The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1005: Photo six palace

Chu Yue didn't want to dance for him, and said, "Forget it after watching it, what else do you want to do? Jump again and you will be tired."

Qin Heng pulled his hand and he sat down in his arms.

Chu Yue looked at him and said, "What does the emperor want to do?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Heng looked at her.

He bowed his head directly and caught the pair of Zhu lips.

Here at the emcee hall.

The emperor left, and Empress Xiao sat with the other concubines for a while, so naturally they didn't stay much.

On the way back to Fengqi Palace, Empress Xiao never said much.

The four princesses and the five princesses also didn't speak, but after holding back all the way, the five princesses couldn't help it after returning to Fengqi Palace.

"It's really accustomed to make this trick to please the father and the emperor. As a noble concubine, but you are the same as Wen Yu and the others, it is really unworthy to give the mother and the queen shoes!" The fifth princess despised.

The fourth princess said: "What's your name? It's her ability to win the father's heart!"

"What's the skill? It's just some fox tricks!" The fifth princess said with disdain.

Empress Xiao glanced at her little daughter and said, "You are not allowed to go out and say these things."

"Mother, I really hold the injustice for you. Now my father doesn’t love coming to Fengqi Palace anymore. He regards that Weiyang Palace as the second Panlong Palace. It’s clear that you are the queen of the world, and you are the most empress. The most dignified and graceful, why should she be so treated by her father!" said the fifth princess.

"What is the basis, don't you understand today? But concubines are concubines, and fighting for favor is their means of survival. The mother is the queen. Do you want the mother to be like them? You are also the mother and the queen, and the mother does not need you. If you hold the injustice, the queen must really learn from her, what kind of style!" the fourth princess taught.

"But... but are you just looking over there so proud and arrogant? I just bet that the emperor must have left Weiyang Palace in the past to wait for her!" said the fifth princess.

"So what? The mother queen is the queen, the mother of a country, the father's wife, and the mother's queen raised the second emperor brother, the royal son, and our two princesses. Who can shake the status of the mother's queen? "The fourth princess said lightly.

The fifth princess frowned, saying that was correct, but she was not convinced.

Qin Weiyang is just a concubine princess, but her status in the palace is higher than the two princesses. She has a title, but the two of them don't.

The titles of the royal princesses are only given until they are finished, but it is clear that Qin Weiyang is not among them. Is it because her mother and concubine are favored?

"Okay, let's all go back." Empress Xiao listened to the words of the two daughters but did not explain much, just said.

"The daughter will retire first." The four princesses and the five princesses all saluted.

After the two went back, Perilla just said, "Why doesn't the empress talk to the fifth princess?"

"I need to say something. Didn't her fourth sister tell her very clearly, let her understand the rest, and how long will it be taught by others." Empress Xiao said.

Children can't walk too smoothly, and walking too smoothly is not conducive to future growth. They are still young now, so it's okay to stumble and stumble.

"That's what the empress said, the fourth princess really looks like an empress." Zisu said.

Empress Xiao sighed: "The temperaments of these five princesses in this palace resemble her grandmother."

She was not worried about the eldest daughter, but the younger daughter really made her helpless, and she was really impulsive. Although she was still young, she had a temperament like her grandmother.

Zisu comforted him tightly: "There are mothers and four princesses teaching, and the five princesses will be sensible sooner or later."

Empress Xiao didn't say anything, would she still be unable to protect her daughter?

The imperial concubine of Weiyang Palace danced and photographed the sixth palace.

Isn't the other palaces also impetuous?

Especially the warm concubine who had prepared this year, came to Ziyu Palace to find Concubine Xi and spit out bitterness: "I prepared this cosy song and dance secretly. It's still so weird, saying it's dancing, it's just in full view. Seduce the emperor!"

Don't think she didn't see it, singing and dancing while taking eyes to send autumn waves to the emperor!

"You can go if you have the ability." Xi Fei was also feeling upset.

In this case, she can almost understand why the emperor has three thousand beauties in the harem, but only loves Weiyang Palace.

The age is not young, but the figure and the eyebrows are similar to those in their early twenties, especially the sorrowful posture, which makes women feel numb.

Sometimes wanton and arrogant, sometimes charming and colorful, sometimes weak and helpless, people can learn the same for a lifetime, but she can do everything.

Which man can resist such charm?

Concubine Xi thinks she can't learn that set, can she bear it in her heart?

Concubine Wen was choked, and said: "Concubine is just angry, but she just prepared these without saying a word. This is obviously deliberately ugly to concubine."

Xifei didn't bother to talk about her.

Did she prepare this way? Before it started, all the harem knew that she was going to sing this year, and the emperor had also heard of it. What surprises thereafter?

Look at this secret, she and the queen haven't even heard of it beforehand.

A full bucket of water does not sound, half a bucket of water clinks!

"It's not so useless, it's better to think about which dancer she was looking for choreographed the dance, and which singing girl she sang with. I think the emperor likes it very much. Passed back, the emperor was in his free time." Xi Fei said.

Wen Wen said: "The concubines are not stupid. I asked them when you left, but they said that these noble concubines made up their own, whether it was dances or songs, they were all made by noble concubines, you said She is a widow and she is not born in a brothel. How does she understand these?"

This issue is also discussed in other palaces.

The wife who asked the nurse to hug the six princes indifferently said: "Otherwise, how can someone become a noble concubine? Some people's ability can't be suppressed by suppressing them. I really have that talent. No matter what the situation, I should take the lead. It will still come to the fore."

"But Niang Niang, the old slave looks at the imperial concubine now, I am afraid this is going to be better!" Feng Nai Niang whispered.

"Heart disease is a disease, my palace does not believe that it can be cured so quickly, but it does not rule out that Chang Lehou and Mrs. Feng have amazing medical skills." Qi Bi said.

Niang Feng said: "If it is really good, what can we do? This is the grand pet, the old slave watched it really, and the emperor never looked away from her! Once she is pregnant again Long Si gave birth to a prince, then..."

"My palace is worried about what these do, the Queen and Concubine Shu Xixi should worry even more. The biggest wish of the palace now is that the six princes can grow up safely. As for the future, let's wait for the future." Qi Bi said slowly.

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