The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 99 Chapter 99 The generals in the Chu camp thought that His Majesty was...

The generals in the Chu camp fully thought that since their majesty had Lu Bu, a man who was good at planning and martial arts, they could rest easy.

As everyone knows, when the two of them are united as never before and have the same goal, where is the wise man leading the orderly situation of the warriors?

They were clearly two equally matched wild horses, vying to be the first to lead a hundred thousand wolf-like and tiger-like cavalry. Without saying a word of greeting, they went straight into the heart of the enemy's army.

After learning about the news that the Chu State was reorganizing its military force and intending to expedition to the north, the Xiongnu Chanyu Maodun did not dare to take it lightly.

He did not care to further suppress the Wusun and Yuezhi who had just captured, and hurried back with 400,000 cavalry.

However, when passing Gaoque, they accidentally ran into Zhang Han and Zhongli's troops who had just crossed Yinshan and were advancing northward.

Without Zhang Han, the former Shaofu and a highly prestigious general in the Qin army, Xiang Yu would have to use both kindness and power to regain the former Qin Zhenbei army that had been away for a long time, and it would definitely take a lot of effort.

Since Pian Zhanghan surrendered to Chu, Xiang Yu treated him kindly and fairly, and never hesitated to use him in important matters. He was not good at expressing his words, but he was deeply moved in his heart and was naturally loyal.

With his full force, the Zhenbei Army quickly found its backbone. When it became the first Chu army to confront Shan Yu's main force, its morale was like a rainbow, and there was no fear of battle.

After the hateful Qin general Meng Tian was killed by Qin Ting, Mao Dun's impression of the once-famous Zhenbei Army became leaderless, chaotic and disorderly, with low combat effectiveness.

Never would he have thought that in less than two months, he would have been completely transformed into the hands of Zhang Han and Zhong Lihuan, erupting into such a powerful fighting force that even he felt threatened.

Since the encounter between the Xiongnu army and Zhang Han Zhongli's army, they have been engaged in fierce fighting. After a day and a night, both sides suffered heavy losses and no one could take advantage.

A Zhenbei army that had just been conquered was so powerful!

Mao Dun had always been proud of the fact that the Huns were capable of riding and shooting, and were as powerful as the wind. He did not take the soldiers from the Central Plains into his eyes, who had never really fought against them before.

After chewing on this hard bone, he didn't show it on his face, but his heart was extremely heavy.

If they encounter the elite cavalry led by Xiang Yu, who is known for his bravery and proficiency in battle, wouldn't they... not be their opponents?

As soon as this idea came up, Mao Dun instinctively wanted to retreat.

Although the Huns were fond of the fertile soil of the Central Plains, their roots were always nomadic and it was absolutely impossible for them to take root in the south for a long time.

Instead of taking a piece of land that will never be held for a long time, it is better to have a showdown with the madman-like Chu army and end up with both sides losing, and causing problems in the just-conquered Yuezhi, Donghu and other places. The gain outweighs the loss.

Although Mao Dun had never had a real confrontation with the Chu army before this day, his ancestors were quite familiar with the characteristics of the Central Plains army.

Knowing that these Chu soldiers may look fierce, but most of them are from the south, they cannot withstand the ever-changing climate of the desert, and they are unaware of the intricate terrain. They will hesitate every time they need to go deep.

He could have ordered the wise kings on his left and right to come here to take over the battle, and he could lead a force to move north of the desert. He could not only preserve his strength, but also try to lure the enemy deeper and attack their weakened state.

However, as soon as this plan was finalized, it collapsed two days later.

Military reports for help came one after another from King Loufan and King Aries, who were not his close aides, but Mao Dun was dubious and ignored them for the time being.

However, when a signal for help was sent next, the person who was in great embarrassment due to his hasty response to the Chu army's attack was actually King Zuo Xian, whom he had placed great hope in!

It turned out that Han Xin and Long Qie were marching in a hurry. Although they were not as lucky as Zhang Han and others to run into the Maodun army that came to their door, it was extremely smooth.

The Huns soldiers had long been accustomed to the joy of marching from the north to the south, attacking border towns and counties, burning, killing, and looting, and then taking the captured people as slaves, cattle, sheep, and food.

The royal court of King Zuo Xian was six to seven hundred miles away from the frontier fortress. How could the Chu army, which only knew where to divide troops and focused on defense, reach it?

Therefore, when the 300,000 Guanzhong troops led by Han Xin and Long Qie arrived at his royal court in the desert at night, surrounded them, and then launched a strong attack, King Zuo Xian was awakened from his sleep. I couldn't help but be shocked.

In extreme fear, he was frightened by the Chu army, which was so huge that at a glance, he couldn't even count how many people there were. He actually took advantage of the fact that the encirclement was not tight, and led hundreds of the most loyal and strong soldiers. Riding, he forced his way out of the encirclement and fled south.

On the way to escape, he ignored the fact that he was still in shock, and hurriedly endured the shame and informed Shanyu of the sudden changes that had occurred elsewhere.

——What a piece of trash that fails to accomplish anything and fails to accomplish anything!

After learning that King Zuo Xian was greedy for life and afraid of death, he easily abandoned the royal court and tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and Mao Dun wished he could eat his flesh alive.

However, the end is done, and it is useless to be angry. He can only hope that King Youxian is not as stupid and incompetent as King Zuoxian, and can be of some use.

Just as Mao Dun watched helplessly as his troops fought against the entangled former Zhenbei Army every day, causing huge losses and being unable to escape for a while, and when he was most troubled, his favorite Yan family didn't know where to turn. I got the news everywhere and looked for it uneasily.

"Although the territory of the Chu family is fertile, the Chanyu has no intention of occupying it; on the other hand, there are many people in the Yueshi and Donghu lands who are eyeing them, and they cannot be ignored forever. At this critical juncture, why should the Chanyu fight endlessly with the Chu army?"

Could it be that what Yan said was not what Mao Dun thought?

Mao Dun said irritably: "Is this the trouble caused by Ben Khan? It is clearly the kid from the Chu family who is sharpening his sword and taking the lead in committing the crime!"

Yan family advised: "Xiang Jie is

Born in Jiangdong, and based on the beautiful mountains and rivers, it is reasonable to say that one is contented, so how can one miss the land north of the desert? He must have known that the Great Khan was brave and mighty, so he was so taboo on the Great Khan. He was afraid that the Great Khan would be a serious trouble at the border, so he had to send troops to attack him first! In this case, why didn't the Great Khan send lobbyists to the Chu camp to actively express that he had no intention of invading the Chu territory, so that the two sides would put down their wars, so as to calm down the incident? "

Mao Dun's eyes darkened, and he pondered for a moment and said: "What you said is not unreasonable. It's just that the nearly one million people who were sent out this time will be willing to retreat just because of a few words?"

Yanshi smiled and said: "The Great Khan has a great cause, and he doesn't know about women's affairs, but I have heard a little about it. Since the Emperor of Chu came to the throne, there has been neither a queen nor a concubine in the harem. In this case, the Great Khan Why not choose one from your knees and put a generous dowry on it? Xiang Jie will definitely be satisfied."

Mao Dun's mind moved slightly: "Go on."

The Yan family had long hated Maodun's charming son, and deliberately sent her only daughter to suffer in Chu.

At this moment, I heard that Maodun had an idea, so I tried my best to turn this plan around.

Little did Lu Bu know that the fierce-looking woman he had not yet married would be targeted by the Huns in an instant and wanted to take her as a cheap son-in-law.

In the past half month, he, Xiang Yu and the 100,000 soldiers under his command had not been able to rest for a moment, and had been galloping desperately across the desert.

However, they aggressively attacked Shanyu Wangting in the depths of the desert, but they missed the target.

After taking only half a day to break through the empty-guarded royal court, all they captured were Shanyu Maodun's wives, concubines, and children.

Even if the place was turned upside down, there was no sign of Maodun Chanyu, whom the two of them cherished most!

Xiang Yu, who had failed to achieve his expectations, was furious and his face was dark. He immediately ordered the group of Chanyu cubs who were crying and begging for mercy to be stewed in a pot.

But Lu Bu acted more decisively.

He was only more annoyed than Xiang Yu about Bai's trip.

With a dark face, he raised the knife and chopped off the heads one by one, leaving them to threaten him.

For these wolf cubs who have not yet grown up and are already accustomed to treating the people of the Central Plains like cattle and horses, killing and killing wolf cubs without mercy, how could Lu Bu think that they are innocent, and how could he be soft-hearted?

The silks and satins they wear are all made of the blood and tears of the people on the border and woven from their flesh and blood.

How could such a bloody feud be let off easily just because he was weak and unprepared at this time!

Xiang Yu looked indifferent and watched silently, thoughtfully.

When Lu Bu angrily killed all the people, he suddenly heard the foolish emperor tentatively saying, "What Fengxian was referring to that day seemed to be Shan Yu's head?"

Lu Bu glanced at him inexplicably: "Not bad."

The Han Emperor is really a Han Emperor, so he can’t remember it well!

Xiang Yu was silent for a moment, but then said: "The heirs that Mao Dun will give birth to are all here...the one who succeeds him as Shan Yu in the future will definitely be among them."

Lu Bu was stunned for a while, and finally understood what this idiot was trying to do!

"That's nonsense!" Lu Bu said angrily: "If you kill me, that's all. Killing a few of his brats won't make up for it!"

He had a grudge against the big-eared Liu, but in the end he sought revenge on the head of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the rat!

Xiang Yu's eyes darkened slightly, and just as he was about to say something more, he heard Ai Jiang continue angrily: "This is the first time I have put so much effort into preparing the betrothal gift, how can I give up halfway and do it half-heartedly!"

It's fine if no one knows about it. If people find out about it in the future, wouldn't it be a loss of face for him?

Lu Bu thought like this, and then glared angrily at the fool who came up with a bad idea.

This idiot seemed to have a calm face and did not say any more nonsense.

But for some reason, Lu Bu could inexplicably tell that under that calm and handsome face, there seemed to be... a bubbling joy that couldn't be hidden?

While Lu Bu was still looking at Xiang Yu carefully with suspicion, the thousands of Xiongnu elite soldiers left in the royal court were filled with despair.

Facing these divine soldiers, they had no way of escaping from the encirclement and going to inform Modun.

After a bloody battle, they were no match for the Chu army, which was dozens of times more brave than them, and were all killed.

After turning the once glorious royal court into a purgatory littered with corpses, a group of people unceremoniously swept away Shanyu's precious supplies, loading them all on horseback.

But facing the vast desert in front of him, he didn't know where to pursue it.

... Where did that Maodun Shanyu, who killed a thousand swords, go?

It was not until eight days later that they finally called the messenger to look for traces, and finally learned that the Maodun army that was supposed to return here was actually blocked by Zhang Han's army halfway outside Gaoque!

Xiang Yu and Lu Bu looked at each other and were both dumbfounded on the spot.

Lu Bu cursed unreasonably in his heart.

——It’s all the fault of that stupid general Zhang Han, who almost missed the betrothal gift because he blocked it up without having anything to do!

The two of them had their own thoughts, but they both gathered enough energy to lead the 100,000 elite soldiers and ran towards the high tower as if their buttocks were on fire.

It seems as if he is extremely afraid that if he is one day late, the only betrothal gift in the world for the Overlord of Western Chu will be given to him by that merciless bastard Zhang Han!

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