The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1051: Twenty boards each!

Naturally, the magpie didn't want to scold her, it was a kind of hate that iron can't make steel.

In the past, the maid of the first class next to the imperial concubine was just like her, but when she came out, she lived like this?

Can the people around the concubine empress be easily bullied? It's the side concubines in the palace, and they even have to be polite.

Don't look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha!

Liu Si was also ashamed: "I know, I'm useless."

"How is the body bones now? Has the doctor ever come to see it? What did you say?" said Magpie.

"I've seen it, just let me take care of it, and I didn't say anything else." Liu Si said: "How is your mother's body now, I haven't visited these days."

"Where does the mother use you to visit? The mother is doing very well. The mother always lets you get married, so she can live her own life first, and then visit her if she sees her. You don't need to come the rest of the time." Magpie said: "But this time Niangniang also knows, Niangniang is very angry!"

"It's me who made the empress worry about it." Liu Si's tears came out again.

"I won't talk to you anymore. This time Niangniang sent me over. There was something to say. Niangniang only asked you, do you want to Husband?" Magpie said concisely.

"Hugh?" Liu Si was stunned.

"You heard it right, it's Hugo. You just nod your head and you don't need to worry about other things. The mother will do it naturally, but if you still want to go with Li Zan, the mother will not interfere with your affairs." Xi Que nodded. .

"Go on? How can I still live with this wolf-hearted man? I was also blind at the beginning. If not, how could I have fancy him!" Liu Si said sadly.

Today, he had already returned to the palace to work as a errand, and before he left, he took a perfunctory look at her and cared a few words.

She thought about it for a whole day today. She was thinking, what did she fancy him? She is a nice lady, but even she is a big lady next to the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine empress is her best family, and although the Li family is an official family, it is just the kind of small family that can be seen everywhere in the Imperial Palace.

Why did she marry him in the first place? Why did you believe his nonsense?

I thought about it for a day today, but I couldn't understand this question.

But she couldn't do it if she wanted to continue to live with Li Zan, and she was disgusted just thinking of his bare face now!

"What the mother said, will you not listen to it in the future?" said the magpie.

Liu Si flattened her mouth and her eyes were red: "I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have listened to my mother. My eyes are the best!"

She didn't listen to Niang Niang's advice on the matter of marrying, and in the end she was defeated completely and decently.

"Sister Magpie, is there still a lack of people around Niang Niang? I want to go back to Niang Niang to serve? I don't want to leave Niang Niang anymore in my life, sister Magpie, can you take me back?" Liu Si cried.

Magpie said: "Is there still a place for you beside your mother? If you want to go back, then go back!"

"Then I will go with Sister Magpie!" Willow said.

The magpie nodded and said, "It's late tonight, let's rest first. We will leave for the imperial village as soon as the city gate opens tomorrow, and the empress lives there."

"Is the empress okay now? There are all gossips outside!" Liu Si wiped her tears and said hurriedly.

"When have the rumors outside been broken? They all want to see the excitement of the empress, but which time did they see it?" The magpie snorted coldly.

Liu Si nodded and said, "Sister Magpie, you are smart. You will only stay with your mother if you don't marry."

She really regrets that her intestines are all green!

"That's not what I said, you watch Hupo Huang Liu and they all have a good time? Of course, the trivial things in life are indispensable. I just don't know how to deal with those things, so I want to stay with my mother. By your side, just like Mother Xueyan, you will live in the palace when you are old!" said the magpie.

"I want to be with you sister Magpie too." Liu Si said.

"Yeah." Magpie nodded.

After the maid brought in the meal, both of them used some before they took a rest.

But at this time, there was a noise outside.

It turned out that it was Mrs. Li who had brought her son's two concubines into custody. This meant she was coming to confess his sins.

"What's the matter, it's been such an hour, is this wanting people to be uneasy? Or is it that the current Li family doesn't even give me a place to stay!" The magpie said with a cold face.

"The girl is misunderstood. I took these two cheap maids over here. They killed Liu Si, and I also hope that Liu Si will give birth to my grandchildren, but these two cheap maids are really bold. Kob your head to Willow, and when you turn around, I will sell them all at a low price!" Madam Li smiled.

"Mrs. Li sold the concubine of Young Master Li without authorization. Isn't it good to wait for Young Master Li to come back?" Magpie said indifferently.

"How can it be bad? This is what it should be, but I originally wanted to let the two of them stay and serve Liu Si, but I don't want Liu Si to be tolerant and directly raise their appetites and dare to hurt others. Keep them?" Mrs. Li said.

"Since Mrs. Li admits that the two of them are harmful, let me teach you a lesson, and I will watch." Magpie said lightly.

"Come here, give me 20 boards for each of you!" Madam Li was half-hearted, and at this time she still had a clear priority.

You must let Liu Si vent her anger, or else she doesn't know how to go about it.

But she didn't know that Magpie had already handled the matter almost, and Willow was completely chilled.

Of course, all this does not prevent the magpie from venting for Willow.

The two children before and after, all told these two lowly servants to give the black hand, how can you give up?

Soon the board was directly hit, and both concubine rooms were gagged, and the pain caused cold sweats on their foreheads.

But the magpie didn't think it was enough, and said coldly: "Why, did the Li family's subordinates didn't eat? Is this tickle?"

"Beat me fiercely!" Madam Li said immediately.

When the fight was over, the two concubines were dying, and the magpie looked indifferent: "The people around the imperial concubine empress are also the ones you have the courage to move? I don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

The two concubines were immediately carried down. Madam Li smiled and wanted to say something, but Magpie said indifferently, "Mrs. Li, please come back. It’s good for me to rest in Liusi tonight, so I don’t have to bother Madam to entertain. "After speaking, he went back to the house.

The magpie also cut the mess with a sharp knife, and took willow silk away on the next day extremely happily and neatly.

Liu Si's handmaid also got into the carriage. Mrs. Li wanted to stop it, but how could she stop it? The sword of the imperial army is no joke!

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