The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1045: Men are not bad and women do not love

Things keep going in the palace, but there are few things outside the palace, but there are people with ulterior motives everywhere.

Qin Heng came here this time and didn't go back so quickly, and stayed here for two days.

However, Jiang Mian's wish to have a meal with the emperor failed to materialize. During the meal, Chu Yue asked to set up another table. She and Qin Heng, her grandmother and the grandma were at the same table.

Chu Yue asks Jiang Mian to take Miao's sister and Bo brother to another table, as if they were at different tables.

Don't say too much about Jiang Mian's opinion.

But Grandma Jiang and Mrs. Jiang thought it was pretty good, there was nothing wrong with them.

Qin Heng stayed here for two days and then went back. Because he had to go to court or something, he wanted to persuade the woman to go back with him, but Chu Yue refused.

Chu Yue naturally I don't want to go back. I live well outside and I am a fool when I go back.

Qin Heng was not very polite the night before he went back, because her complexion was good and her fetus was stable. After the first three months, he ate her.

Chu Yue missed him too, knowing that he went to Ziyu Palace to rest in the study that night, of course she forgave him.

So it was all so natural, and he was very gentle when she was worried about her pregnancy.

After Qin Heng returned, Grandmother Jiang also wanted to send Mrs. Jiang and the others home, because they had been living for quite a while.

"Will you stay with me for a while, grandmother? And sister Miao, stay with me, anyway, there is nothing wrong with going back." Chu Yue said.

It's fine for her eldest son. After all, her cousin and Jiang Rou'er are pregnant. It's okay to go back. She didn't force her to stay, but her grandmother would be fine when she returned.

Why not stay for a while?

Grandmother Jiang smiled and said, "Then I will stay with Miao sister for a while?"

"That couldn't be better." Chu Yue smiled.

Mrs. Jiang took Jiang Mian and Brother Bai back first, and Grandma Jiang and Sister Miao stayed behind.

Brother Bai was in a carriage by himself, but Jiang Mian and her mother were in a carriage. He couldn't help but said, "Mother, my eldest sister looks down on me, this time you can see it?"

"I didn't see it." Mrs. Jiang glanced at her daughter and said.

"Mother, I know you are partial to my elder sister, but now the eldest sister treats my younger sister like this, mother, you don't say anything to her!" Jiang Mian said.

"Don’t think that I don’t know your thoughts. I told you last time and told you to cut it off. But you haven’t cut it. I can warn you. I understand your eldest sister’s temperament. Don't tell her to know, otherwise she won't clean up you!" Old Madam Jiang said.

Jiang Mian pursed his mouth and said unconvinced: "Mother, I don't have such big ambitions, but can you really ensure that my eldest sister will be favored forever? My eldest sister is older than me, and she is not younger now!"

"You don't need to worry about that. I think your eldest sister will still be in favor. It's not what you can say." Mrs. Jiang said in an angry voice.

This time the emperor came over, the daughter would often pull her granddaughter to the emperor to make money with the emperor. Although it was not obvious, she did it while the niece was away, but how could Mrs. Jiang not know her thoughts?

"Don't tell me that your eldest sister is not good to you. You will have a bad intention first, and you really want to treat you badly. Whose credit is the green tree now flourishing? Is it your Wangfu!" Mrs. Jiang didn't have a good temper.

Jiang Mian was so scolded that she couldn't lift her head, but she was unhappy in her heart.

If her daughter is a concubine, why should she be so pleasing to her elder sister? Was her elder sister called to drink?

Let's talk about the Huangzhuang side.

Grandmother Jiang and Zhou Miao are very happy to stay in Chu Yue. She has a lot to say to them.

Zhou Miao's niece Chu Yue is still satisfied, because she is not like her mother. In fact, not only she is not like her, but also the nephew Bogeer is also not like. Obviously, both three views are relatively positive and they are all alike. Their dad.

Because Chu Yue specifically gave up the position, I want to see exactly what Zhou Miao's attitude is.

While she was away, Jiang Mianke took Zhou Miao to see Qin Heng, pretending to pass by accidentally, but Zhou Miao was either uncomfortable here or there. In short, he was resisting the past.

It's just that sometimes there is really no way to do it, and then her mother is dragged over, and she will be very dedicated to her duty.

Chu Yue is naturally satisfied, because she also really loves Sister Miao. If Sister Miao also wants to learn from her mother, how can she agree?

Fortunately, she didn't see the wrong person.

Avoiding her grandmother's nap time, Chu Yue invited Zhou Miao to ask her about Liu Qinghe.

Zhou Miao showed Feixia and shyness on his face: "That person is very bad, I don't like him much."

"A man is not bad and a woman doesn't love it. A bad man will please a woman." Chu Yue smiled.

Zhou Miao was embarrassed and said, "Auntie, don't make fun of me."

"I didn't make fun of you, but I was happy to see that you have a person you like, but you are still young, so my aunt wants to ask you, so that you don't want him to cheat, that person looks very good." (Chu Yue said.

Zhou Miao pursed his lips, and said, "The other person is not in the Imperial Capital, they are over there, but they send me two letters back every month."

"So yesterday, the maidservant of Zhou's family came from a long distance, was that a special letter to you?" asked Chu Yue.

"Yeah." Zhou Miao was embarrassed.

She also told him that he didn't have to send it back so often, but he said it should be, and how could he not send it.

Zhou Miao is now accustomed to receiving his letters on time every month, and sometimes they are only two or three days late when they are late, so she always worry about them.

I was worried that something happened to him, and why didn't he send a letter back to report his safety?

"Very good, a caring person." Chu Yue nodded.

Zhou Miao’s conversation was opened, and he said, “Last time he gave me a stone back. He said that he picked it up on the mountain. It was very beautiful. So he asked someone to send it back to me. I can’t figure out how his head grows, so I asked someone to send me a stone back so long."

Chu Yue smiled and said: "This is to put you at ease. I think of you when I see anything good, so I want to give you something good."

Zhou Miao pursed his lips and said with a smile: "I just thought, he just needs to be at the border, and I don't want anything beside him."

“It’s easier to get injured at the military camp. I have medicines from Mrs. Feng, Jinso medicine, and typhoid fever. They are not sold outside.” “(Chu Yue)” said.

"But that was given to you by Madam Feng..." Zhou Miao hesitated.

She was naturally moved, after all, who does not know Madam Feng's medical skills? The medicine she shot was hard to find. Of course she wanted to send it to Liu Qinghe, but she was not embarrassed.

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