Here Dong Feixue returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion with full of expectation, and got Mrs. Dong and Lin Langtian and Lin Langyu to talk about the plan told to the six princesses in the tea house.

I heard them.

In addition, Dong Ling sang a few words in front of the emperor. After Lin Langtian knew it immediately, he was sent out by anxiety, and the things Dong Ling and Wu Jitian took care of were everywhere.

It spread in the capital.

For a while, the capital was full of things about Dong Junzhu and the three princes.

Above the chapel, Wu Long was sitting on a dragon chair, looking at his own Ai Qing below, thinking of the princely concubine for the third prince, so he said, "Zhong Ai Qing already knows that he wants to come

, I'm going to do things for the three princes. "

The emperor's words had just come to an end, and the ministers below didn't look well at all.

"There are people who can recommend him!" Said the Emperor again.

The following ministers didn't dare to say anything when they heard these words. The emperor was suddenly anxious at this scene. Although he didn't love the three princes, he was also a prince.


As usual, when he said this, no one was in a hurry to talk.

Now this scene makes him quite angry and strange.

Wu Long waved his hand and stood up from the dragon chair, watching the score below, and said, "Wang Shangshu, I heard that there is a woman in your family who is taking you out of the cabinet. Why not?"

"The emperor fears that the emperor has kindness, but the little girl is only 13 years old. Both the minister and the wife are still reluctant. In addition, the three princes are so good that they may not be worthy of the three emperors.

Son! When the named Wang Shangshu heard the emperor named himself, he knelt down and interceded.

At this moment he looked down in horror and did not dare to look at the emperor.

The three princes are not good when they say good, and not bad when they say bad, just this reputation ...

As soon as Wang Shangshu thought of what was circulating in Beijing, he kept telling himself that he couldn't let his daughter jump into this fire pit, and he couldn't provoke Dong Jun

Oh God.

What to do if he is unhappy with his operation!

These three princes were originally mixed, but the Dong Junzhu was a mixed person than him!

So he would rather offend the emperor than offend the two demons.

The emperor didn't know about the news in the capital. He was not very happy to see the minister he was satisfied with, but looking at the minister was not sincere to himself.

Responsibility, "Okay, yeah, but just ask and ask, you don't have to do this, get up."

"Thank you, Emperor." Wang Shangshu saw the emperor let loose, and the stone hanging tightly in his heart fell down. He got up quickly and stood back to his seat.

It was just because of the emperor's name that all the ministers in the chapel who still had their maids out of the court suddenly felt trembled in their hearts, and they lowered their heads, trying to put their bodies

Buried so that the emperor could not see himself.

Ministers prayed in their hearts, and the emperor must not name himself.

But in spite of their unheard prayers, the emperor followed them up without seeing them intentionally, and re-named, "Li Aiqing, it is better to let your daughter


"The emperor is gracious!" Li Aiqing suddenly knelt on the ground and shouted.

"Why are you doing this? But for any reason, you always talk and listen to it." The emperor was annoyed by this scene, didn't he just choose the princess for his son?

How could these people still tremble, how terrible his son was.

He didn't want too much. They were all nieces. Could he match his son with a niece?

Wu Longqi slammed his sleeves back to the dragon chair and sat down, watching the person kneeling below, waiting for him to say one or two or three. If he was not satisfied, he really doubted these ministers Ai Qing

Are we asking him to do something?

He had to seriously doubt whether this group looked down on the royal family?

"The emperor, Chen's daughter is only 13 or 14 years old. Chen ... Mrs. Chen's wife can't bear it ..." Li Aiqing was frightened by Wu Long's move, neither was he

I want to reject this relationship.

Just just ...

In the end, the capital is rumored to be the third prince of Dong Jun, if he let his niece marry to the third prince's house, wouldn't he become a joke in the capital of Manchuria?

Besides, even if there is a niece suitable for anyone, Li Aiqing thought that the people would not be willing to let their niece marry the third prince's house. After all, it was related to Dong Junzhu.


This is because the reputation of the three princes is not good, and the second one is the prince of Dong Jun, which is not easy to provoke. If Dong Lingzhen and the three princes have the same thing, he is not a laughingstock in Beijing


Wu Long sat on the dragon chair and listened to his words, and immediately became impatient. "Okay, okay, I understand!"

He had some headaches, and then named several ministers' daughters in succession. It seemed to be worthy of the three princes, and this was a royal marriage, which made Wu Long angry.

However, these ministers turned down for various reasons.

Although the emperor knew that these people's reasons were not valid, he could not force them to agree to the family affairs.

"Low tide." Wu Long waved his hand with a blue complexion to make it ebb, and he was a little unhappy.

Returning to the Royal Study Room, the emperor looked at the items on the desk case and was so annoyed that he pushed them all to the ground.

"The emperor is angered!" The **** who came to wait beside him knelt.

"Come here, give me a good look. What the **** is going on." The emperor frowned and ordered the people below.

"Yes," the guard stood up to investigate the matter.

The guards soon reported the rumors of Wu Jitian and Dong Linggou in the capital to the emperor's ears, which made Wu Long angry, and even sent someone to check the rumor.

Who passed it.

Outside the main gate of the county, several wives took rotten vegetables and yelled at Dong Ling's shame in front of the main gate of the county, and smashed the gate of the main gate of the county.

Annoyed that Ling made the whole group go to the county main government for questioning.

"You are so brave, do you know where it is? How dare you be here!" Dong Ling stared sharply at the following women.

When some of the women saw Dong Ling, they were not afraid but they were mad, and the leading wife spit on Dong Ling, "Ah, aren't you the county master? Really do n’t want to face the man

People stayed in the capital with a look. "


Mingzhu gave the wife a slap without saying anything. She was extremely cold all over her body, staring at the wife below with a murderous look, threatening in a very cold tone, "said, who

Send you to the front of the county's main house, and also speak out. "

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