The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1096: Seize the gold seal

Empress Xiao sees her so, still wondering what she thinks?

"This time, it is clear that someone wants to kill two birds with one stone. If they can murder the six princesses, they will naturally persecute the dragon heir in your womb, and then take another bite of this palace as it is now. Can't escape!"

"Now that the Six Princesses have great fate and Weiyang Palace is safe, it is not a discount if you want to get into the water in the palace!"

Empress Xiao watched Chu Yue after saying this.

But Chu Yue didn’t want to hear a single sentence, although she knew that the other party’s improper way of doing things did not fit the style of Empress Xiao. From what happened to Empress Xiao’s dealings with Concubine De, she could tell that if she had acted There will be no chance of being bitten back.

But now Chu Yue doesn't want to make sense at all!

Because it was her daughter who almost had an accident, and the queen was one of the people who harbored evil intentions towards her daughter. With this alone, she would never end with Queen Xiao!

"What the Queen Empress said is not the same as the one from Shen Xingji. There was a confession that was finally spit out. Moreover, the Empress Empress knew that the palace was pregnant a long time ago, but she kept pretending not to know. I heard that Empress Empress was there. When the emperor said that when the palace was pregnant, his face was also obviously surprised, and he pretended to be really alike!" Chu Yue said ruthlessly.

Empress Xiao looked at her: "You are going to bite the palace to death now, want to take the opportunity to attack?"

"This palace never takes the initiative to cause trouble, unless it is a counterattack, please ask the queen empress, this palace is not in good spirits, so we won't entertain the queen empress!" Chu Yue said coldly.

Empress Xiao was angry, but she knew that she couldn't talk to her, so she didn't want to say anything, she just asked, "Where are the six princesses?"

"I'm scared, I will stay in the study, so I won't come out to see the Empress Empress, please forgive me, Empress Empress!" Chu Yue said directly.

Empress Xiao got up and left Weiyang Palace.

"Niangniang, Concubine Yue, this is to make it clear that I don't want to be quiet, how can this be good?" Zisu could not help.

"She should be careful if she settles things down in the palace, isn't this what she expected now?" Empress Xiao said, she hesitated for a while before coming over to the royal study room.

Qin Heng was reviewing Zhezi, and he turned a deaf ear to the news that the emperor had come.

Manager Feng came out to reply: "Please come back, Empress Empress. Long live Lord will be busy now."

"General Feng, the emperor suspects this palace now?" Empress Xiao asked.

Manager Feng said officially: "Long live the meaning, the slaves don't know yet, the queen empress will go back and wait for the news."

After Empress Xiao returned to the palace, the second prince, the fourth princess, and the fifth princess were all waiting for her.

In this short period of time, there was a lot of discussion in the palace.

"The mother queen, it's spreading in the palace now that you sent someone to push Qin Weiyang into the water. These lowly slaves are absolutely guilty!" The fifth princess said first.

"Mother, what is going on?" the second prince asked.

The fourth princess also looked at her mother and waited for her mother to give an explanation.

This matter is too big, especially for Qin Weiyang. The father loves her so much. If there is any trace, then her mother is regarded as the queen, I am afraid that she will not be able to eat this time.

"Don't worry about things that I haven't done in Fengqi Palace, who dares to pour dirty water on Fengqi Palace at will, you will be upright when you go out, don't care about others' eyes!" said Empress Xiao.

That night, Huang Taiyi, who was thrown into the jail, was poisoned to death.

The Dali Temple, who hadn't asked what it was, immediately sent the news, and Qin Heng was furious.

The golden seal of the empress of Fengqi Palace was directly taken by the emperor and sent to the noble concubine Weiyang Palace. The concubine temporarily took over the palace affairs and governed the sixth palace!

This night, the entire harem was shaking.

Other news spread the next morning. The imperial concubine named Liu Fei as Concubine Liu. Now she is physically inconvenient, so she asked Concubine Liu and Concubine Xian to help her manage the harem.

The harem was originally one-third of the world, but now the queen has retired, but Weiyang Palace is in full swing, and Concubine Shu Xi is naturally avoiding her edge.

Because Weiyang Palace is now in control, when Concubine Xi came here, Wen Bi could not help but conspiracy theories.

"Niangniang, do you think Weiyang Palace edited and derived this incident?" Wen Bi said.

"Where do you see that Weiyang Palace wrote and directed itself?" Concubine Xi was taken aback and looked at her.

"Now the queen's gold seal has been taken away, and her concubine Yue controls the power of the harem. Isn't this a conspiracy she planned? She just wants to deal with the queen by now carrying a dragon!" Wen said.

Concubine Xi thought she had some secret insider news. When she heard this, she didn't even bother to roll her eyes, and said indifferently: "At the time of the incident, Princess Six went back to Weiyang Palace alone wearing Prince Li's clothes. Concubine Liu found out only afterwards. The six princesses ran out of the banquet without any servants, and did not come to the banquet from Weiyang Palace, let alone know about it. Moreover, with the sacred pet of Weiyang Palace, you think she needs such a great effort. The golden seal of the palace?"

Wen Bi was speechless, but still couldn't help but said, "But isn't she the one who benefits in the end?"

"The people behind this are really amazing. Whether it's Weiyang Palace or Fengqi Palace, she won't lose any of them." Xi Fei said with squinting eyes.

"The lady knows who did this?" Wen Bi asked in a low voice.

"Isn't the queen already deprived of her golden seal!" Xi Fei glanced at her.

Wen Bi curled her lips. She didn't believe this. If the queen really took action, the six princesses would not have a chance to be alive.

Even if there is a prince Li next to him, he is just a boy.

Concubine Xi also didn't believe that this was the Queen's work. After all, they were old opponents for many years. When did the Queen give people a chance to resist?

Naturally, there are people who are skeptical in her heart. She guessed that Concubine Shu might have done this, and the eldest prince would benefit the most from such a plan!

Fengqi Palace was seriously injured in this encounter, and it also completely angered the emperor. Otherwise, how could the great prince of Beidi be stripped of her golden seal before she left?

When the first emperor passed away, the queen was also banned. She had been unhappy before, but she had never been like this this time. This was because the second prince did not have the face of the emperor's son.

It can be seen how angry the emperor is.

And this kind of instigation, isn't Concubine Shu good at it?

The second prince cannot be the Sacred Heart, and the eldest prince is the beneficiary. There is no doubt that!

Chongyang Palace.

Mu Bi was lying on the hospital bed, drinking the medicine fed by the palace lady Die'er. The bitter medicine made her frown slightly.

Die'er said softly: "Niang Niang, the Queen Niang Niang is afraid that she has been completely abandoned by the emperor."

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