The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 90 Chapter 90 Lu Wan couldn’t sleep at night, and so did Liu Bang...

Lu Wan couldn't sleep at night, and Liu Bang was also tossing and turning.

He knew that Cao Shen was loyal and brave, and he had Lu Wan as his substitute to draw the Chu army's attention. In addition, he had made sufficient preparations beforehand... it was not foolproof, but he was at least 90% sure of escaping.

But it was that inconspicuous 10% that aroused the worries deep in his heart, and he couldn't sleep for a long time.

At this moment, a guard suddenly came to announce that it was General Lu who wanted to see him.

Liu Bang couldn't help but sigh as he thought about his friendship with Lu Wan, his former classmate.

Unless he really had to, he really didn't want to force his best brother to make such a huge sacrifice.

His heart softened, and even though he knew that Lu Wan came here at this moment, he probably regretted what happened before and wanted to beg for his life, but he still let him in.

Then they saw Lu Wan staggering, holding the wine jar in his hand, and said with a forced smile: "Your Majesty."

Liu Bang sighed and said, "Sit down."

Lu Wan seemed to know that this was the last night of their reunion, so she just nodded casually, not paying attention to the usual etiquette of monarchs and ministers. She sat down directly, tore off the paper seal of the wine jar, and said with a heavy heart: "I don't know if I can say goodbye tomorrow." Will there ever be a day when I can meet you again... I just want to have a few drinks with my second brother before tomorrow."

When Liu Bang heard that the meaning of Lu Wan's words was not what he thought before, he was surprised at first, and then couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Even though he was touched, his eyes fell on the wine jar, and he felt vaguely alert, but he never started to pour it.

Lu Wan turned a deaf ear to his gaze and directly picked up the wine jars under his eyes, poured a full glass for each of them, and drank it down in one gulp.

He swallowed the hot drink with difficulty and burst into tears: "After we say goodbye tomorrow, the sky is high and the road is far away. I am sorry that I can no longer accompany my second brother to move forward. I only hope that my second brother will take care of himself!"

After Liu Bang saw with his own eyes that he was safe and sound after drinking, he finally felt at ease, picked up the wine cup, and drank it all in silence.

Lu Wan had already filled up the wine bottle and took a second drink.

The two people who were not brothers in the past, but whose friendship was more than blood relatives, drank in silence for a long time.

However, after a stick of incense, Liu Bang saw that the sky was whitening, and his still somewhat sober mind suddenly calmed down, and he was about to get up and say to others: "It's already..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Liu Bang only moved his lips but did not make a single sound!

He was shocked and turned pale. He understood something in the flash of lightning and glared at Lu Wan with hatred!

But Lu Wan, who had been drinking sadly just now, now showed a sarcastic look on his face that Liu Bang had never seen before.

Completely different from Liu Bang, whose whole body and tongue were numb, not to mention resisting, and couldn't even say a single sentence, Lu Wan stood up effortlessly, the pretended drunkenness in her eyes quickly faded away, and the three of them He stepped forward in two steps and kicked Liu Bang over.

Liu Bang was kicked to the ground in embarrassment, still struggling to open his mouth, and when he wanted to call the guards outside the door to come in, Lu Wan had already taken off the belt from his waist, and used all her strength to tie up his hands and feet. Gotta be solid.

After all, Lu Wan had personally gone to the battlefield many times. Although he could not match the bravery of the Han generals next to him, his relatively good strength was more than enough to deal with Liu Bang, who was weak all over.

After all this was completed, Lu Wan felt relieved, and sat aside with a face that seemed to be smiling but not crying, calming down her rapid breathing, and waiting for the sound of Cao Wushang sending his personal guards to kill Liu Bang's guards outside the door to subside.

When she met Liu Bang's eyes full of resentment and questioning, Lu Wan, who had been suffering all night, suddenly smiled.

He hid the anesthetic in the crevices of his fingers. There was only a small amount in each finger crevice, and he mixed it with the wine. The onset of the anesthetic was slow enough that Liu Bang would not notice it.

"Your Majesty, you know," Lu Wan murmured to herself: "Just now... If Your Majesty has even a word of understanding, I will be willing to die for the sake of our long-term friendship."

The ants only wish to live in vain, but the strong men will have great righteousness in their minds.

But when a disaster was imminent, Liu Bang only had his own wealth and life in his eyes, so how could he let the important part of the substitute get lost?

So after drinking all night, he kept pretending to be confused and Lu Wan failed to wait.

The wine flowed from his mouth into his stomach, causing his stomach to be boiling with heat, but his chest was chilled to the core.

Lu Wan smiled miserably: "Your Majesty and I were born in the same year, the same month and the same day, so we should be able to die in the same year, the same month and the same day."

Cao Wushang was not as hard-hearted as Lu Wan. Wu Zi took advantage of the opportunity and killed all the unsuspecting Liu Bang's guards. He immediately broke into the palace and roughly tied Liu Bang with rags. Wrapping his head and carrying it on his shoulders, he shouted to Lu Wan: "If you want to survive, don't follow me!"

Cao Wushang strode out, Lu Wan woke up from a dream, feeling heavy with melancholy, and stumbled to catch up.

Cao Wushang was carrying a large living person on his shoulders, so he inevitably attracted countless attention.

Whenever a Han general asked, Cao Wushang had a cold face and said solemnly: "Fang has caught a man suspected of being a Chu soldier. He is about to take him for interrogation. Don't stop him!"

His attitude was arrogant and unreasonable, and he was completely different from his usual appearance, which frightened those who asked him, but they did not raise any doubts about his rhetoric.

Cao Wushang drove all the way to the east gate and raised a white flag that he had prepared in advance.

Facing the surprised scoldings from the defenders at the city gate, Cao Wushang drew his sword straight away. More than a hundred of his men suddenly rose up and began to slaughter the defenders at the east gate. At the same time, he also attacked the Chu camp not far outside the city. Xiang Xiang shouted: "Cao Wushang has captured Liu Bang alive and is willing to offer the east gate!"

The incident happened so suddenly that in the past two days, the Chu army

The Chengdu defenders, who were uneasy about the siege, were horrified.

Cao Wushang, through calculated calculations and unintentional calculations, actually killed all the hundreds of guards guarding the city gate in the blink of an eye, and completely pushed open the east gate before other Han generals learned of the drastic changes in the place and rushed frantically.

The moment the city gate opened, the Chu soldiers who had been preparing for the attack quickly rushed in after hearing the sound. Under the leadership of Lu Bu, they swarmed in and started fighting bravely.

Han Xin was no match for his wise brother Feng Feng Huo Huo, and his car was no match for the majesty of the Jade Lion, so he entered a few steps late.

He did not rush into the battle like his wise brother, but led a column of Chu soldiers straight to Cao Wu's injured place, picked up the 'big baggage' offered by the opponent himself, and opened it for 'inspection' on the spot.

As soon as the rag was torn apart, Liu Bang's face was revealed, full of resentment and silently cursing.

Han Xin had an excellent memory. He had seen Liu Bang several times with his own eyes. After looking at him intently for a while, he confirmed that this was indeed the Liu Bang who had narrowly escaped from his hands last time.

Finally, Liu Mouse was not allowed to escape again.

Han Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned around and was about to call his wise brother back when he was shocked to see the silver-armored figure wearing a flamboyant pheasant gold crown. In the moment he wasted, he had already stormed into the palace with great momentum...

Thinking of His Majesty's unreasonable instructions, Han Xin couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

Lu Bu personally carried the halberd, and wherever the horses' hooves touched, they were all killed.

The killing made his blood boil, his eyes were red, and his attacks became more and more ferocious.

After he had taken hundreds of lives under his halberd, the Han soldiers who witnessed his Shura-like incomparable bravery were all frightened to the point of trembling with fear.

They didn't dare to wait for Lu Bu to actually charge forward. Just seeing the fierce look of him turning his horse's head and charging, they were already unable to hold their weapons due to great fear, and they all knelt down and begged for mercy.

Han Xin desperately chased after him, and then he rushed east and west, running around the city with his men and horses, and the wise brother who was able to kill him almost stopped him: "Liu Mouse has been caught——!!!"


Lu Bu suddenly woke up, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "I really caught him!"

He raised his voice to ask, and the Fang Tian painted halberd he was about to swing at a Han soldier froze in the air as he turned his head.

Poor unfortunate Han soldier, before he had time to be surprised that he had escaped, the next moment he was shocked by the earth-shattering loud voice and his brain was knocked into confusion.

Even Han Xin didn't expect that his words would have an immediate effect.

The wise brother who had been charging like crazy just now and couldn't hold him back was like a cat caught by his companions who was thinking about the mouse he was thinking about. He scurried back in the blink of an eye.

Lu Bu was anxiously circling him, looking here and there, and couldn't help grabbing him and asking, "Where is Liu Mouse? Why don't you see him?"

Now that it is in the hands of Han Xin, who knows how to fully learn his lesson, Liu Mouse will not be allowed to escape again.

Not only did Liu Bang fail to escape, but even his cronies were completely disrupted due to Cao Wushang and Lu Wan's sudden rebellion.

With lightning speed, the Chu army captured the east gate that was opened first. After swarming into the city, the four gates were under the control of the Chu army in the blink of an eye.

After guarding all the gates, they went inside to search, and soon they captured Xiao He, Cao Shen and others one after another. In the end, they were counted one by one, and none of them were found.

How could Lu Bu care about listening to the cheap guy on the side who sent people to appease the people in the city?

All his attention at the moment was focused on Liu Bang, who was tied up in a mess and roughly thrown on the dusty ground with a furious look on his face.

Whether it was Liu Bang who was tied up with five flowers, or those who were tied up around him, except for a few who were calmly waiting for death, most of his subordinates looked downcast...

Damn it, why does this scene look so familiar?

The corner of Lu Bu's mouth twitched slightly, and a subtle "color" flashed across his eyes.

To outsiders, it looks like a ferocious tiger polishing its sword and looking coldly at its bloody enemy.

Liu Bang's scalp was numb at the sight, and he knew that he was no longer close to death at the Hongmen Banquet or even at the Xianyang Palace Banquet, but that he had a way out, and that he was definitely going to die.

Although he had regained his strength at this time, but being tied up like this, trapped deep in the Chu army, and Chengdu was completely lost... what was the use?

Thinking of this, Liu Bang, who was completely despairing, felt a fierce blood surge in his chest.

He no longer looked at Lu Wan, who hated him to the core, but looked directly at Lu Bu, and shouted angrily: "If you become a king and lose a bandit, you will kill him if you want, but you should not tie up and humiliate a hero like this! Xiang borrowed a common man and proclaimed himself emperor. If you act so vulgarly and unkindly, aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the world?"

Lu Bu was struggling with whether Liu Mouse, who had finally been caught, should follow the local customs and imitate the idiot, or should hang himself to death, as he did in the past, or should he die like the one written by Tai Shigong. Cut it into five or six parts like an unlucky fool...

Before he could figure out which cooking method would best satisfy his hatred, he heard this ridiculous nonsense!

Although Xiang Yu is the most clueless fool in the world, he has the word "hero" carved on the left side of his forehead and the word "hero" carved on the right side of his forehead. How could it be the turn of a bastard rat to talk nonsense like this!


Lu Bu sneered expressionlessly, then suddenly kicked him out: "Fuck your mother!!!"

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