The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 21 Chapter 21 Xiang Bo was speechless, but things turned out like...

Xiang Bo was speechless, and until now, Xiang Yu had not expected to get a calm answer, so he sighed dejectedly and ordered the soldiers to press down and imprison Xiang Bo and his party.

To Zhang Liang's surprise, Xiang Yu didn't get angry because of his uncle's betrayal and kill everyone present. He didn't even ask about him, who could be called the 'culprit'.

They were all put into prison without distinction. The only difference was that they were guarded by heavy troops and the powerful general Zhongli Mei.

After Xiang Bo and others were all imprisoned, Fan Zeng felt so proud and proud that he couldn't help but eat two more bowls of lunch, and immediately led people to conduct a thorough investigation of Xiang Bo's house under Xiang Yu's personal order.

This was not clear until the investigation was carried out. Once the investigation was carried out, even Fan Zeng, who had been mentally prepared for it, couldn't help being shocked and furious.

The few pearls they saw that day that Bo Xiang bribed the jailers were just a drop in the ocean of Xiang Bo's private treasures - because Xiang Bo never thought that one day he would completely lose power, lose all dignity, and have his residence open to inspection. , so the income was not deliberately concealed.

Fan Zeng only roughly turned over it and found out a total of four thousand taels of gold and thirty liters of pearls.

Although Xiang Bo was still a little guilty and burned the correspondence documents after reading them, these physical evidences alone made his crime of collaborating with the enemy completely conclusive.

——After all, these heavy gold treasures are all engraved with the official seal of the former Qin Palace Treasure House.

After Xiang Yu took over the Qin Palace, he also sent people to check the dazzling collections in the library according to the list Liu Bang had made before, but there had never been such a huge shortage.

Since Xiang Bo was not using his power for personal gain and stealing items from the treasure house, they were naturally gifts from Liu Bang.

Thinking of this, Fan Zeng suddenly shuddered.

He didn't dare to think carefully about what kind of important military information Xiang Bo had betrayed by the Chu camp, so that he could get such a valuable treasure as a reward!

Before this, although Fan Zeng hated Xiang Bo, he had always acted upright. After seeing that the other party was reduced to a prisoner by one move, he felt it was enough and had no intention of adding insult to injury, which would inevitably lead to Xiang Bo's death.

But after casually finding such a large amount of money, he was so disgusted with Xiang Bo who was doing things that betrayed the Lord in private and still had a high-sounding face that he hated him to death.

Fan Qiang suppressed his anger and collected all the evidence of Xiang Bo's collusion with the enemy. He rushed to the main hall where Xiang Yu was and presented everything he got.

Xiang Yu was the only one in the palace, and all his followers and maids were excluded by him.

Fan Zeng entered alone and left what he had obtained in Uncle Xiang's room. He clearly felt the aura of decadence lingering around Xiang Yu. He opened his mouth but did not dare to say anything.

Xiang Yu sat silently, his eyes falling on the golden pearl for a long time, then Fang said calmly: "I already know this, so please step back."

Fan Zeng was granted amnesty and hurriedly resigned.

At this point, he no longer needs to worry about whether Xiang Bo will turn around and regain trust from Xiang Yu.

Fan Zeng touched his chest, where his heart was beating violently, and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, not recalling the suffocating depression he felt in the palace just now.

Xiang Bo was caught in the act by Xiang Yu himself in full view of the public.

If Xiang Yu really wanted to protect his own interests, he would have killed everyone present to silence him, so that no one else would know about the matter and it would just go away.

However, since Xiang Yu chose him, who had always been at odds with Xiang Bo, to investigate the matter, his attitude was self-evident.

Thinking about this, Fan Zeng felt sad but also a little happy.

Fortunately, Xiang Yu did not lose his mind and did not blindly protect his younger uncle who made the big mistake of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the enemy.

After all, paper under the sky can't cover up the fire, let alone in the King of Chu's tent where wise men gather - if his subordinates and generals guess the truth and know that King Xiang is so closely related by blood that they can't tell the difference between right and wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

That will inevitably lose the loyalty of his subordinates, and truly end the path of surrender for the heroes of the world.

Fan Zeng walked a few steps absentmindedly, then suddenly paused, feeling slightly shuddered.

I wonder if King Xiang’s reaction was all part of the clever calculation of Lu Fengxian, who was in charge of this matter?

He has the courage to fight in hand-to-hand combat, clashing swords, and kill all sides with one man as powerful as a hundred; he also possesses the ingenuity to be able to kill people without any hesitation, and to use tactics to kill people invisible.

After that day, they suddenly realized that Lu Bu, who had superb swordsmanship and divine power, actually had a shooting ability that was not inferior to Yang Youji.

Fan Zeng was so engrossed in his thoughts that before he knew it, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

This man possesses thousands of skills but does not reveal them. He is so unfathomable, yet he is willing to stay under King Xiang's command. He also knows King Xiang's thoughts very well, and his decisions seem to be random, but they are all full of sophisticated calculations...

Who is this Lu Bu and Lu Fengxian?

I really don’t know whether it is true or not that he hated Liu Bang so much that he had to take his head.

If it is false, what is his intention?

If it is true, how did Liu Bang offend such a rare genius in the world to death?

No matter what, they treated it carefully, lest one accidentally touch its reverse scale and inexplicably add an unpredictable and powerful enemy that they still don't know.

At this moment, Lu Bu never dreamed that just because he wanted to vent his anger to find fault with Xiang Bo, he would actually arouse many speculations from his father, Fan Zeng.

The reason why he was able to accurately find Xiang Bo was 50% coincidence and 50% certainty.

Because of Wei Xu's rebellion, the one person he despised the most was Xiang Bo, a traitor with a fierce temperament and a greedy nature. Whenever he wanted to vent his anger, he went to him.

As soon as he was contacted about Xiang Bo's absence from the court meeting, he naturally

He thought of Zhang Liang's piece of bait that he hadn't seen for several days, and ran to the prison first.

When he saw that the prison was full of guards who had been killed with one knife, Zhang Liang's cell was empty. How could he not guess which stupid fish had bitten the bait?

Except for the stupid and vicious Uncle Xiang, there is really no one else in this huge Chu camp who has the courage and support to carry out such a simple and crude prisoner robbery.

Lu Bu doesn't understand Xiang Bo, just like he never understands Wei Xu.

To say that they are stupid, they know that even if they betray, they will not necessarily be punished with death, so they are so confident.

To say that they are not stupid, then whether it is Xiang Bo, who is highly valued by Xiang Yu, or Wei Xu, who is favorably treated by him, this is how they treat their promotions?

If Uncle Xiang were not named Xiang and were not Xiang Yu's uncle, with his mediocre talent, he might not be able to sit in Zuo Yin's position for several lifetimes.

The same is true for Wei Xu. If he hadn't been his wife's uncle, how could he have been such a bear on the battlefield?

Every time Lu Bu thought about Wei Xu colluding with others to betray him, stealing his weapons, and tying him up like a pig or dog with a humiliating and disgusting face...

Even after reviving his life, he was still upset.

It's a pity that he died early and didn't get to see the fate of that son-of-a-bitch turtle grandson.

"What a blind thief!"

The stars were twinkling in the night sky, and Lu Bu, who was sitting on the eaves of a palace without permission, could not hold back and shouted angrily at the night sky, startling the guards in the distance.

However, his reputation as a murderer and poisoner gradually spread far and wide, and was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After seeing that the person who screamed for no reason was Lu Bu, the guards became even more frightened and quickly looked away.

Lu Bu, who was still cursing, had no idea that the more the Chu soldiers understood his abilities and temper, the more they respected and feared him.

"Dear brother, are you troubled?"

There was a sudden sound from behind. Lu Bu turned his head, suppressed the strong anger that had suddenly surged out, and grinned: "Brother Han is here too? Sit down quickly!"

As soon as he was erect, he changed from a lazy lying posture to an upright sitting posture. He also used the coat that was used to pad his buttocks to pat the gilded tiles next to him so that Han Xin could sit down.

Han Xin also sat down generously and handed over what he was holding: "A gift from my father."

It is indeed a ‘gift’, not a ‘gift’.

Although they didn't know that Lu Bu had cunningly rejected the appointment of Zuo Sima in the central army, everyone knew that Xiang Bo was captured today. Lu Bu, who had uncovered a traitor that no one else dared to think of, was destined to be It will be recorded as a great achievement again.

And after seeing Lu Bu's endless abilities, no one dared to treat him as an ordinary halberd wielder.

Only Han Xin treated him as before. Seeing that Lu Bu was really happy to accept it, he tore the seal on the spot and took a deep sniff of the long-lost aroma of wine coming out of the jar. His usually cold face could not help but reveal. Give out a smile.

"This wine is not bad. Come on, Brother Han invites you first."

Unexpectedly, after Lu Bu smelled the wine, although there was a look of satisfaction on his face, he did not drink it in a hurry, but handed it back to Han Xin first.

Han Xin felt slightly warm and did not refuse. He took the wine jar, lifted it up, poured it into his mouth neatly, and took a few sips of it, just like the others.

It's just that he has never been fond of wine and meat, and he was not used to doing it now, so he choked on the spot.

While he was coughing in embarrassment, he handed the wine jar to Lu Bu, who had a strange look on his face and had to give him a pat on the back. He laughed and said: "Brother Yu is not good at drinking from this jar... but he screamed My dear brother is laughing."

Lu Blanc laughed, took the wine jar neatly, and took a few sips immediately.

When he made the same movement, it seemed smooth and pleasing to the eye, and not a drop of it leaked out. It was unlike Han Xin who looked cool but was actually clumsy, getting a large piece of the clothes on his chest wet.

He slowly swallowed the drinkable wine, looked at Han Xin, and comforted him without much care: "Brother Han is careful and self-possessed, and is not greedy for things that can cause trouble. I will only admire you, so how can I laugh at it?" ?”

Han Xin shook his head and did not say anything else about this topic. Instead, he joked: "Brother Guan Xian is straightforward. Brother Yu was worried that you would repeat your old tricks, so he killed Xiang Bo first."

Lu Bu shook his head and said matter-of-factly: "One is Xiang, and the other is Liu's lackey. Although the former did worse things, as far as King Xiang is concerned, they are ultimately relatives and enemies. How can we generalize?"

The confidence and smoothness revealed in these words made Han Xin stunned for a moment and then smiled.

While Lu Bu was drinking, he secretly glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

For some reason, he always felt that Han Xin was not in high spirits tonight and was not in the right mood... He couldn't tell what was wrong specifically.

Just when Lu Bu was still thinking about his boring gourd brother Han, the guard who had not dared to approach him suddenly came forward and stood under the eaves of the roof openly occupied by Lu Bu. He raised his head and said bravely: "Mr. Lu, Xiang If the king calls me for something, please go to the main hall."


Lu Bu couldn't figure out Han Xin's thoughts for a while. The troublemaker had something to do with him again, so he had to put it aside for now.

He responded lazily, and after briefly saying hello to Han Xin, he turned over under the shocked eyes of the guards, and rolled down from the eaves, which was almost two people high, as nimble and dexterous as a cat.

After landing firmly, he waved to Han Xin, who was bathing in the faint moonlight and looking a little sad, before turning around and heading towards the main hall.

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