The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 36 Chapter 36 I saw a person and a horse coming from a distance...

From afar, they saw a man and a horse galloping towards them from a distance, with an evil aura all around them. Before the single horse could approach, the Chu soldiers stationed at the camp gate were already frightened in their hearts, and they lit more torches and stood ready.

Lu Bu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he rushed to the front of the camp in the blink of an eye.

He didn't even wait for the guards to ask questions, and already shouted: "The commander-in-chief of the Guanzhong Army, Lu Bu, is in charge of an urgent matter, so he won't let us go!"

Even though he was mentally clear that the stupid king would not send troops into the city to kill people in the middle of the night, the thought of how harmful this action would be to his grand plan still made Lu Bu very anxious.

Fan Zeng's soldiers galloped for two hours without stopping, but when Lu Bu, in a rage, urged the jade lion to gallop with all its strength, the journey was shortened by half, to just over an hour.

He didn't even have time to pay attention to the jade lion who was panting like an ox and sweating profusely, so he couldn't say anything nice to the guards blocking the road.

Thanks to his increasingly famous name, the guards were in awe of him and did not care about his bad tone.

They first made out the general outline of the person by the sound, and then used the firelight to see the general outline of the person. Apart from being surprised by the gorgeous attire that was completely different from the previous simplicity, they recognized it easily.

Even though he was wondering how he, as a general, could come alone at night, he still stepped aside immediately without saying a word.

He was full of murderous intent, and without saying a word, he rushed in through the path they had given up.

After charging straight for a short distance, he suddenly remembered that he didn't know the road yet, so he asked briefly and concisely where the king was before urging his horse forward again.

The remaining soldiers looked at the two long red feathers that were moving rapidly left and right, and were at a loss.

Lu Bu came with anger, and simply relied on his superb riding skills to gallop through the temporary main camp. In an instant, he was in front of the main tent.

Because he arrived so suddenly and made such a wild dash that he was so close, the guards guarding Xiang Yu's tent had not received a single word of notification, so they instinctively stopped him in surprise.

After seeing the appearance of the cavalry commander clearly, they didn't know for a moment whether they should be surprised by Lu Bu's eye-catching and unique attire or by his sudden arrival at this point.

After they were stunned for a moment, one of them came to his senses first and asked politely: "Why did General Lu arrive so suddenly?"

They are no strangers to General Lu, who is favored by the king and appears to be rough and direct, but is actually ruthless and scheming.

Especially when Duke Zhong came to report the results of Yan's battle a few days ago, even though the report was brief, it was not difficult to imagine from the rapid capture of Yan's land, the rapid collapse of the Yan army, and the few words describing the battle... It was revealed that General Lu took the lead and beheaded the enemy general alone, completely establishing the victory. His heroic appearance was unparalleled.

But how could General Lu find the main tent in the middle of the night and seem to want to rush in?

Lu Bu's face was as cold as ice and he said in a deep voice: "The military affairs are urgent, and Bu needs to meet with the king."

Upon hearing that the military affairs were urgent, several people were doubtful and immediately ordered one of them to be brave enough to go inside and inform the king who had just rested.

But Xiang Yu was already upset and exhausted from the march, so he lay down for a long time before falling into a light sleep.

Suddenly awakened at this moment, he was in a very bad mood. Although he said nothing, his cold eyes still made the soldier who was beating in his heart shiver all over when he looked at him.

"Report to your Majesty," there was a tiger in front of him and a leopard in the back. He had no other choice but to face the gaze that pierced his back, leaned down and bowed, and said bravely: "General Lu has arrived suddenly. There is a way." It’s urgent.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the dangerous gaze on his head miraculously softened.

Xiang Yu was silent for a moment before digesting the information.


Unable to hide his surprise, he slowly turned over and sat up, asking in a hoarse voice.

Because of his handsome face and those magical double eyes, he was born to look cold and unapproachable. In addition, he had a burly figure that was difficult for ordinary people to reach. Even if he was simply sitting in bed clothes, he still looked full of majesty.

——Even the soldiers who had served him closely for many years were completely unable to see that the overlord, who had a deep look on his face at this time, was not completely awake at all.

He was sincerely relieved that the sharp gaze was gone, and quickly replied: "It's General Lu, waiting outside the tent. Your Majesty, would you like to..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Yu, who was rubbing his eyebrows to regain consciousness, said decisively: "Let Feng come in first."


The interruption only made his heartstrings looser. Without any delay, he secretly said that this was indeed the case, and then turned around and left the tent.

Lu Bu had handed over Fang Tian's painted halberd, but he was left defenseless and simply stood with his arms folded.

His eyebrows were furrowed, the corners of his pursed lips were slightly downward, and his eyes were cold and stern, obviously he was impatient to wait.

After being released by the soldiers, his face was still as cold as ice. His brows were obviously not surprised. He just nodded casually, then opened the curtain and walked in casually.

Although Xiang Yu was still wearing snow-white bedclothes at this time, it was no longer as loose and messy as it was when he first got up. Although he didn't change his casual clothes on purpose, he subconsciously straightened out the wrinkles and wore a thin piece of clothing. coat.

There were only two lamps lit in the tent, and the lamps were soft and dim, reflecting on the tall figure. The long hair that was not tied into the crown was scattered, but it did not appear soft at all, but added a bit of coldness and solemnity.

Xiang Yu stared at the unwavering candlelight for a long time, until Lu Bu's footsteps came closer. He silently raised his eyes and looked indifferently: "Fengxian arrived suddenly, what's the important matter?"

Lu Bu had no idea that he could get this whole eight-character question from Xiang Yu, who always cherished words like gold. In most cases, he was treated with the word "said", which was rare in the world.

Xiang Yu asked a question, but he neither answered nor bowed. He just continued to walk towards Xiang Yu's main seat with an expressionless face.

Xiang Yu frowned in confusion.

His slightly questioning gaze fell on Lu Bu, who had a cold expression, but for some reason, he didn't say anything to stop him and continued to approach him, which was considered rude, nor did he raise his voice to call in the guards, nor did he touch the standing guard. The long sword behind him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and took advantage of the dim light to carefully look at Lu Bu, whom he had not seen for a long time.

It was precisely because Lu Bu was getting closer that he gradually saw clearly the other party's unique and fancy attire. Even though he had seen so much again, his eyes suddenly froze.

The doubts that had just emerged about Lu Bu's sudden change of attitude were immediately shaken away by the other party's elegant and gorgeous dress.

Especially the impressive pheasant comb that swayed with his steps caught Xiang Yu's attention in an instant.

...Why don't you wear the golden crown that was rewarded in the treasury of the Qin Palace, but wear this worthless and strange pheasant crown?

Xiang Yu had never had a general with such unique taste, and he was so shocked that his eyes were blank for a moment.

The next moment, I couldn't help but focus my eyes again and look again.

What he valued at first was undoubtedly Lu Bu's arrogant and courageous appearance when he entered the Qin Palace alone to kill an infant and used his head as a sign of surrender.

On the day of the Qin palace banquet, he witnessed with his own eyes the scene of Lu Bu fighting hundreds of people without falling behind, showing off his unparalleled martial arts skills. He couldn't help but feel that the other party was too selfish and less talented.

Later, due to his uncle's move to the capital, he also came to appreciate the other party's resourcefulness, loyalty and bravery more and more.

Until now, he was shocked to realize that Fengxian was not only outstanding in talent, but also a handsome and handsome man.

If others were wearing the same attire, they would definitely not be able to control it. They would not be as chic and calm as Fengxian. He would not be overwhelmed by the bright colors at all, but would be suppressed by his domineering aura, showing his handsome appearance.

Xiang Yu looked steadily at Lu Bu, who was approaching step by step. The shock in his eyes dissipated, and he gradually grew a bit of appreciation.

——Little did they know that at this time, Lu Bu's face was as cold as ten thousand years of ice, and his heart was boiling oil.

Lu Bu didn't know it, but the fool's expression was condensed and he was staring at him with scrutiny, purely observing his outfit.

It's just that he deliberately ignored the other party's inquiry and got closer to it step by step, which made people suspicious.

However, at this moment, Lu Bu was almost going crazy with this stupid king's stupid move. How could he fucking care about this?

When he was very close to Xiang Yu, only two steps away, Lu Bu suddenly stopped.

He pursed his thin lips tightly, squinted his eyes slightly, raised his chin slightly, and for a moment all his aura was released, looking down at Xiang Yu who was still sitting arrogantly and rudely.

His posture was arrogant, but he didn't know that because of his fair hair and no beard, in Xiang Yu's eyes, he only had... a bit of youthful arrogance.

If someone else had done such a rude act, Xiang Yu would not have allowed him to come near, and he would have become furious and wanted to personally kill the madman who had offended him.

But when it comes to Lu Bu, Xiang Yu is miraculously very tolerant and never angry.

He was unconsciously quite tolerant of his young lover, but now he was first shocked by his attire, and then his sudden change of attitude aroused some curiosity.

Therefore, facing Lu Bu's arrogant direct gaze, he only calmly raised his eyes and raised his head slightly in a rare move. Instead of standing in front of his lover and looking at him, he showed no trace of anger for the first time in his history.

Lu Bu is not as tall as this stupid king because of his tender skin. He is usually more distinguished from his masters and ministers, so he cannot be so presumptuous.

It's rare to be condescending and feel a little happy.

He stared closely at the pair of deep, unruffled eyes, and finally spoke through gritted teeth, but instead of answering, he asked: "I heard that your Majesty will kill prisoners and massacre the city tomorrow?"

This was indeed the case. Although Xiang Yu subconsciously guessed where he got the news about the sudden arrival of Feng Xian, he still replied without thinking: "Yes."


There was clear silence everywhere, but Lu Bu seemed to clearly hear that one of the strings he had been tightening suddenly broke.


Lu Bu laughed in anger.

He repeated it playfully, grinding his teeth and twitching his eyebrows slightly, but the anger in his tiger eyes became hotter and hotter, almost brighter than the candlelight in this tent.

His last bit of luck was completely shattered by the silly words of the stupid king in front of him, which were so lighthearted and completely justified.

He has a bad temper to begin with. In the past, he only tried to persuade others with good words and twists and turns, just for the sake of his own plan. He had to endure a lot of resentment.

As a result, this silly king, this silly king, this silly king——! ! !

When the anger in Lu Bu's heart couldn't stop rising and he was about to roar to the sky the next moment, the doubts in Xiang Yu's eyes became even deeper.

In his opinion, he was just confirming the other person's question, so why did he make people angry for no reason?

Xiang Yu was silent, but finally couldn't hold it back and asked, "I'm here in a hurry. What's your important business?"

Damn it, you still have the nerve to ask? !

Looking at this idiot king who had no clue but made him work so hard to wipe his butt all the way, Lu Bu couldn't bear it anymore and finally couldn't bear it anymore!

It is impossible to guard against fools, but it is hard to guard against fools. If this fool keeps doing bad things, and he tries to persuade them with good words and a smile, in the end it will be all in vain!

Lu Bu's eyebrows were beating wildly, and his face was burning with the rush of blood.

No matter that he was bare-handed at the moment, he didn't care that he was in the main tent of Chu camp, and he didn't care that the famous unparalleled overlord was in front of him!

when angry

The moment he reached the peak, all the strings of reason were broken.

Xiang Yu looked calm but actually sat confused, waiting for Lu Bu's answer.

As a result, before the answer came, Lu Bu roared angrily, lunged forward without saying hello, and forcefully threw him to the ground!

Lu Bu knew very well in his heart: This blind overlord has lost the support of the people and is destined to pick another unlucky river to kill himself. His revenge plan will also be in vain. He has been busy for several months... Who should I catch? They were all so angry that they fainted!

He has never been a patient person. After enduring it for so long, he can no longer bear it.

Thinking of doing nothing, Lu Bu's eyes were red, while he punched the useless overlord in a rebellious manner, and shouted in an even more rebellious manner: "My first priority is to fight with you, a fool." Got it!!!"

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