The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1091: Your concubine is pregnant, are you unhappy?

"The imperial concubine's youth stays forever and adds to the charm and grace of a mature woman, which is not comparable to our green flowers." Princess Kang Min said.

Chu Yue raised her eyebrows, she looked at the Princess Kang Min, it didn't look like a green flower.

Her gaze fell on Princess Kang Min's eyebrows, and she knew instantly.

Judging from Princess Kang Min's eyebrows, this one has experienced men.

The eyebrows leave the skin of the eyebrows and bloom in the air. This is the physiological change that can only be experienced before, because it has the effect of promoting hair, just like the flowers and plants moisturized by the morning dew.

Don't ask how you know about Chu Yue, because in the previous life she and her Da Yunyun really had nothing to study.

Judging from Kang Min's eyebrows, this one is really not an honest one.

Because of this, the few sympathies that Chu Yue originally had in Chu Yue are gone. They are all foxes for thousands of years.

"My palace originally didn't know how the emperor would put the important task of establishing the friendly relationship between Dafeng and Beidi in the hands of Princess Kangmin. Now that I see Princess Kangmin, this palace understands that there is no more suitable person than Princess Kangmin. Chu Yue said with a chuckle.

Kang Min didn't quite understand how she suddenly said this, and smiled reluctantly: "The concubine is too high to look at me. I am actually very scared."

"The news of Prince Beidi should have reached the princess, right? To deal with these men, I think Princess Kangmin will have her own way. What do you think of Princess Kangmin?" Chu Yue chuckled.

Kang Min met the eyes of the imperial concubine, and she really couldn't help feeling a weird feeling in her heart. How did she feel that the imperial concubine had seen her through?

But how is this possible? No one knows anything about her and Young Master Yan.

"This road to Beidi will be your best opportunity to win over Prince Beidi, this palace teaches you a method, you should use it in the future." Chu Yue laughed.

Kang Min smiled stiffly, and said, "What is the concubine talking about?"

"If you don't want it, then forget it. It's all that the palace didn't say." Chu Yue smiled.

Where would Kang Min not? This is a widow who has come to this point. I don't know how many glamorous methods there are, and she doesn't suffer at all.

Chu Yue called her over, and then whispered a few words in the ear.

Kang Min's face turned pale, Chu Yue was satisfied to see her like this, and said: "This method cannot be spread, Princess Kang Min makes good use of it herself."

Princess Kang Min reluctantly pulled out a smile, got up and saluted: "Thank you for your concubine."

"No thanks." Chu Yue laughed.

Princess Kangmin looked at her. She really felt that the imperial concubine knew that she was no longer a virgin. Otherwise, how could she teach her such a thing?

Thinking about it this way, Princess Kang Min didn't dare to stay any longer, she quit, and it seemed a little bit of fleeing.

"Niangniang, what did you say to Princess Kangmin?" The Magpies asked for unknown reasons. They were all far apart just now and didn't hear it.

"Teach her a little ability." Chu Yue laughed.

After Princess Kang Min took her maid away from Weiyang Palace, she breathed out slowly.

"It's really a vixen, no wonder she can bring the emperor here!" Princess Kang Min couldn't help but said.

"Princess, what did the concubine tell you?" The handmaid was also curious.

Princess Kang Min insisted on not talking about the trick that Weiyang Palace used to hide her from the sky on her wedding night.

She was almost certain that Weiyang Palace might have seen it, why are her eyes so sharp? Can you tell from her face that she has experienced a man?

What kind of eye is that?

Qin Heng stepped down and came over, and asked Chu Yue if he wanted to go to the banquet because he was going to have a banquet for Prince Beidi and Prince Li.

"Prince Li?" Chu Yue puzzled: "Are there other princes here?"

"The youngest son of King Bei Di, a wolf cub who grew up with King Snow Wolf, has silver eyes." Qin Heng said.

"It was the one who was poisoned to death by accident and was rescued by Chang Lehou?" Chu Yue asked.

"The princess even told you this?" Qin Heng said.

"I talked about it when I was idle." Chu Yue also said: "She also said that this child is not unusual, and that he may not be worse when he grows up in the future."

"It looks like a wild one, but I can't see the rest for the time being," Qin Heng said.

"What's your name?" Chu Yue said.

"Nine Li." Qin Heng said.

"It's really ambitious, so you have such a name?" Chu Yue chuckled lightly.

"It is said that I started it myself." Qin Heng said.

"Now that I am physically inconvenient, I won't go, the emperor, go by yourself." Chu Yue also said.

Qin Heng didn't say anything, after all, being pregnant is indeed an inconvenience.

On the way to the banquet on the second day, Empress Xiao said: "The emperor, why don't you see the concubine over here on such an occasion?"

"Yes, father, why didn't the noble concubine come here? Yesterday my daughter used to meet the noble concubine." Princess Kang Min said.

"The imperial concubine is pregnant and her body is not very convenient, so I let her rest in her palace." Qin Heng smiled and said.

As soon as these words came out, he was the only person present to laugh.

Others, including the queen, had expressions that only knew they were shocked.

Of course, in addition to the queen, the other concubines, including Concubine Shu, Concubine Xiwen, Concubine Wen Luo, and the others, really didn't know, they were all dumbfounded.

Qin Heng noticed their expressions after a while, and frowned, "Why, the concubine is pregnant, are you very upset?"

I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I don't blame Yue'er for not going back to the palace or talking about her pregnancy. Look at these concubines, what is this expression?

"What's the emperor's words? Everyone was just stunned by the news. When did this happen? Why hasn't there been any news?" Empress Xiao said.

"I have been pregnant for a few months. I forgot to say it. I only remembered when I asked today." Qin Heng said lightly.

At this moment, even Empress Xiao's phoenix body couldn't help shaking. It has been several months?

"Father, I went to visit the imperial concubine yesterday, but I didn't see that the imperial concubine had a big belly?" Princess Kang Min twitched her mouth and said.

"In the early five months, my belly is just getting big, so I can't see it naturally." Qin Heng said indifferently.

A sky thunder slashed from the minds of the Queen Tree Feixi and others.

Weiyang Palace has been pregnant for more than five months? !

"Okay, let's go, the time is almost up." Qin Heng finished speaking calmly, and walked ahead.

"It's important for the queen mother to attend the banquet first." The fourth princess said while supporting her mother.

Empress Xiao stabilized her mind, and then she reluctantly smiled with the others: "Everyone, go to the banquet first, and congratulate the concubine after the banquet is over!"

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