Before she could get close to the door, a figure flashed in front of her.

"Go away!"

The other party was indifferent and said, "You really want to see him, now?"

"This has nothing to do with you, and you can't stop me!"

"Who said I was going to stop you? I just wanted to ask, do you know where he is now?"


This, she really doesn't know.

The walls of this palace are so tall and dizzy that she doesn't know where she is at all, she will get lost when she walks, let alone find someone.

"Why don't I take you there, it will save you wasting time."

Feng Yinshuang looked at him suspiciously, is he really so kind? Could it be some kind of conspiracy?

Seeing her suspicious look, he said lightly, "It's fine if you don't believe it, but I also really want to know what that Bai Zhuangzhu is doing now. Did he find out that his bride made a mistake?"

When Feng Yinshuang heard this, she immediately became nervous: "Then take me there now."

Opening the door, a cold wind blew in from the outside, making people feel the swish chill, she was about to go out, when a cloak was draped over her body from behind.

She raised her head and met his picturesque eyebrows: "Don't catch a cold!"

He took her into the air and galloped under the moonlight. She watched the pavilions and pavilions below quickly pass by, and soon arrived at another palace.

She should be thankful, otherwise, with her own ability, she really can't find this place quickly.

The lights in the room in front have been turned off, but from the two red lanterns hanging by the door and the happy silk on the door, it is still easy to recognize that this is a wedding room.

Feng Yinshuang stepped forward gently, feeling a little nervous all of a sudden.

With the relationship between her and him, such a change has occurred again. What should she say when they meet?

She actually regretted it in her heart, but how should she talk to him?

With such an uneasy and heavy heart, she finally walked to the door and was about to knock when she suddenly heard a sound and a somewhat ambiguous moan in the woman's pain.

"Well, don't..."

"Little goblin, it's not the first time, you're still playing hard-to-find. Tonight, you can only obey me obediently. I absolutely can't let you go."

This voice is Bai Lingjue!

But how could it be so cold and fierce, even though there were ambiguous sounds coming from inside, but these words made her whole body feel like falling into an ice cave, and her whole body was cold.

When she didn't know what to do, suddenly a big warm hand pulled her and led her away from the door of the room.

Her mind was still immersed in shock, without awareness or resistance. When she came back to her senses, she found that she had returned to the room just now, with red candles lingering and warm.

Looking up, he met his worried gaze.

"are you OK?"

She didn't know what to say for a while, but after thinking for a while, she said, "They, don't they..."

"What happened to them, didn't you already hear it just now? Or if hearing is false, seeing is believing, then I don't mind taking you back to see it again."

"No need!" She doesn't have that kind of perverted hobby, but it's just unacceptable for a while.

Bai Lingjue actually had a relationship with that woman, but the words he just said made her feel as if he was poking at her spine, making her very uncomfortable.

"By the way, didn't you say that you went to the wrong new house, the one in the room just now is your real bride?"

The corners of her eyes twitched slightly, is this too confusing?

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