The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 74 Chapter 74 Family? Lu Bu's eyes flashed...


Lu Bu looked confused when asked.

What family members?

Is it possible that Han Xin's cheap brother can also be considered a member of his family?

Xiang Yu remembered clearly, but he had completely forgotten all the nonsense he often said about "mother-in-law" a while ago in order to humiliate and provoke Xiang Bo.

Xiang Yu looked at the general with a confused look on his face, and was immediately stunned.

...Why is this?

When the two of them looked at each other, Lu Bu thought hard and thought about the few times he made such nonsense.

Xiang Yu's thoughts moved slightly, and he asked again as if nothing had happened: "If it is inconvenient for me to go in person, I can send someone to pick him up."

"No need to."

After understanding the reason, Lu Bu relaxed completely.

After hearing the words, he waved his hands and wrote lightly: "All of my family members are either dead or have escaped. There is no need to look for them."

He had just left Bingzhou, and when he first stepped into the imperial capital with red willows, green willows, and splendid flowers, he would be stunned with amazement at the dazzling array of treasures and beauties.

Death is like a lamp going out, all because of his friendship with those wives and concubines...

Lu Bu's mouth twitched slightly.

Instead of believing the lie that they would die for him, it would be better to believe that Gao Menghulu and Chen Nagnao would die together because of a moment of confusion!

Xiang Yu obviously didn't expect Lu Bu's answer.

One moment, he felt a little guilty for unintentionally poking his beloved's wound. The next moment, when he saw the other person's calm expression and forced a smile, his brows became more and more furrowed, making him feel even more distressed.

However, he was not good at words, and now he had thousands of thoughts rushing through him, and he didn't know how to speak.

Xiang Yu didn't speak, and Lu Bu was so happy that he didn't have to use his brain to make up lies to deal with it, and just closed his eyes to rest.

The two of them had their own thoughts, sitting and lying side by side on the grass, which seemed very harmonious.

It wasn't until the sky was bright and the sun was rising that Lu Bu was the first to wake up and say hello lazily to the stupid king who looked like a stone sculpture. He patted the grass clippings on his buttocks and went back to the tent to change clothes.

Xiang Yu was left deep in thought, and after a long while, he got up and returned to his account.

He thought about it for half a night and vaguely figured out some key points.

Why is it that Ai Jiang is open-minded and indifferent to wealth and fame, but hates Liu Bang so much that even after he is drunk, he still wants to behead him?

This blood feud must be related to Ai Jiang’s family members who have never been seen.

He was just guessing at first, but Ai Jiang's answer just now completely confirmed what he was thinking.

Xiang Yu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had already gone through the names of the cities that Liu Bang slaughtered in his mind.

However, although the general outline is available, the specific clues are still nowhere to be found.

Xiang Yu frowned, his eyes showing hesitation.

...that’s all.

Xiang Yu thought about it and decided to put it aside for now.

Lest one accidental mistake expose the scars in the hearts of your beloved generals.

And what he couldn't understand the most was why, except for the love and affection in his heart, which had been heavy for the first time when he first learned that his love was going to be in a tragic situation, he felt so inexplicably lighter.

Lu Bu didn't know that there was a big misunderstanding in that fool's heart. He was thinking wildly for half the night. Although he had not slept all night, he was still in good spirits.

When noon arrived, the army marched towards Xianyang, the capital of Chu, as Xiang Yu said, leaving only Zhongli Mei's army behind to continue to pacify the area occupied by Zhang Eryuan's allies.

Whenever Zhongli led tens of thousands of Chu soldiers to a place, he would first display his head and tell the people in the city to open their doors and surrender.

If they encountered those who resisted desperately and forced their way into the city, they would only eliminate the leading generals and spare the followers. For those who surrendered voluntarily, they would be treated courteously and rewarded as promised by King Xiang.

Every time a city was taken over, Chu officials were left to take charge of all affairs.

The Chu army had already marched to the ground. Facing the overlord Bubu who was willing to kill and was willing to be lenient and gentle to the people, the people of Qi were not as suspicious as when they first returned, but chose to obey happily.

After completely pacifying the remaining enemies of Qi and Zhao, Zhongli Mei was ordered to bury Zhang Er's head properly and set up a tomb. He also allowed his former minister Shen Yang and other early surrenderers to come to express condolences.

King Xiang behaved so reasonably and showed magnanimity and benevolence, which naturally attracted praises.

As for Zhao and Dai Wang Xie before the early surrender, the former Henan Wang Shenyang, the former Yin Wang Sima Yan, the former Han Wang Cheng and others were "escorted" by the armies led by Han Xin and Zhongli Mei respectively. At least they maintained the courtesy on the surface and entered the pass together. Waiting to be rewarded.

Lu Bu, who followed the army back to Xianyang in high spirits, suddenly found out one day that his cheap brother still held the military talisman that could command more than 200,000 soldiers and had not returned it, and his eyes couldn't help but darken.

This soldier immortal is so smart for a lifetime, yet so confused for a moment!

Lu Bu thought sadly and angrily that if Han Xin had the ambition to be independent, that would be fine, but he had no choice but to march and fight, and he had no other ambitions.

Shang Xiao, who really wants to rebel, is pretending, but Han Xin, a loyal person, is trying to get into trouble!

When Han Xin was still unconscious, he stumbled into the palace under the desperate urging of his wise brother Shi Wan, asked to see King Xiang, and took the initiative to return the military power.

Xiang Yu glanced at Han Xin, who was calm and composed, and nodded lightly.

After gathering all the military power, he, with the assistance of his Yafu Fan Zeng and other advisers, worked hard to arrange personnel, plan the county guards according to the former Qin territory map, and prepare to reward the meritorious generals...

Lu Bu knew very well that when this idiot was preparing to become emperor, he would be involved in a lot of matters.

That stupid king's brain is not very good to begin with, and he will delay it even more.

A while of effort.

In addition, when he thought about the day of Chu getting closer, his mood became more and more complicated for some reason... By some strange combination of circumstances, Lu Bu, who had always been impatient, miraculously used 100% of his patience to wait calmly for the day when the fool would become emperor.

Once the fool proclaims himself emperor, he can justifiably request Bashu, which is located in the mountains and mountains and is not much valued by the princes of the Central Plains, on the grounds of recovering the remaining territory.

What Lu Bu didn't expect was that he would wait for a whole month!

A month passed in a blink of an eye, and the sadness he rarely had about separation that even he was unwilling to admit had almost disappeared without a trace.

What made his head hurt even more was that the cheap man who ran away from home a year ago turned out to be a hard worker.

Even though he didn't have to go to the barracks to receive his duties, he still held on to the pile of dusty ancient books that no one wanted to touch except him.

Even while studying with enthusiasm, he enthusiastically compiled a recruit book based on his own experience in leading troops in war!

Lu Bu was horrified when he saw Han Xin, who was working hard and enjoying himself every day for the Han King.

His mother Xipi, I am really not the same person as this person who can become an immortal by fighting!

Lu Bu was careless, and after being caught by Han Xin and working for a few days, he no longer wanted to visit the house of this hard-working soldier.

However, he could not be called pure in his temporary residence - from time to time he would either be visited by Old Man Fan to ask for advice, or be harassed by Chen Huyan, whom he was not familiar with at all. People often engage in tactful confrontations with him.

It really offended him so much that he couldn't avoid it.

Such a situation really made Lu Bu's worries about separation gradually dissipate, and his days became like years.

And I really missed Liu Mozi who had been nesting in Bashu but seemed to be forgotten. I couldn't sit still that day, so I hurriedly climbed on the jade lion and entered the palace.

After he drove straight in, as soon as he broke into the palace, he looked at each other with everyone who had received the title of marquis and the post of county guard.

The expressions of the ministers were calm, and Lu Bu's face was stern.

At this moment, he realized it later: Xiang Hanzi had indeed frequently called him into the palace to discuss matters in the past few days, but he found it too troublesome, and his illness delayed the future...

And when he rushed into the palace, he looked so full of life, how could he look like he was ill?

Even though he was as thick-skinned as he was, his eyes couldn't help but wander at this moment, showing some guilt.

Xiang Yu's expression was always calm. After catching the embarrassment on his beloved general's face, he added without hesitation: "Fengxian is in poor health, but he is still concerned about state affairs and unwilling to rest. It is really valuable." .”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present could not help but be secretly shocked.

Who would have expected that the usually taciturn King Xiang would take the initiative to rescue his beloved general!

It can't even be called a rescue - anyone with a discerning eye can see that the king is clearly telling lies!

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lu Bu blinked, showing no signs of surprise, and refused without any pretense. Taking advantage of the fact that no one knew that his ears were burning, he sat down happily.

One person is thick-skinned and powerful, while the other person is willing to turn a blind eye or close one eye...

The king's thoughts are obvious, and the people present will not expose it wisely.

In addition to secretly marveling at the king's extreme favor towards his beloved general, his expression remained as usual and he continued to discuss matters.

As Lu Bu listened, his embarrassment gradually dissipated, and his rationality returned, suddenly making him feel that something was not quite right.

How come this discussion lasted for half a day, but there was no mention of the fool proclaiming himself emperor or the enthronement ceremony?

...could it be that Xiang Yu was foolish again, after going through so much trouble, he was still content to just be an overlord and coyly refused to proclaim himself emperor?

An ominous premonition suddenly came to Lu Bu's mind.

As soon as he frowned and fell into deep thought, he was noticed by Xiang Yu who glanced at him from time to time.

Xiang Yu's thoughts moved slightly, and he waited patiently for the person who was speaking to finish speaking, and then said decisively: "Do you have anything to say, Fengxian?"

As soon as the king said this, Lu Bu was filled with the eyes of everyone present.

He frowned even more and subconsciously wanted to deny it. However, when he raised his eyes and met the idiot's obviously concerned gaze, he immediately changed his words.

——That’s all.

Lu Bu's heart trembled, and while secretly cursing that this fool was really lucky, he made a complete decision at this moment to push Xiang Yu who was hesitant for some reason with all his strength.

Lest the long nights and many dreams spoil his plans.

In full view of everyone, Lu Bu's face turned cold. Hearing the words, he suddenly stood up, walked to the palace, and faced King Xiang directly.

He was born extremely tall, and with his murderous aura condensed from many years of fighting, as well as his own strong courage that always occupied the top, he was very eye-catching.

Everyone couldn't help but be startled. They didn't know that Lu Da Sima would be harmful to King Xiang, but they didn't know why they suddenly stood up.

Just as they were wondering, Lu Bu resolutely lifted up his robes, bowed his head, tapped his forehead to the ground, and knelt down to Xiang Yu who was sitting on the seat!

As soon as this move came out, everyone was shocked.

If someone else had given this great gift to King Xiang, no one would be surprised.

However, General Lu has a straightforward and arrogant temperament. He usually salutes the king but mostly just gives it away in a perfunctory manner.

King Xiang loved him very much and never cared about this. Over time, the entire Chu camp became accustomed to General Lu Ai, the only one who dared to be rude to the king.

Xiang Yu's eyes were full of shock, and he was completely confused as to why his beloved general, who never bowed his knee, was kneeling to him.

He subconsciously walked down the steps and

In full view of everyone, he leaned down and helped him with his own hands.

With his natural strength, even after using 50% of his strength, he was still unable to lift the person up, which shows the strength of Lu Bu's mind.

Xiang Yu was confused and said: "Fengxian?"

Lu Bu was determined to win over this idiot, and now he even risked the dignity he had always valued. How could he get up?

Not only did he never get up, he never even raised his head. He silently thought about this idiot's determination to repay him one last time before leaving because he treated him well. He said loudly and forcefully: "In the past, the Lord of Qin was cruel and unkind. Your Majesty obeyed God's will and led the troops. To punish him, he is the first to take credit; to bring peace to all the people, to pacify the world, his merits are great and virtuous, and everyone knows them; while my subordinates have little merit, but because of the king's generosity and kindness, they have been awarded many titles. I am so grateful that I can't help but contribute to the king's foundation day and night. loyalty."

He said this in one breath, and Fan Zeng, who was still at a loss at the side, suddenly lit up his eyes and his mood was agitated.

At this moment, he didn't know the purpose of Fengxian's unexpected gift!

Lu Bu once heard people say similar words to the fat thief Dong. He was not familiar with it, but he could also apply it in a similar way.

In addition, in his heart, compared to that bastard Dong Fatty who does all evil, the silly king is more than a hundred times better?

Lu Bu sighed silently.

Although this is not the first time I have been persuaded to come in, it is indeed the first time if I am willing to do so.

"Bu started from a subtle point, he was a reckless man who didn't understand the red tape, but he also knew that the supreme emperor should be occupied by the most sage since ancient times! If the king refuses to accept the title of emperor, what will happen if the people present have such trivial achievements? How dare you shamelessly accept the title of nobility!"

Lu Bu took a deep breath and said the last sentence in a deep and powerful voice - "Bu is willing to risk his own life to speak out. I hope that the king will show mercy to the people of the world and worship the emperor as soon as possible!"

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