluted: "Master."

"Hurry up and bring out the young master, remember that you must be careful!"


The two servants walked to the door of the sedan chair behind, and helped out a pale young man. His closed eyes and drooping eyelashes all indicated that he was sick at this time.

He was apparently in a coma, and the weight of his body rested completely on the two servants.

After the people were settled, the master went out with two servants. I heard that he was going to the city Chinese medicine clinic to find a local famous doctor.

After a while, a handsome but slender young man entered the inn with two entourages, saying that he wanted to stay in the inn, and specially appointed a room on the 1st of Tianzi.

Feng Yinshuang was dressed in a dashing men's clothing, with a blue silk hair standing up high with a jade crown, holding a folding fan that had been pulled out of the dust-free room, smiling with eyes narrowed into crescent moon clothes, very friendly.

"There are a few more rooms in this first-class room, and I have it all."

"What, all-inclusive?" The shopkeeper's eyes almost jumped to the ground.

You must know that this first-class room costs fifty taels of silver a night, and ordinary people can't afford it at all. What is the identity of this young man to be so rich.

"Yeah, my son likes quietness and can't be disturbed."

It was so!

"There are five rooms in the No. 1 room in Tianzi. We have already booked two rooms just now. There are only three rooms left. Look at this..."

"Three rooms are just three. I think this inn is quiet and elegant, and it's not bad. Pay!"

The other two followers behind him also looked thin and tender, and the shopkeeper couldn't help but take a second glance at his handsome face.

Hongluan stepped forward to deliver the silver note, noticed his gaze on them, and glanced coldly, the shopkeeper immediately took it back in fright.

Xiao Er sent them to the guest room upstairs, and was about to leave when a fan suddenly tapped her back, and she turned her head to face Feng Yinshuang's lightly smiling face, like a hibiscus in full bloom in June.

What a beautiful boy!

The shop assistant was almost stunned, and stammered and asked, "Gong... What are your orders!"

"Let me ask you, who are the characters living in the other two guest rooms? If some rascals disturb my son's good sleep, I will hold you accountable."

Although her tone was soft, her words carried a pressure that could not be ignored, making people not dare to neglect.

Xiao Er finally calmed down a bit, and replied seriously, "You can rest assured, my son. Next to him are the father and son of a forest member from Hongye Town. He came here to treat his son."

Feng Yinshuang turned back and blinked, implying that their news was indeed correct, that they had come to the right place.

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