The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 63 Chapter 63 Xiang Yushen made a move and called Lu Buyin...

Xiang Yu's frank and frank move made Lu Bu feel vaguely guilty of being a thief.

After the brief talk that day, he felt quite uneasy and accidentally threw his future plans out of the sky and continued to make plans on his own.

Lu Bu had a serious face and his eyes were empty.

No one knew what a fierce battle between heaven and man was going on in his mind at this time.

I am the dignified Marquis Lu Wen who once became famous all over the world and frightened the enemy. He is also in charge of the center together with Wang Yun!

Now he was reliving his old dream of being a subordinate, and it was even more exhausting than when he worked for Dong Zhuo.

At least for a while, he only had to stand around, scare the assassins, and occasionally talk to Fat Thief Dong.

It's not like today, when you have to be on guard against fools all the time, and you have to make plans yourself, which makes you exhausted both physically and mentally!

Now that Chu Ying is in charge of power, what's the big deal?

Lu Bu crossed his legs, shook them, and snorted disdainfully.

Following the plan that I have worked so hard for him, that idiot will no longer be reduced to the miserable situation of having no choice but to commit suicide in Wujiang River. I am afraid that he will also be able to take advantage of the unification of the world.

After counting these few things, he is indeed the number one contributor, but anyone who knows good and bad will know that he should be enshrined like an ancestor!

Thinking of this, Lu Bu felt secretly proud at first, but also a little bit sourly jealous, which he couldn't help but quench.

Alas, why didn’t I have this kind of person and good luck back then?

He couldn't help but feel sad: Otherwise, with his quick thinking, he wouldn't be able to show off his power as a traitor like Big Er Liu and Cao Cao!

What's more, when the day comes when that idiot becomes emperor and needs to be rewarded based on his merits, he, who has done the most great work, just runs away and saves the idiot king countless titles, gold and silver rewards!

As Xiang Hanzi is a slightly more knowledgeable person, I'm afraid it's not too late to appreciate his unrestrained and generous nature of retiring after his achievements and not being greedy for rewards.

How can it be said that it has anything to do with ‘rebellion’!

What's more, if you don't leave then, when will you wait?

If you really stay, won't you have to spend your whole life worrying about this idiot and working hard every day?

After thinking about it like this, Lu Bu was able to get rid of the inexplicable guilt that he had been struggling with for several days. He finally stopped tossing and falling, and was able to sleep smoothly with this sense of self-righteousness.

But this night, he frowned, tossed and turned, and had nightmares again and again.

For a while, I dreamed of the day when the fool ascended the throne, and I really left. As a result, the eight-foot man actually showed a terrifying look after getting furious;

For a while, I dreamed that the fool was furious when he found out that he had run away, and launched half a million Chu troops to search for him. After finding him, he was first whipped a hundred times, and then imprisoned in the palace, where he was forced to make suggestions all day long.

After a while, I dreamed that as soon as I left, the cheap man was angered by the fool and killed him with a knife. The fool also lost the support of the people for killing the hero. The son born to Liu Mozi came back with his old troops and ended up in Wujiang River and committed suicide;

For a while, I also dreamed that the cheap man and the idiot knew his intentions in advance and colluded to make him fail to escape. He was locked up in the house by Fan Zeng and forced to make plans...

The dream was bizarre and strange, and Lu Bu, who was trapped in it, sometimes bared his teeth, sometimes felt horrified, and sometimes gritted his teeth in anger.

When it was daylight, Lu Bu finally woke up after struggling all night.

Not only was he feeling sleepy, his eyes were red, and there was cyan under his eyelids, and even his fair face was blackened with anger.

He glared angrily at the innocent Long Yuan sword as if glaring at its original owner, gnashing his teeth.

——Damn it, how could this idiot be more haunted than Chen Gongtai and Gao Fuyi?

Although the two of them were nagging and difficult to deal with, they still knew how to take turns.

This fool was so unreasonable that he forced his whole night's dream to be occupied by Quan Ba ​​Dao!

What Lu Bu didn't know was that even if Xiang Yu hadn't been frightened by Xiang Yu's few words that day, he could have successfully gone north to Wei to find Han Xin, his cheap brother...

He is destined not to be able to join in the fun.

Let us also say that Han Xin ordered his lieutenants to go to harvest wood and buy tiles and poppies, while he stayed in Linjin and Tianjin and beat the drums with the sergeants every day, creating the illusion of a forced crossing and containing the main force of the Wei army. It only took three days to Everything is ready.

Only then did Han Xin give new instructions to the bewildered lieutenants - to make wooden poppies.

The construction method was written by him personally, but no one had heard of it: Use wood to clamp the poppy base, tie the surroundings with squares, tie them with ropes, and stagger them in this way to form a row.

Thousands of poppies are arranged in dozens of rows.

Because Han Xin had deep prestige in the army, even though everyone was suspicious, he was unambiguous in his execution. Just two days later, the strange-looking wooden poppy was completed as ordered.

That night, Han Xin ordered his deputy Feng Jing to stay at Linjin Ferry instead of him and continued to wave the flag and shout while he went to Xia Yang in the dark and ordered people to put the wood poppies into the water.

Only now did the generals know the true power of this strange wooden poppy!

Each boat can accommodate two or three sergeants. Once inside, the soldiers use their weapons as oars and paddle downwards. Miraculously, they are more stable than those ordinary hastily made boats.

Han Xin also went to Muya in person and crossed the river with the army. As soon as they reached the other side, they immediately reorganized their troops and advanced rapidly towards Anyi.

Wei Wang Bao and General Sun Jun, who were still stationed at the Linjin ferry, facing the Chu army from a distance, never expected that it was Xia Yang who they thought could not be crossed and asked Han Xin to tear it open with a strange wooden poppy, and became the Chu army's sharpshooter.

The breakthrough?

After several days of guarding, the other party's ugly appearance, which seemed to be powerful but unable to cross the river due to lack of boats, had already told them to relax and even make fun of it.

Uncle Zhou, the previously alarmist general, became the most teased target of Wei Bao and Sun Jun.

Uncle Zhou felt something was wrong when he saw that the Chu army remained stationary and only acted as if they were building ships in an orderly manner.

However, the king did not believe it, and Sun Jun repeatedly ridiculed him in order to flatter him.

After many times, Uncle Zhou became angry.

He has an upright temperament, but he is by no means a temperless one.

Why should he go to the trouble of humiliating himself when he shows his loyalty and courage but invites ridicule from mediocre masters and treacherous people?

It was the night when Han Xin broke out from Xia Yang. Uncle Zhou couldn't bear it. After getting angry, he abandoned the general and left under the cover of night without waiting for King Bao of Wei to send people to arrest him.

Wei Bao was annoyed when he learned that Uncle Zhou had escaped at night. He also felt that this person was disloyal, and it was a good thing that he had not taken any action before.

However, although the current battle situation is favorable to Wei, there are not many manpower available to pursue him, so he simply said "unlucky" and let him go.

Little did they know that Han Xin led 20,000 elite troops deep into the hinterland of Wei.

Because the main force of the Wei army was attracted by the pretense of Lin Jindu, the defense in the Xia Yang area was extremely weak. After Han Xin led the army to break in, they had an unimpeded journey until they reached Dongzhang, where they encountered the first wave of Wei defenders.

Facing this powerful Chu army that appeared out of nowhere, the defending Wei soldiers were frightened on the spot.

When Han Xin ordered his men to swarm forward, they were caught off guard. When the Wei general saw that the situation was not good, he abandoned his men and fled, and the rest of his troops were even more defeated.

Han Xin was not pleased with his victory in the first battle.

He knew that the opportunity was precious, so he took advantage of the victory and quickly approached Anyi while the main force of the Wei army did not know anything about their existence. Although Anyi guard general Wang Xiang did not abandon his army and flee like the previous general, but chose to go out of the city to fight, he completely underestimated the combat effectiveness of this Chu army. Within a few times, he was captured alive by Chu soldiers and dismounted.

Seeing that the general was captured, the Anyi defenders lost their fighting spirit and fled or surrendered. Han Xin took the opportunity to capture the city, briefly rewarded his men, and continued to march towards Pingyang, the capital of Wei.

When the news of the attack on Pingyang reached Linjindu, how dare Wei Bao believe his ears!

Although he knew that there were still more than 10,000 defenders in Wei's capital, they were far from vulnerable to attack by holding on to the city.

However, the rapid fall of Dongzhang and Anyi made him confused, and he could not figure out the exact number of Chu troops who had sneaked in under his eyes at some unknown time.

His family and treasures are all in Pingyang, the capital of the country, so nothing can go wrong!

Wei Bao originally lacked courage and resourcefulness. He was angry and frightened, and even lost his judgment.

He immediately decided to let Sun Kun continue to watch the Linjin Crossing, and he quickly led his troops back to Pingyang to aid.

In Wei Bao's imagination, the Pingyang defenders could still hold out for a while, and he led 60,000 Wei soldiers to return for reinforcements. If the Chu army was alone and attacked from both sides, the general's morale would collapse and it would be easily defeated.

Little did he know that Han Xin's attack from beginning to end was all about pretending to attack the capital of Wei, and was intended to be the plot of the King of Wei.

King Bao of Wei, who was eager to return home, led his army back. When they arrived in the Quyang area, they collided head-on with the Chu army led by Han Xin, and the two sides immediately fell into a battle.

After Wei Bao was initially frightened, he quickly realized that the Chu army that was deep into the hinterland was not as large as he imagined - no more than 20,000 people at most!

The army he leads is three times as large as the opponent's, and he is fighting on his own territory. It can be said that he has all the favorable locations and people, and he is sure to win.

How did Wei Bao know? It was precisely because the 20,000 Chu soldiers led by Han Xin knew that they were alone in the depths, with no help in all directions and no way out.

If you want to survive, you must fight to the death to kill the enemy.

The general Han Xin, who personally supervised the formation, provided them with the strongest backbone - under Han Xin's methodical command, the Chu army changed formations frequently like running water, leaving the Wei army in the formation dizzy and confused, and each of them behaved as if they were in the same position. Like wolves and tigers, they all burst out with extremely strong fighting power.

After only half a day of fighting between the two armies, the Wei army was defeated in embarrassment. Wei Bao desperately broke through to the Dongyuan area, but was still captured by Han Xin.

Han Xin won a great victory, so he called for the surrender of the Wei army, and threw King Bao of Wei into a chariot. After arriving at Pingyang, the capital of Wei, he used this as a threat and asked the defenders to surrender.

Seeing that the king had been captured, the guards, who were already afraid of the Chu army's majesty, had no intention of resisting and immediately opened the city to surrender, just to save their lives.

After Han Xin settled in Pingyang, he began to deal with the follow-up measures in an orderly manner: imprisoning all Wei Bao's family members, waiting for King Xiang's order; he also recruited and surrendered Wei generals Sun Jun, Uncle Zhou and others who were still on their way back; and then he held a banquet to reward the sergeants. At the same time, military discipline was strictly reiterated, and the people were not allowed to be disturbed, and additional people were sent to appease them. Finally, the available people were carefully selected from the prisoners of the Wei army, recruited into the army, and training was intensified.

He trained the 50,000 newly added Wei troops intensively, unwilling to slack off for a moment, because his next target was already aimed at the Yin Kingdom, which was occupied by Sima Xian on the east side.

The reason why he hasn't sent out troops yet is because there is no royal order yet, but because his wise brother, who has always been farsighted...may have a plan.

Han Xin was extremely keen. Although he did not know the specific circumstances of Chen Ping and others' mission, he still made a good guess.

He thought for a while and decisively sent military officials to report the military situation to the king. He hurriedly wrote another letter and sent it to his wise brother.

At this moment, deputy general Feng Jing suddenly came into the palace and reported something.

It turned out that among the many concubines of King Bao of Wei, there was one named Bo who was the most favored. She was fed, clothed and rewarded with silk ribbons, which was unparalleled to that of the main wife.

If we trace the reasons, we can see that

Not only because he is tall and graceful, but also because his appearance is particularly attractive.

But it was because an old woman named Xu, who was good at fortune-telling, once declared that Bo would "give birth to a dragon seed in the future and become the emperor."

Wei Bao is only a king, but he learns that he will have a son as an emperor in the future. How can he not be happy? I treat thin women with special eyes and show special favor.

"You actually said that?"

Han Xin frowned when he heard this.

He has always maintained a skeptical attitude towards the words of the physiognomist.

After all, sorcerers rarely have the ability to peer into heaven's secrets, and most of them are just mortal flesh and bones who pretend to be mystical. They can also be bribed with money and materials by eager concubines to talk nonsense.

But when it comes to the theory of the 'Emperor', whether it is true or false, he should not take it lightly to avoid getting into trouble.

He pondered for a moment and quickly made the most appropriate decision: "Send four officials to escort Bo Nu to the king, and then tell the reason."

As for whether to accept this theory and accept the pretty girl, it is up to King Xiang himself to decide.

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