When Xiao Weiyang saw her doing this, she couldn't help but sneered: "It seems that the food in Fengqi Palace is not very good. Let the fifth sister, you are so hungry, this is all out to grab food!"

The fifth princess grabbed the lotus seeds triumphantly, and said, "Thank you, three sisters and six sisters, for peeling the lotus seeds for me, then I'm not welcome."

The fourth princess smiled and said: "This year the lotus blossoms in the lake are very good, and there are many lotus plants. You can pick some more and peel them to the Third Sister and Sixth Sister to eat."

"No, we have eaten a lot. The lotus seeds are cold in nature and don't eat much." The third princess said.

"Have you heard, lotus seeds are not tasty!" Xiao Weiyang snorted coldly.

"I'm in good health, can't you eat such a little lotus seed?" The fifth princess raised her eyebrows.

Because she robbed others of things, she was very proud. The lotus seeds were fragrant and delicious, so she naturally ate them one by one, in front of the three princesses and six princesses.

"Four sisters and five sisters, let's go back first." The third princess stood up and said.

Xiao Weiyang didn't want to stay either, and followed her third sister over to Luoyu Pavilion.

Xiao Weiyang also said in a bad mood: "I haven't seen you for a while, the fifth sister is still domineering as always, she is still a princess, and she has no tolerance!"

The third princess told the truth: "Don’t go to fight her. She was born in the middle palace, and there is the second brother, the emperor's son and the elder brother. In the palace, she naturally said one thing, there is a twin sister to help her. You have to suffer when you are alone."

Xiao Weiyang curled his lips: "I'm not afraid of them, I just don't bother to pay attention to them. I know they are jealous of me, jealous that I can live in my father's Panlong Palace, but they are princesses and have not lived in it until now. one night!"

The third princess smiled upon hearing this, and said: "I'm jealous of you too, don't say I've been to live, even now I haven't entered the Emperor Father's Panlong Palace."

"Then the third sister will come with me tonight? Father's dragon bed is big enough for us to sleep." Xiao Weiyang said.

The third princess shook her head quickly: "Forget it."

In the past, staying in the Panlong Palace was just a matter of thinking about it. If she had stayed there overnight, she would definitely not sleep.

"They are all the daughters of the father, and the father will not fail to agree." Xiao Weiyang said.

"Don't don't." The third princess continued to shake her head.

Xiao Weiyang said, "Forget it, I'll wait two days after paying homage to the emperor's grandfather. I will also go out of the palace to Huangzhuang. Sister, do you want to go together? Huangzhuang is also beautiful.

"I went to my mother and said that if I live for a few days, the mother and concubine should agree." The third princess nodded.

Liu Yu was copying the scriptures, and when they came in, she said: "The Buddha beans over there haven't been picked up yet, you two are going to pick up the Buddha beans."

"Mother concubine, when the emperor grandfather's worship is over, can I go to the imperial village for a few days with my sixth sister?" the third princess asked.

"You can stay for a while, but don't make trouble for your noble mother and concubine." Liu Yan continued to copy the Buddhist scriptures without raising his head.

"Thank you mother and concubine!" The third princess was very happy.

Xiao Weiyang was also very happy. The two little sisters were sitting together, picking up Buddha beans in front of the Buddha.

The Buddha bean is almost ready to pick up the ground, and there is someone from the middle palace, who is here to summon Liu Yu to pass. Liu Yu is still a little puzzled, and said, "What is the matter with the empress?"

"Liu 嫔 knew it when he was there," the court lady Jade said flatly.

Liu Yan said to the little palace lady: "When the three princesses and six princesses have finished picking up the Buddha beans, I will give them the red bean porridge, and the Yunsong cake for them to eat."

"Yes." The little palace lady nodded.

Liu Yu came over to Fengqi Palace, but before entering the gate of Fengqi Palace, the court lady Jade said in a convenient way: "Lady Liu Yu is kneeling here!"

"What?" The big palace lady Spruce beside Liu Yan couldn't help frowning.

"Why, does Liu Yan still want to violate the Queen's decree? The Queen's Empress asks her to kneel down, do you dare not kneel?" The court lady Jade said with a cold face.

Yunshan wanted to question her mother's mistake, but Liu Yan pulled her and said, "Since the queen mother asked her to kneel, the concubine will kneel."

After speaking, he knelt down.

Jade snorted and turned back.

"Mother, you didn't make any mistakes, why do you have to kneel?" Yunshan said angrily.

"The queen will not attack me in public for no reason. Think about what happened. You don't need to worry about me and find out what happened." Liu said.

"The girl waits for the servants!" Yunshan said.

It's not too hard to find out, mainly because the five princesses had diarrhea, and it was quite serious, making the whole person pale.

Spruce inquired that it was related to the third princess and the sixth princess. The fifth princess only ate the lotus seeds peeled by the third princess.

After hearing about these spruces, I almost knew what was going on, so I came to Jade Palace and reported it to Concubine Xian.

Concubine Xian was also copying the scriptures, and came over without delay when she heard this.

As soon as I came over, I saw that Liu Yan was already kneeling and his face turned pale, and the concubine Xian said, "You are waiting for me here."

After she finished speaking, she went straight into Fengqi Palace.

Spruce also knelt down with her mother, and talked about what happened. She couldn't help but whispered: "The fifth princess has eaten her stomach by herself. Who is the blame? Could it be that the third princess still thinks that the third princess can't get the medicine? Blame you, mother!"

"Stop talking." Liu Yu had a count in his heart, and said in a casual way.

The fact that Liu Yu was punished to kneel soon spread in the palace. The three princesses and sister Xiao Weiyang had finished picking up the Buddha beans, and they had not used pastries and red bean porridge, so they heard about it.

As soon as the third princess turned pale, Xiao Weiyang comforted: "Sister Sister, don't worry." Then immediately asked the young **** who came to report, saying: "Mother Liu has been copying Buddhist scriptures all day, but she has never offended her mother. , Why were you punished to kneel?"

"It is said that the fifth princess ate the lotus seeds peeled by the third princess, and now she has severe diarrhea, the empress empress punished Empress Liu." said the little eunuch.

"How do those lotus seeds have problems?" The third princess couldn't help but anxiously asked.

"It's nonsense!" Xiao Weiyang frowned.

"Lead the way, I'm going to Fengqi Palace." The third princess said quickly.

"San Jie, it's useless for you to go to Fengqi Palace, you follow me to find your father!" Xiao Weiyang said.

She did not hesitate, and brought her third sister to find their father.

After listening to Qin Heng's question, Mr. Feng said: "Liu Bi was punished to kneel by the Queen because of the diarrhea of ​​the fifth princess?"

"The slave has just heard that before he has time to report, I will report that the lotus seeds were stripped by the third princess." Manager Feng also said truthfully.

"I peeled those lotus seeds together with the third sister, and we ate them all by ourselves. Why did the fifth sister have problems eating?" Xiao Weiyang grieved and said: "Moreover, that is not what we eat for the fifth sister, it is the fifth sister. She didn’t want to peel the lotus seeds, but instead robbed us of the lotus seeds. Now she can’t make up for it. She has a problem with eating. Instead, she wants us to carry the pot? Father, tell me, what kind of truth is this!"

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