The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1057: A young monk or a young Taoist priest?

It was not ashamed or ashamed in the morning, no, it was delayed for almost half an hour before getting up.

It's just that Chu Yue, which was originally a bit irritable, felt that the sky outside was blue, the air was fresh, and the mood was different.

After having breakfast with Qin Heng, I went out to go fishing.

There is a big banyan tree by the river. Sitting under that tree is just right for fishing. It's not hot at all. I don't know how comfortable it is under the cool breeze this summer.

Qin Heng said, "Come here to fish every day?"

"It didn't come when it rained." Chu Yue said, other times I really come to fish every day. Fishing is good for physical and mental health.

Qin Heng also went fishing with her, not to mention, it was still very easy and comfortable, and he didn't want to think about all trivial matters, so he went fishing with his woman.

"After a while, the grand prince will come back with Chang Lehou." Qin Heng said.

"I remember that the eldest princess gave birth to three children?" Chu Yue said.

"Yeah." Qin Heng nodded.

When Chu Yue thought that it would be the first emperor's auspicious day soon, it said nothing.

The first emperor walked in a hurry. Not only did Qin Heng be hit hard, but the princess was also the same. The princess also respected her emperor's brother. Except for the fact that he didn't come back during pregnancy last year, he came back in person at other times. .

I didn't return last year, but I asked Chang Lehou to come back with two children.

This year, the baby will come back after giving birth.

Chu Yue said: "Send a letter to Feng, let Bingye bring Yang Yang back."

It's a bit unfilial to say that if it weren't for Qin Heng, she would have forgotten what the emperor's auspicious day was about to arrive soon.

Qin Heng nodded and agreed.

Chu Yue talked about my dreams: "I don’t know if I have too deep a memory of Long’an Temple back then. Between midnight and half asleep, I always see someone who looks like you A little monk in general, do you think I really want to give birth to a little monk?"

Qin Heng couldn't help but was happy in his heart, because he also dreamed that not only he was alone, she also had it, it seems that this child is really a son!

"As long as you are born, no matter what it is, I will be a treasure." Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue gave him a white look: "When I heard it was my son who made you happy, he said that everything is a treasure."

Qin Heng said: "I'm serious, whether you give birth to a young monk or a young Taoist priest, I like it."

Chu Yue couldn't help but laugh, and said with no good air: "You don't want to be good, but you want me to give birth to a little monk?"

Qin Heng smiled and put her in his arms, saying that she was here to fish, but in fact she came to talk about love.

I didn't catch half of the fish from the beginning to the end, but the two of them came back very satisfied.

When lunch time came, Lu Yuchu ordered people to bring the prepared meal one end.

The imperial concubine was not too extravagant when she was there, and the imperial concubine did not have to cook so many dishes, because she understood the concubine's temper, so she didn't cook too much.

It's just that the emperor has come, and it certainly cannot be generalized.

Qin Heng ate the fish **** and said, "This is stronger than the ones in the palace."

"It's all made from fish and meat. It doesn't contain water and is especially delicious." Chu Yue also likes to eat.

Qin Heng nodded. He only ate a lot of late breakfast before. This lunch was a feast for him. Chu Yue didn't know where the food he had eaten was.

He didn't even see him getting blessed, he was really extraordinarily strong.

Today’s ribs soup is delicious, Chu Yue drank an extra bowl of soup after eating, and then put down the dishes.

Qin Heng saw that she had used it a lot, so he didn't tell her, so he ate it by himself.

When eating by the side, Qin Heng was very disciplined. Even at the Queen's, he followed the rule of no more than three chopsticks.

But with her, he didn't have such concerns, and he didn't know why. In any case, with her, he hadn't followed the rules he had followed since childhood.

No matter which aspect.

After lunch, Qin Heng came to the study to write, and Chu Yue also came over to write his own script.

This is the rules of the two of them. They are busy with each other and do not interfere with each other. It can be regarded as their own private time.

There is a saying in Chu Yue that I want to treat someone as a friend without losing someone.

Although it is not suitable for all couples, it is always suitable for most couples because they all need their own personal space.

Sticking together for 24 hours, looking at each other, probably she will be tired if the man is not tired.

Of course, this only represents her.

Chu Yue has written almost two thousand characters, and Qin Heng also wrote his own calligraphy. Unless he is too busy, he will practice calligraphy every day.

This is also his own way of entertainment.

Until he finished writing and came to see her writing, Chu Yue was not enough to let go of his charcoal.

"It's almost time, go to the lunch break?" Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue was indeed a little sleepy, and I couldn't help yawning after hearing this, and a tear was secreted from the corner of my eyes.

"The baby is sleepy." Qin Heng wiped her and said.

"Don't call me baby, I'm embarrassed." Chu Yue gave him a light beat, and went back to the bedroom for a nap with him.

After serving the emperor and Niangniang for lunch, Pearl came out and said to Magpie: "Sister Magpie, don't you plan to persuade Niangniang to go back with the emperor? I think Niangniang is in a very good mood because the emperor came to see her."

The mood is really good, with that unconcealable coquettish color in the brows.

"Where do these things need you, the little maid, to talk too much, my mother knows it in her heart." Magpie smiled and said: "You are waiting here, I'll go see Liu Si."

"Good." Pearl nodded.

The magpie came to visit the willow silk. After two or three days of recuperation, the willow silk has recovered a lot.

Now that Li Zan has come to an end, Liu Si has a new belief support. She wants to take care of her good mother and repay her, so she recovers quickly.

"Sister Magpie, I think I'm almost done." Liu Si said when she saw her coming.

"I don't want you to feel it, I want the doctor to feel it, and the empress also said that the confinement is also the confinement, so I am afraid that I will not be waiting for you in the future?" Magpie said.

Willow said nothing.

"Hupo sent a letter specially, they all knew about it, and they were very angry, but now the life on the Li family is not easy, almost everyone pushes the wall down, this Emperor Li family I won't be able to get along soon!" said the magpie.

Liu Si shook her head: "You don't need to tell me this. I asked for those experiences. I don't have much resentment in my heart. From now on, I just want to work with you to serve a good mother. ."

Not finding the right man is a particularly terrible thing, Liu Si used herself to verify this sentence.

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