Shen Ying couldn't believe her ears, he was confused, so he started talking nonsense?

She couldn't take it anymore, and hurriedly rushed over to grab Han'er, keeping a safe distance from him: "Qian Gongzi, I know that Yin Shuang is lost and forgets you for a while, making you heartbroken now, but Han'er It's innocent. He's only five years old and doesn't understand anything. You shouldn't take anger on him no matter what. Think about the pain and suffering she had suffered for you back then. Suffering, you must restrain yourself too!"

Both father and son were dumbfounded and looked at her strangely.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Shen Ying is even more restless. At such an urgent moment, her heart is jumping into her throat, why are they so calm!

Han'er put her arms around Qian Congxue's neck and rubbed in his arms affectionately: "Aunt Shen, are you misunderstanding something? Dad, he wouldn't be willing to hurt me."

Qian Qixue reached out and rubbed his hair, her eyes full of the deep love of a father.

"You did a great job, but you have to keep trying!"

"No problem, wrap it on me!"

Shen Ying listened to the conversation between their father and son, and the more she listened, the more confused she became, but... it seems that the crisis has been lifted for the time being.

Time flies, and soon it will be three days later.

For some people, these three days are like passing by and the sun and the moon are in a hurry, but for others, it is just passing the year.

Although the time was tight, the wedding dress was made by the skillful hands of more than a dozen embroidered mothers, and was sent to Feng Yinshuang's room the night before the wedding.

"Look, Madam, what a beautiful wedding dress, you must be the most beautiful bride in the world after you put it on." Hong Luan unfurled the wedding dress and hung it on the shelf, calling out with excitement.

Feng Yinshuang leaned back on the chair, her eyes were tightly closed, her whole body was sullen, and she couldn't keep her spirits up.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Hongluan took a few steps closer and covered her head with the thing in her hand.

"What's this?" She could only sit up and took down the thing covering her head, only to find that it was a wedding tent embroidered with splendid mandarin ducks.

"Madam, tomorrow will be your big day. Why is your bride full of bitterness and hatred? If the owner of Bai Zhuang finds out, he will be unhappy."

Bai Lingjue... As long as she thinks of this name, no matter how big her dissatisfaction will disappear, but a certain name sounds extremely harsh to her now.

"If I remember correctly, you are the person by his side, so whose wife is your so-called wife?"

Hongluan immediately knelt on the ground, bowed her head and pleaded guilty: "Slave and maid know what's wrong."

Seeing her like this, Feng Yinshuang couldn't help but soften her heart again. After all, this matter is not Hongluan's problem, and she doesn't want to embarrass anyone.

"I didn't mean to blame you, I just... Forget it, you go out first, I want to be alone."

Hongluan finally stood up, but did not leave, but looked at her and said, "Madam... No, miss, you probably don't want to marry Bai Zhuangzhu at all, right?"

Because of her words, Feng Yinshuang's efforts to restrain her mood suddenly set off a storm, and she almost couldn't control herself.

"You... what nonsense are you talking about, how could I..."

"Although I don't know anything, I also know that the two love each other, and Fang Cheng has a good story. Since I got the letter of divorce, the young lady has never shown a smile on her face. If you really like Young Master Bai, You won't be so unhappy, shouldn't you think about it, is the person in your heart is Young Master Bai, or someone else?"

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