The Concubine of the Phoenix Conquers the World

Chapter 751: go their separate ways, irrelevant to each other

Juechen: "…"

The fire of war really spread to him!

He is so innocent!

When he wanted to act well, and even gradually began to indulge in the role, the truth was all revealed by surprise. Now that she already knew, why did she continue to carry the blame.

"This... Madam, calm down first, it's not that I don't want to be responsible, but..."

"But what?" Feng Yinshuang looked at him coldly, obviously not planning to let him go easily.

"The key problem in this matter is not me, but Hongluan. Why don't you ask her if you want me to take this responsibility?"

Feng Yinshuang hurriedly looked at Hongluan, and saw that she said decisively: "No need, anyway, everything is fake in the first place, and they will go their separate ways in the future, and they will have nothing to do with each other."

Although she had long expected that she would say this, seeing her eagerly wishing to distance herself from him immediately caused a nameless anger in his heart.

"Have you heard Madam? Of course I don't have any hobbies forced by strong men. You should respect her choice."

Feng Yinshuang said softly: "Nonsense, marriage is such a joke, you know how important festivals are to women, and you won't be able to marry anyone else in the future."

"My subordinates had no plans to get married, and only wished to stay by the lady's side for the rest of their lives."

She thought so, but Feng Yinshuang couldn't agree, didn't she delay her?

"No, since you are already married as a wife, then you are his man, don't follow me again!"

It's not that she is deliberately cruel, she is also doing it for her own good!

"Shu Hongluan can't agree, please forgive me!" She knelt directly on the ground to plead for her guilt, not letting Feng Yinshuang be angry, nor was she scolding.

She has always been the most obedient, and never disobeyed her in any way, now why...

"Okay, even if you don't want to be with him, you can't stay by my side from now on, you'd better think about it yourself!"

In fact, she certainly hopes to give Hongluan a chance to make the right choice, without delaying her future life, but the other party simply does not understand her good intentions.

Hongluan looked up at her and said, "Dare to ask Madam, even if you want to expel your subordinates, then what's wrong with me? You told me that people should have the right to choose their own life, if you think I should agree Juechen is together, then why don't you return to the Lord's side?"

Feng Yinshuang: "..."

She finally experienced what it was like to be choked on by what she had said.

Her lips trembled for a while, but she couldn't say a word, because deep in her subconscious she also agreed with Hongluan's point of view, yes, even she couldn't do it herself, so how could she ask others?

At this time, Hongluan said again: "For the sake of fairness, why don't we come to the next agreement? I can try to be with Juechen, but you must also think about the matter of soul refining, and don't run away. "

"You... you are threatening me!"

"Even if it is, it is helpless. If you don't agree, then I have to fight to death."

Hongluan is simply blocking her life with her own life. If she doesn't agree, then she will definitely do it.

Feng Yinshuang was angry and angry, but she had nothing to do with her, and finally had to compromise, "I promise you that's all."

"Thank you ma'am!"

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