The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 39 Chapter 39 The place was shaken at midnight...

At midnight, there was a loud noise like a mountain shaking, but Fan Zeng, who was very close to the main tent, naturally did not hear it.

He was worried about Xiang Yu's plan to go his own way and massacre the city, and he also pinned his hopes on Lu Bu. Therefore, since his soldiers did not return, he kept waiting anxiously for news.

I tossed and turned all night, never really closing my eyes.

It looked like a heartless dragon, sleeping soundly, waiting for the light of day to attack the plain and massacre all the civilians as ordered.

In the dead of night, there was a sudden loud noise, which woke up almost half of the people in the camp. Naturally, some generals who did not know the situation hurriedly went to check.

They were all stopped by the soldiers who were waiting outside the tent dutifully, but the specific reasons were vague.

There were only General Lu and the King in the auditorium. Even though the questioners had countless guesses, neither of them dared to offend them, so they kept their questions to themselves and went home honestly.

Fan Zeng sent someone to inquire and was surprised to learn that Fengxian was so far-sighted and understood the king's behavior so well that he actually returned earlier than the soldiers he sent to deliver the order.

After the surprise, there was a sense of relief.

Although I don't know how Fengxian wants to persuade the king to change his mind...but in this large camp, only Fengxian, who has the favor of the king, can do this.

——Fan Zeng never dared to dream that there were brave men in the world who dared to pick up their fists and curse the fool's crude "martial advice" because the overlord refused to listen.

In the main tent, Xiang Yu asked the doctor to be brought in first to treat his and Fengxian's injuries.

Although the doctor was rudely awakened by the soldiers in his sleep, he was so frightened that he was sweating profusely when he heard that the overlord was summoning him. He dared not complain at all.

He didn't dare to delay for a moment. He picked up the wooden box and was led by someone to the main tent in fear.

Because his mind was not yet clear, he missed the secretive expression on the soldier's face.

When he first looked up after entering the tent, he was caught off guard and saw that the usually majestic King of Chu had several shocking bruises on his face, but he looked completely unaware of it. He was so shocked that he almost lost his mind. .

Oh my God!

How could the Overlord, who was still unharmed during the day, look like this with a bruised nose and a swollen face!

He didn't dare to look further, but the scene was deeply reflected in his mind, filling him with fear. He couldn't help but curse the soldiers who caused the disaster a thousand times.

Should he say it, or should he say it?

However, he was in the main tent, so he had no choice but to carefully treat the broken muscles and bones of the King of Chu who was lying indifferently, apply ointment to the bruises, and at the same time secretly glance at the curtain that was pulled down from the corner of his eye. But it was obvious that the bed he was lying on collapsed.

I don’t know who is lying on the couch, who can actually beat the brave and unparalleled King Chu Ba like this!

He was frightened and uneasy, but he couldn't control his random speculations.

Fortunately, Xiang Yu was deep in thought at this time and did not notice his uncontrollable trembling expression.

In addition, he was strong and healthy, and had used experience to avoid the vital points during the fight. It was not too difficult for the doctor to deal with it, and he did not take this minor injury seriously at all.

As soon as the doctor retreated, Xiang Yu came back to his senses, sat up, stretched his limbs a little, and felt that he was able to move freely, so he motioned with his eyes to the doctor to diagnose and treat his beloved general on the bed.

The doctor's face was full of struggle, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Drag what?

Xiang Yu frowned displeased and was about to give another order when the doctor reacted first.

Although he was anxious and uneasy, he was worried that if he concealed it and failed to report it, he would be beheaded and silenced later. So he gritted his teeth and reminded in a trembling voice: "The wound on the king's I need to apply 'medicine'?"

Are there any wounds on his face?

When Xiang Yu heard this, his brows could not help but tighten even more, and he subconsciously rubbed his face a few times.

Because the rough fingertips were neither light nor heavy, he rubbed them to the injured area, and a dull pain suddenly hit him.

"Wipe it off."

Xiang Yu said indifferently.

Although he attaches great importance to etiquette and respectability, it is mostly reflected in his dress, words and deeds, and he does not care much about his appearance.

——There is no clue in the account, and he has no way of knowing how eye-catching the scar is.

After receiving the order from the King of Chu himself, the huge stone on the doctor's chest fell to the ground. He did not dare to neglect it, restrained his hands from shaking, and applied the "medicine" carefully.

Xiang Yu let him apply the medicine, his expression was stern, but his eyes were empty, and his mind had already flown to nowhere.

After finally applying the "medicine", the doctor felt that he had walked away from the tip of the knife countless times. He stepped away respectfully and followed the order to treat the wound of the man lying on the couch.

Lu Bu was still sleeping soundly. Although he didn't know that a doctor was frighteningly treating his injuries, he was used to being cared for.

Feeling someone touching his body, itching and tingling, he frowned in dissatisfaction and grunted a few times. The doctor was so scared that he didn't dare to move, but he only slapped his mouth a few times and turned lazily inward.

The doctor couldn't recognize him. This was General Lu, whom the king valued most.

No matter how much he wanted to break his head, he still couldn't figure out why General Lu took the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, fought against the overlord, and ended up losing both sides.

What's more, I can't figure out how the other party managed to sleep on the king's couch unharmed after committing such a treacherous act.

How could he dare to ask questions?

He was worried and spent a lot of effort to finally treat the big and small injuries of the sleeping tiger one by one. Only then did he have time to wipe off the thin layer of sweat on his forehead, put down the curtain again, and went to The Overlord, who remained silent throughout, resigned.


Xiang Yu, who had regained his consciousness, raised his eyes coldly, said "hmm" lightly, and allowed him to step back.

Not long after the doctor escaped, Fan Zeng and Long Qie arrived one after another. After being informed by the soldiers, they went into the tent together.

Fan Zeng had hidden expectations and walked with wind, but Long Qie didn't know the inside story, looked confused and walked casually.

Although the two of them had their own thoughts, when they unpreparedly saw the former majestic and invincible King Chu Bawang with two bruises on his face that were more obvious after applying white ointment, They were all equally horrified and their eyes widened, and they stopped subconsciously.

Watching the two of them lose their composure for no apparent reason, Xiang Yu was confused, but he didn't think about the inconsequential injury on his face, and frowned: "Sit down."

He had changed into civilian clothes, and the injuries on his body were not visible at all, except that he could not hide his stained face.

Long Qie's mouth was still wide open, almost enough to fit an egg into it. It wasn't until Xiang Yu gave him a second warning glance that he looked away in panic and sat down with a cover-up expression on his face.

After Fan Zeng was frightened, he suddenly realized something. The first thought that came to his mind was concern for Fengxian's safety, and he was deeply touched.

——How could he have imagined that Fengxian would be so fierce that he would dare to risk his own life to carry out the military remonstrance in order to persuade King Xiang!

Xiang Yu was originally slow, but he also thought about important matters that needed to be discussed, so he changed his mind, so he didn't pay attention to the strange expressions of the two men.

Having made up his mind, he would not hesitate and said in an extremely calm tone: "After persuasion in advance, the massacre of the city and the extermination of the prisoners is indeed inappropriate. It harms the people's sentiments and undermines the righteousness. I invite you two here out of humility. Please give me some advice on the great plan."

The tone sounded calm and gentle, but it stirred up a storm in Fan Zeng's heart!

Even though he had expected it, when he actually heard that the always stubborn and stubborn king changed his mind overnight due to his first advice, he was still excited and excited.

If there is anyone who has such weight when advising the king, apart from Fengxian, the only one who has ever had such a weight is the former Xiang Bo.

However, Xiang Bo was so cruel that he used this ability to disappoint the king and wanted to harm the Chu camp.

It seems that Fengxian was dedicated to Chu, worked hard, and planned for the king all the time.

And because of the arrogance of the king, since he is willing to adopt Fengxian's advice, even if Fengxian makes such a bold move, his life should be safe.

Long Qie was confused when he heard this - why did it change again?

However, he was not a bandit from the Tingbu Na River, and was used to killing people. Although his nature was warlike and greedy for merit, he could not be said to be fond of killing civilians.

Apart from being surprised, I didn't really care much.

After all, he had followed Xiang Yu for many years, and he was almost accustomed to the emperor's frequent changes of orders and sudden changes of mind.

Long Qie secretly yawned.

——Anyway, he just keeps his head down and listens to orders. Don't ask him to make suggestions.

It was also thanks to the fact that everyone in the Chu army regarded the unparalleled domineering King Xiang as a god and remained loyal to him.

Even though King Xiang was moody and often changed the war plan, they just obeyed silently and never had any objections.

Seeing that Xiang Yu was willing to change his mind and ask for advice personally, there was no reason for Fan Zeng to be disloyal in offering advice.

The more Xiang Yu asked questions with an open mind, the more Fan Zeng gave him.

When he heard Lü Bu's advice from the king, he realized that Lü Bu's actions seemed to be rough and haphazard, but in fact he was as careful as his hair and had a far-sighted vision. He was actually a rare and loyal wise general.

Long Qie listened drowsily beside him, and thought for a long time that since there was no war, there seemed to be no need for him to send lobbyists or appease the people.

He simply used the excuse of being hungry and applied oil on his soles.

As soon as Long Qie's front legs moved away, Lu Bu woke up with his rear legs.

His consciousness was hazy, but he was extremely annoyed by Fan Zeng's chattering like a chen's public platform coming from his ears.

As a result, the sweet dream that he was originally doing, 'stepping on rats, hacking off big-eared rats, and making the snake-lance-ring-eyed thief scream angrily and make him laugh out loud' suddenly changed to a daring one. The guy in Chen Gongtai grabbed his neck and yelled, and couldn't help but "force" him to come up with strange nightmares.

This Chen Gongtai really doesn't know what's good and what's good, and he's getting more and more arrogant. Do you really think that he doesn't dare to beat him because he's afraid of hurting him?

Lu Bu snorted in annoyance and opened his eyes fiercely.

His mind was not yet clear, and he suddenly thought that he was in the tent of the trapped camp. Just as he was about to sit up quickly, he suddenly pulled the injury on his body with great force, and he let out an "ouch" in pain on the spot!

Xiang Yu looked at him expressionlessly and frowned slightly.

Fan Zeng, who had no idea before that there was someone lying behind the curtain, was shocked on the spot.

When Lu Bu calmed down, his face twitched with pain, and he opened the curtains at an extremely slow speed and got into bed, he suddenly met Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng, who were formally dressed to discuss business.

For some reason, he always felt that the face of Old Fan with snow-white hair and beard seemed to have an inexplicable touch of... scalp-numbing kindness?

Lu Bu just suspected that he was dazzled, but Fan Zeng stood up with a grace that belied his age.

Although Fan Zeng is old, he is by no means dim-sighted.

On the contrary, he seemed to have sharp eyes, and he could clearly see the white cloth wrapped in Lu Bu's body and the overlord's bedding clothes at a glance.

Then contact him to calmly lie down on the Overlord's couch... In the midst of lightning and flint, he had roughly described the scene of last night's military admonishment in his mind.

Now that he has no problem, he feels at ease.

In his mind, Fan Zeng evaluated Lu Bu's martial arts as being as powerful as the Overlord, but he didn't show it on his face.

, just smiled slightly, said to arrange the affairs first, and then slowly withdrew.

Lu Bu, who had just woken up from his sleep in the tent, and Xiang Yu, who had a serious look on his face, stared at each other for a while. Finally, Xiang Yu spoke first and said a seemingly meaningless sentence: "The food for the morning is ready."

Lu Bu hesitated for a moment and then said slowly: "Then... let's eat first?"

Xiang Yu nodded reservedly.

The two of them were silent and concentrated on finishing their breakfast. Xiang Yu suddenly said: "This is a great contribution to the ancestors and deserves a heavy reward."

Lu Bu's neck stiffened, and he didn't even bother to wipe the grease from the corners of his mouth. He raised his head in disbelief, as if he was looking at an unprecedented fool.

He had to suspect that this stupid king who was calmly holding on with a colorful face might have been stunned by the old punch he had received earlier.

If a general dared to punch him, he wouldn't care why he was loyal. Just because his handsome face was beaten into such an ugly shape...

If he didn't reward the opponent with a military stick, it would be regarded as a crime.

How could he be so stupid - being so generous as to make him a king?

Because of the ups and downs of the night and the rare fighting, Xiang Yu accidentally forgot the word "idiot", but he didn't know that his beloved general seemed to be flattered, but he had such treacherous slander.

He looked at Fengxian intently, and said in a rare and pleasant manner: "When the war is over, would Fengxian be willing to go to the King of Yan?"

In Xiang Yu's view, Feng first killed Ziying, then beheaded four Han generals, then killed Xiong Xin, then eliminated the traitor, and then quickly pacified the rebel king of Yan, and then prevented him from committing another big mistake of massacre... ...With such great achievements, he should have been crowned king long ago.

Since Fengxian personally put down the "chaos" in Yan, it was only natural that he should go to Wangzhi.

And because of Fengxian's wisdom and plan, he was both brave and brave. Even though he was not from Yan, he still had ways to win over the Yan people.

Xiang Yu made this arrangement and thought it was a good idea. Unexpectedly, Lu Bu, who had just taken a breath, opened his eyes wide as if he had seen a ghost. He actually didn't appreciate it at all!

Lu Bu had just finished his meal, and before he had time to rest for a while, he was unexpectedly hit by the idiot king again.

If he hadn't been injured, he would have jumped up on the spot, but his reaction was fierce enough: "This must not be done!!!"

How can he say that this reckless man must not pick the good fruit that dominates the world, but must cut it into small pieces and scatter them one by one? !

If King Mang is really determined not to take over the world, then he will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse before he can lead his troops to conquer the corners of Bashu? !

His head was so angry that it hurt, and Lu Bu felt the pain all over his body. His face twisted for a moment, and he bared his teeth.

When the pain passed, he lay down on the low table and sighed.

——When his injuries are healed, he will try to get back the tendons and calluses from his previous life. Then he will definitely find a loophole and knock this stupid king who relies on brute force to the ground again, beating him until he cries for mercy. No!

Lu Bu reacted violently, and Xiang Yu was puzzled.

All the men in the world fight bravely, hoping to be promoted to a higher position and become a king in one fell swoop.

Only Fengxian was willing to die and remonstrate to stop him from making a mistake, and he was willing to travel thousands of miles to conquer the country of Chu. However, when faced with the throne that he personally bestowed, he refused to accept it.

Xiang Yu quietly stared at Fengxian who was downcast for some reason, with countless confusions lingering in his chest, but his eyes... were soft and unknowingly.

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