The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1080: Die that heart

Love is beginning? For Jiang Mian who wants to send his daughter to the palace, this is not a good word!

The daughter was prepared for the emperor, and other wild boys still want to touch her daughter. This is not to think about, no matter what the identity of the other party is!

Jiang Mian immediately confessed, "You don't move, wait for me to send her out!"

Just do it, Jiang Mian asked the kitchen to make a snack box.

Then he called her daughter over and said, "This is a cake made by my mother herself. You help my mother to send it back to Yonglehou Mansion. Your brother can go to the palace to study because of your maternal grandfather’s home. Mother has nothing else. This intention should always be expressed, you also go back to accompany your grandmother instead of your mother."

Zhou Miao didn't doubt that he had him, so he nodded.

When I went back and changed my clothes, I took Hongyun and waited for the maid to go out carrying the food box.

"Madam, the lady has already got on the carriage and left!" The woman immediately returned to report.

Jiang Mian came to his daughter's room and said, "Search it for me, I want to see which wild kid dares to seduce my daughter!"

Although the room is not big, no matter how people searched it, they didn’t find any letters. Jiang Mian frowned. Then she came to her daughter’s bed to search, and finally she found it in the mezzanine under her pillow. found it!

That thick pile is all!

Jiang Mian began to look at it one by one with a gloomy face, and his face became darker as he watched.

The guy in the letter was glib, what a day is not seen as every three autumns, what you see is how beautiful the flower is, I think of you in my mind, and when I have something delicious, I also want to take her to eat.

In Jiang Mian's opinion, these words are not something that can be written by good things, they are specially used to deceive little girls.

But my daughter was deceived, because judging from the folds on these letters, it was often read, especially in the pillows. Is this secretly taken out in the middle of the night? The most important thing is that I don't know when it started, such a thick stack of letters!

"Let me have a thorough investigation right away to see who this Uncle Quan is really, I want to see which **** is this!" Jiang Mian became more and more angry, angrily said.

"Ma'am, didn't Hong Yun say it? The young master is also helping to pass the letters, but you have to ask the young master directly?" the woman said.

"This **** is so bold and dare to conceal this kind of thing, what about the **** now!" Jiang Mian said.

"Practice martial arts with a martial artist in the backyard," said the woman.

"This matter is a hindrance to Ms. Miao's reputation. I want to take care of it in private and call him over to me!" Jiang Mian said.

Soon Zhou Bai came over, and Jiang Mian directly let him kneel down!

Zhou Bai was taken aback for a while, he saw the letters, and immediately knew that it was going to be bad.

"You can be patient. Everyone else's younger brothers are all helping sisters, so that the older sister will not be missed by outsiders. It is good for your younger brother to help outsiders send this kind of letter to your sister!" Jiang Mian cursed.

Zhou Bai lowered his head.

"You tell me honestly, when did this all start?" Jiang Mian said.

"It started last year." Zhou Bai also said.

Jiang Mian almost fainted, she saw this pile of letters and guessed that it must be a long time, it really started last year!

"You bastard, how old your sister was last year, you dare to do this kind of thing, if it spreads out to let people know, does your sister still have a reputation? Have you considered for your sister!" Jiang Mian Scolded.

"Mother, Brother Qinghe is very good, and this is what the eldest aunt has witnessed, and it is also Niang Bao Liu's matchmaker. How dare he deny it? Besides, from last year to this year, I have seen it in my eyes. Brother Qinghe is a man A person worth entrusting for life!" Zhou Bai said.

Jiang Mian didn't expect to hide so many things from her here, and the whole person was stunned.

Is this still the handwriting of her elder sister and Liu Yu?

"You go back to me, you are not allowed to talk about this!" Jiang Mian cursed.

Zhou Bai said: "Mother, don't stop me. It would be great if the eldest sister could marry Qinghe brother. In the future, there will be more in-laws like the Liu family in our family. Everyone should look at you."

"Don't I want you to teach me how to do things, so quickly get back!" Jiang Mian annoyed.

Zhou Bai could only go back, just a little anxious, and asked someone to find his sister to come back quickly, something went wrong at home!

Jiang Mian also had a black face here, and remained silent.

The mother-in-law couldn't help but said, "Madam, what can I do? I didn't expect that this incident would have the handwriting of the imperial concubine and Liu 嫔. It started last year!

"We'll talk about it when Sister Miao comes back!" Jiang Mian said solemnly.

Zhou Miao came back in a hurry, because the carriage was too fast, and her face turned pale when she got home.

I saw her mother sitting in the hall waiting for her, and the ones standing by the side, needless to say, knew that they were her letters!

"Mother, how can you search my room!" Zhou Miao was anxious, going over to grab those letters.

But she was stopped by her wife: "Miss, take a good look, Madam has something to tell you."

"I don't know, you are hiding so much from my mother, Miao sister, do you still have my mother in your heart? In your heart, I am just a decoration, right?" Jiang Mian cursed .

"Mother, I don't have one. I dare not tell you about this kind of thing." Zhou Miao could only say.

"If you don’t have a ghost in your heart, what can’t you tell me? Do you know how hurt and angry I am now? My own daughter, my mother doesn’t know anything, you really are Good job!" Jiang Mian said.

Zhou Miao knelt on the ground: "Mother, I know I was wrong, but I didn't intentionally hide it, I'm just afraid you won't agree."

"Of course I won't agree. Even if this matter is the imperial concubine Liu's coordinator pulling the line, it is useless. I am your mother, and you should be in charge of your marriage. You will die of that heart!" Jiang Mian said with a cold face.

After speaking, he called someone to bring the brazier in, and then threw all those letters into the brazier in front of the daughter!

Zhou Miao was stunned.

"Put away your thoughts, learn the rules, come, and send the lady back to the house!" Jiang Mian said coldly.

Zhou Miao was taken back. The whole person was silent and stopped talking. Don't talk, she didn't even eat food, and sat on her bed with her legs in her arms.

Hong Yun sat down and persuaded: "Miss..."

"Slap!" Zhou Miao slapped him with a slap without warning.

Hong Yun covered her face and said inconceivably: "Miss, are you hitting me?" She followed her lady since she was a child, but she has never been beaten!

"Kneel down!" Zhou Miao stared at her.

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