The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 76 Chapter 76 No matter how Lu Bu has a headache, Xiang Yu...

No matter how hard Lu Bu had a headache, Xiang Yu's enthronement ceremony was still carried out in an orderly and rapid manner under the auspices of Dr. Shusun Tong.

King Xiang ordered him to be simple and tactful like his uncle Sun Tong, and he would not leave any extravagant gifts to seek embarrassment.

After ten days of work, the complete process was finally sorted out. As soon as it was submitted, King Xiang, who had personally reviewed it, waved his hand and started to delete it drastically.

Not only could the part involving the kneeling of the ministers be spared, but even the emperor's crown robes were worn. King Xiang also refused to order people to rush to make them.

As soon as this decision came out, it caused an uproar in the court.

Although the world has been settled for the first time, the emperor takes the lead and keeps everything simple, which is conducive to winning the hearts of the people... but it is too unethical to not even wear the imperial crown!

Facing the ministers who came to persuade him, Xiang Yu was resolute and asked with an indifferent expression: "The world has finally been decided?"

Before the ministers could speak again, he said in a deep voice: "There is Zhao Tuo in the south, and Liu Bang in the west. If the two thieves Zhao and Liu are not eliminated in one day, how can the world be called 'Ding'!"

This sentence is striking and full of domineering power.

The ministers were frightened and were speechless for a long time.

Finally, he bowed down and worshiped again, without further persuading King Xiang.

Only Lu Bu looked serious and was not surprised at all.

If it weren't for the inappropriateness of the situation, he might have been able to nod his head with satisfaction and become happy on the spot.

After this stupid king became emperor, he really had a lot of bright ideas!

Whether it was streamlining the enthronement ceremony, investing the saved manpower and material resources into recovering the remaining territory, or specifically mentioning dealing with Liu Mozi... they all spoke to his heart.

So Shusun Tong had to cut down the ceremony again and again, and finally got King Xiang's nod to approve.

After further preparations, even if we rushed slowly, it took nearly three months.

——In February of the third year of Chu, a new Temple of Heaven was built in the southern suburbs of Xianyang City.

Xiang Yu's expression was stern, his pair of eyes were calm and powerful, his new military uniform made his figure even more tall and burly, he wore a golden-clawed dragon ornament symbolizing the emperor's supremacy, and he wore a gorgeous sword at his waist. He strode to the altar majestically.

At a quick glance, it looks more like a general going on an expedition than an emperor ascending the throne.

Not far behind him, Lu Bu and Fan Zeng were leading the way, one on the left and one on the right.

Lu Bu was led by Han Xin, Long Qie, Zhong Lihuan, Ji Bu and other heroic generals from the Chu camp who had made great contributions. Fan Zeng was closely followed by those who went deep alone, successfully talked about the surrender of Dai, the two kingdoms of Yan, and Chen Ping stood out, and then Wu She and other civil servants; besides these two rows of Chu ministers, stood Zhao Xie, Shen Yang, Sima Yan and Han Cheng, who had been princes and kings.

Gathered around the outermost part of the Temple of Heaven, standing in a dense crowd, were the 400,000 soldiers of the Chu army.

The atmosphere was solemn and solemn. Although the gathering was very large, there was silence from beginning to end, and you could hear a pin drop.

Even though they were far away, one could still vaguely hear the words of the majestic and majestic King Xiang, who was offering sacrifices to the ancestors of heaven and earth.

Last time when Xiang Yu divided the princes, Lu Bu, who was almost uninterested and almost dozing off with his eyes open due to the boring work, was completely focused this time.

He stared closely at Hanzi's back not far away, offering sacrifices to heaven and earth. For a moment, he felt mixed feelings in his chest, not knowing what it was like.

No matter how good the emperor Xiang Yu can be, there will never be another figure of a desperate hero drawing his sword and killing himself on the bank of the Wujiang River.

Lu Bu suddenly realized that the ceremony at the Temple of Heaven had already been completed.

——Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, truly became the founding emperor of the Chu Dynasty.

Seeing with their own eyes the most heroic, fearless and invincible monarch of Chu, who finally ascended to the throne, the civil and military officials could barely suppress their inner excitement, but the hundreds of thousands of Chu troops gathered outside had completely turned into a blanket. Pour boiling oil into cold water!

When the majestic Emperor Chu, who was dressed in military uniform, turned around and faced everyone in the audience...

Lu Bu was still stunned at the rare mighty appearance of this fool. The next moment, he was almost overturned by the unprecedented powerful sound!

——"Chu Long appears in this world, Your Majesty is so powerful!!!"

The faces of the Chu soldiers were flushed, with tears glistening in many of their eyes, but their eyes were extremely fanatical, and they were all cheering hoarsely.

The shouts were like rolling thunder and deafening; they were also like clouds of joy and purple air descending from the sky.

Lu Bu stepped into it, his pupils were shaken by the shock, and there was a buzzing in his ears, making him dizzy.

Damn it, these stupid soldiers under the stupid emperor started shouting, it was really overwhelming!

He managed to keep a straight face, so as not to be like other Chu officials who had stars in their eyes and were shaken by the waves of shouting.

The corners of his mouth, which he thought were extremely tight, were still raised high without knowing it, showing his pride and air for the glory that echoed in his chest.

——Zi Ye turned around and looked straight at Xiang Yu, who was looking at his beloved general.

A fleeting soft light flashed across Xiang Yu's eyes, and then he looked at his Yafu Fan Zeng who had tears in his eyes. He silently exchanged glances and nodded slowly.

Ever since the grand ceremony for Emperor Han's accession to the throne ended that day, Lu Bu felt as if his soul had left his body. He stayed in the cheap man's house for several days before he finally recovered.

The feeling lingering in his heart was complicated and unfamiliar, and it took him a long time to think about it patiently before he gradually became aware of it.

He regrets that he has no children, and he has always looked at this fool as being "hairy" and "impatient", quite like his stupid young self.

——My family has a son who has just become a child. I am afraid that this is the state of mind he is in right now.

Lu Bu didn't care about anything, he just made a messy decision.

After the conclusion, I finally felt relaxed.

Seeing that fool is now the emperor, he has the power and the hearts of the people.

Wouldn't it be a good time for him to ask for troops to fight, expedition to Bashu, and recover the two counties?

Liu Mouse's head, which he had been thinking about day and night for nearly two years, was finally at his fingertips. Lu Bu's spirit suddenly lifted, and he couldn't think about what he had just done. A carp jumped up from the couch.

Han Xin, who was immersed in compiling a military book and was not listening to what was going on outside the window, was suddenly awakened by his wise brother lying on the couch like a dead fish.

He subconsciously turned his head to check, and saw that the wise brother who had been absent-minded for the past few days suddenly regained his usual energy for some reason, and rushed out in strides.

...Xiandi, why did you go out?

Han Xin was confused.

He only glanced at the scroll in his hand again, put it aside without hesitation, and chased out.

Lu Bu rode the jade lion in high spirits and came all the way to the main hall.

At this time, everything is about to happen, and the official rewards have not yet been decided, so there are no rules for promotion to the court.

Lu Bu dismounted from his horse and couldn't wait to step into the palace, but stopped abruptly the next moment.

Just now, it seems that you heard your name?

Lu Bu has been practicing martial arts for many years, and his ears and eyesight are far better than ordinary people. Even though he is separated by several gates, he can still catch the word "Fengxian" that happens to come into his ears.

After recognizing Old Man Fan's voice without hesitation, he frowned, instinctively wary.

What kind of crooked idea does that bad old man want to make, no matter what, he always asks Lao Shizi for advice, but he is so unconscionable that he uses him as an adviser?

He also talked to Han... Han Emperor about him in private, and he was not sure that he would use sinister intentions to trap him and "force" him to make plans.

The more Lu Bu thought about it, the more important it became.

He was determined to figure out what bad idea that old man was planning, so he simply didn't rush in.

But as soon as his eyes rolled, he stood openly in front of the closed palace door, pricked up his ears seriously, and began to eavesdrop.

The old man Fan, who was full of trouble, talked a lot and quoted scriptures very carefully.

Fan Zeng had no idea that there was a Fengxian tiger outside the door, holding the door open and eavesdropping. He was still talking eloquently: "...Fengxian is a man of great talent, and his loyalty to Your Majesty is as clear as heaven and earth. I have repeatedly advised Your Majesty, and also I once personally participated in dangerous situations, took charge of the overall situation, and made great contributions. Although I was awarded the title of Grand Sima, it was still too unfair... However, Fengxian is indifferent to fame and fortune, and is not greedy for wine and beauty..."

After hearing this call, Lu Bu felt like stars were shining in his eyes and he was confused.

This is fucking nonsense!

The old man talked so much that he was like a sage reincarnated, a pure idiot who went through fire and water to save the world and save people... How could he be a wise, powerful, decisive and decisive prince? !

Lu Bu's tiger eyes narrowed slightly, and he was about to burst out with blazing anger!

Killing with words can also kill people's hearts. When and where did he offend this smelly old man surnamed Fan, and he actually wanted to be smeared like this behind his back!

What made him the most angry was the stupid emperor who was obviously also in the palace. He never stopped him from the beginning to the end and just silently allowed Fan Zeng to talk nonsense and smear his illustrious reputation behind his back!

Lu Bu became more and more angry. Just when he couldn't bear it anymore and was no longer ready to listen to this, he wanted to push in the door and question Fan Zeng——

Xiang Yu's voice was deep: "What my father said is exactly what worries me."

Fan Zeng smiled gratifiedly, struck while the iron was hot, and continued to make suggestions: "I am old and weak, and Fengxian has done a great job, but I have done little, so I don't dare to fight... If Fengxian is the prime minister, everyone can be sincerely convinced. I have lived up to the unparalleled national warrior."

Xiang Yu did not hesitate and nodded happily: "My father's words are very kind."

This thunderbolt without warning immediately made Lu Bu's eyes glazed over, his whole body froze, and he was almost out of his wits!

I don't know how long it took, until there was a slight movement of clothes, as if someone was getting up, and the petrified Lu Bu was shocked.

His face turned as black as ink, and he turned around and left.

It is true that people are unpredictable. This fool is obviously a good-looking person and is usually generous. Who would have thought that he has a heart that is even more cruel than the fat thief Dong!

Thinking back to the beginning, although the Zhuo thief had no conscience and was full of evil, he was not bad at all: if he was only used as a warrior, how could he be caught every day and "forced" to rack his brains and make plans?

Lu Bu didn't know what he thought of and shuddered involuntarily.

Unlike this stupid emperor, who has been using him for nearly two years is not enough. He secretly wants to tie him to the most laborious and fatal position of prime minister, so that he can sell his life for the rest of his life!

Lu Bu was pacing messily in the palace. He was filled with sorrow and felt like his whole body was on fire.

How could he not know the pros and cons of this?

The position of prime minister is extremely dangerous, but it is not like the Longyuan Sword given by Xiang Yu previously, which represents the power of one person under one person and over ten thousand people.

Regarding the Long Yuan Sword, he had already made a plan: to avoid future trouble, he would leave the Long Yuan Sword behind on the day when the soles of his feet were anointed with oil.

He only took away the jade lion and some gold and silver as a reward for his hard work these days.

But once you become prime minister, how can you just leave?

He usually has to take care of everything, and he has to be under the eyes of Emperor Han all the time.

Even with his height and martial arts, it was easy to escape, but the consequences would be endless.

If the dignified Prime Minister of Chu abandoned his official position and ran away, wouldn't it be equivalent to throwing the majesty of that stupid emperor to the ground and trampling on him!

Not only will

The general completely pissed off that idiot and chased him all over the world. Bao Bao also gave Xiao Xiao an opportunity to cause chaos in the world again...

With a huge crisis imminent, how could he dare to enjoy the momentary pleasure of killing a rat himself?

Lu Bu thought about it and looked desperately in the direction of Bashu for a long time, his expression changing unpredictably, and finally made up his mind to cut off his wrist!

——Forget about Liu Mouse for now, run away quickly!

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