The Concubine’s Daughter Comes Around

Chapter 187: The most noble woman in the world

Wu Long looked at Dong Ling in front of her, and immediately had no choice but to wave her hand to the guard who was holding her down. "Well, if it ’s not for the frontier, I wo n’t do it easily.

This releases you. "

He would not admit that he couldn't find anyone, so he wanted to use Wu Jitian as a dead ghost.

Dong Ling naturally knew the idea in the emperor's mind, but she knew it, but it didn't mean she would break the emperor's careful thinking silly, so she didn't bother to take care of it.

What saddened her in the heart was to rescue Wu Jitian. Otherwise, she really did n’t know how the emperor, the prince and the queen would deal with Wu Jitian, but she knew well

Well, these people don't like Wu Jitian.

Seeing the emperor like this, Dong Ling knew that he wanted to release Wu Jitian, but because he was the emperor, she still had to respect him.

"..." The emperor was immediately angered by Dong Ling's remarks, but at this time he couldn't treat her, Wu Long could only put up with this tone in his heart.

Then the emperor turned and stopped looking at Dong Ling. He was afraid that he would look at her. He couldn't help thinking about his lessons. "Once it's done, I'm tired, let the six princesses take you to see you.

Him. "

"Father Emperor!" Wu Mengxuan suddenly felt unhappy when she heard this. She finally saw Wu Jitian and Dong Ling punished.

Now, because of things in this frontier, it is necessary to release these two people, and it is still so easy. She is very unconcerned, and for some reason, she is so gone, her heart

How could you be here.

This **** is like just going against her deliberately, and he is going to see that Dong Ling is punished, but things in this frontier come early or late, and come at this juncture.

The queen was also a little unwilling. When she came to the emperor, she wanted to persuade him to withdraw her thoughts. "The emperor, I'm afraid this is not good, after all, the five princes were beaten by the three princes.

Well, if this is how the three princes were put, what would the people below think! "

"I have decided to let them go, no need to talk any more." The emperor frowned slightly, staring at her daughter and queen, shutting them up, instead of being joke by Dong Ling.

Ha ha

When Dong Ling heard what the Queen and Wu Mengxuan said, she had to wonder if there were only paste in the brains of people other than Wu Jitian in this palace? It feels sticky at the touch, nothing


He thought of Wu Long, but did not expect that the queen's mind was as simple as Wu Jiming, and Dong Ling looked at the queen and laughed lightly.

Also, with such a mother, where can Wu Jiming's IQ be higher?

"The emperor, the court lady wants you to take the court lady to the three princes. After all, the six princesses are afraid that they do not want to see the three princes.

Jiang's affairs dragged on, and then ... "Dong Ling didn't make it clear.

Her meaning is very simple, that is, she would not let Wu Mengxuan take her. She was afraid that the six princesses would be dissatisfied with her, and she would not let her go to see Wu Jitian.

Frontier things.

When the emperor heard this, he naturally understood what Dong Ling meant. In fact, he could have the guard or **** around him take Dong Ling to Wu Jitian, but he still made a bad decision.

Go to Dong Ling in person to meet Wu Jitian, "Okay, take you there."

The emperor threw his sleeves away, unhappy, and took Dong Ling to the dungeon. When the guards came to see the emperor, they all kneeled down and asked.

Soon Dong Ling came to the dungeon holding Wu Jitian, "Three Princes!" Dong Ling shouted.

Wu Jitian, who was sleeping briefly, heard this voice, and opened his eyes with some disbelief. He saw that Dong Ling was now in front of him, and was in front of himself.

Behind her, she followed the emperor, the empress and Wu Mengxuan.

Wu Jitian said incredulously, "Dong Ling?"

Dong Ling ran quickly to the door of the dungeon, and said sharply to the guard holding the key, "Not yet open the door?"

The guard was stunned by Dong Ling. He looked timidly at the empress behind Dong Ling, and saw the emperor nodded gently at him before he hurriedly took out the key.

He nodded and bowed to Dong Ling, "Yes, yes, this is the door."

As soon as the door of the dungeon opened, Dong Ling couldn't wait to rush inside, "Extreme!"

She hugged Wu Jitian at once, and the two just happened to hug each other. This scene happened in front of the emperor's eyes, and the expression on the emperor's face was not very good.

Did Dong Ling not consider himself an emperor?

The queen and Wu Mengxuan became even more obvious. The queen suddenly rebuked, "Dong Ling! How can your girl make such a move, and is there no shame?

. "

The words of the queen had just landed, and Wu Jitian realized that the emperor was also there now. This was not good for Dong Ling, so he relented and let go of Dong Ling.

The two reluctantly left each other's embrace.

"Children see the father and queen." After Wu Jitian let go of Dong Ling, he still respectfully wanted the emperor to salute.

When the emperor saw the three sons kneeling in front of him, he had mixed feelings. In fact, he didn't want Dong Ling to go too close to his son because he didn't like to be born.

Here comes Wu Jitian with evil spirits.

But he didn't show his disgust with Wu Jitian. After all, the frontier still needs him, "Oh, my God, the frontier came to report that there was a rogue, and I sent you to solve it.

Resolving this matter is to compensate for what you have done before. "

"Thank you for giving thanks to your father and emperor." Wu Jitian sneered, expressing his gratitude to the emperor respectfully.

When Dong Ling heard the words of the emperor, he couldn't help sneering. He obviously didn't want to send those good sons in his heart, so he sent a person who didn't feel bad.

Send to death.

This emperor is really sounding!

"Well, let's go immediately after you go out!" Said the Emperor with a smile on his face.

Wu Jitian then stood up and looked at Dong Ling. Afterwards, he was so sweet that he agreed to the emperor's request, "Yes, the sons and daughters understand."

This scene happened to be in the eyes of the emperor, and suddenly he was angry, so he said angrily, "You are not young anymore! See you do n’t have a wife now, this

After you return from the frontier, you will find the three queens for you. "

When the queen heard what the emperor said, she immediately understood what it was, and echoed, "Yeah, the emperor said that Tianer is also the oldest, and I don't know if there is anyone in her heart.

Children may wish to listen to the mother-in-law and let the mother-in-law look for the three queens for you. "

When Dong Ling heard the emperor and the queen sing one at a time, an unknown fire broke out in their hearts.

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