The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1104: Man's mouth

In Chu Yue, every imperial concubine who murdered her daughter this time is suspected, especially those who have sons are her key suspects.

Can she still make Mu Bin's life better? All of them are treated equally.

Other palaces are naturally dissatisfied, and this time it has shrunk nearly 30% of the cost, which is simply a deduction!

"Now that the harem is in her hands, what is this going to be like? The emperor doesn't care about it. If this goes on, it won't be smoky? It's a mess of the master's expense to subsidize the palace servants!" Wen I couldn't help but just said.

Concubine Xi said lightly: "She is now a new official with three fires. If you want to be the best bird, just go, my palace will not stop you."

Wen Bie said: "She just relied on this time to make use of the topic!"

"That's also the emperor's pampering." Xi Fei sighed and said: "You have also seen Qianer. Yan often invites the emperor to the palace. She is almost cooked and finally won't fly."

This person in Weiyang Palace didn't know what means was capable of, so he dared to go straight to the door and take the emperor away.

And she has a belly, which is obviously not suitable for serving the emperor, but she will not let the emperor go to the side.

"Concubine heard that Yan is often so angry that he smashed all the dishes on that table. The emperor is only willing to go after the emperor for so long. I don't want Weiyang Palace to be so mad!" Wen Yi said.

Isn’t it just crazy?

"The emperor was not angry in the end. I heard that the next day he also sent the wolf king's tooth skewer that the Great Prince Beidi contributed to Weiyang Palace and hung it in her bedroom." Xifei couldn't help but feel a headache.

This Weiyang Palace is too difficult to deal with. If this child is still a princess, it will be fine, but if it is a prince, then the other princes may have to give him concessions.

When the queen was there, Weiyang Palace could still be contained a little bit. Now that the Central Palace is in decline and the Weiyang Palace is dominated by the family, it is truly unstoppable.

That's it for Concubine Xi, and it's even worse for Concubine Shu.

De Fei almost made no secret of her hostility towards her, and what was ordered to be delivered was either the problem or the problem.

"Niang, Empress De concubine is really deceiving too much, she is also a concubine, why does she treat you so much!" The maid could not help gritting her teeth.

Concubine Shu glanced at the inferior cloth that was delivered this time. If you want to say how bad it is, there is no way, but if you want to say good things, then there is no, just so good or bad.

"Take it away." Concubine Shu said lightly.

"Mother, do you have to endure this anger? How long will it last!" said the maid.

"I have to bear it for a long time. Now she has taken refuge in Weiyang Palace, and she has the noble concubine as her backer. Naturally, she will not miss such an opportunity." Shu Fei said calmly.

"I don't have a prince, dare to be so rampant!" The maid said.

"If the imperial concubine is a prince, then there will be more rampant places for her in the future." Concubine Shu said, she can also understand the mind of the person who started this time.

It is true that Weiyang Palace is too favored, and this child cannot be kept, otherwise, it is impossible to resist the power of Weiyang Palace.

Isn't this the best proof right now?

Because of the reduction in expenses, the palace is full of complaints.

Chu Yue also mentioned this to Qin Heng: "Although they are all the concubines of the emperor, they should be rich in clothes and food, but it only cuts the cost for two months. This is too squeamish. My dinner table The meals served have been cut in half."

Qin Heng said: "They have been reduced, and you are still pregnant, and you are indispensable for the cost."

Chu Yue doesn't care too much: "I can still eat deliciously even with thick tea and light rice. Don't dislike the emperor. This winter melon soup is delicious. The emperor should drink more."

Also defeated his anger, and saved her pestering her every night.

Since opening his new world that night, he has pestered her to ask her to help him, but Chu Yue won't let himself depreciate, so he pleased him that night.

Qin Heng sipped the winter melon soup and said, "Where is Yang Yang?"

"I had a meal with her third sister at Concubine Liu's, and I have told people to come over." Chu Yue said.

Qin Heng nodded, and after eating, Qin Heng followed her for a walk, and took her out to the Royal Garden for a walk.

I also ran into Yin Bi and the Seventh Prince on a walk.

"I have seen the emperor, I have seen the imperial concubine and empress." Yin Yan brought the seventh prince to salute.

The seven princes are now well-informed, and they are taught very well by Yin's wife. They are not too quick to speak, but they are also well-behaved. They called the father and the noble mother under the guidance of the mother. Concubine.

"The Seventh Prince is really cute, and he was taught very well by Yin's." Chu Yue looked at Yin's and said.

Yin concubine glanced at Qin Heng and said, "This is all right. The emperor gave the seventh prince to his concubine. Naturally, the concubine must be taken care of."

Qin Heng looked at the Seventh Prince and said, "I remember when Yang Yang was so old, he was already very agile."

"Children's speech is not all the same. Generally, they only learn to be fluent slowly at this time. Before this, they speak short sentences." Chu Yue said.

This is actually to give Yin's face, because when Xiao Weiyang was so big, she was really good at talking with her little mouth.

Yin concubine said: "Concubine also taught the Seventh Prince to speak recently."

"If there is any need, let people come to Weiyang Palace to speak. Although the expenses of the palaces have been reduced now, the little princes and princesses have not reduced." Chu Yue said.

"Thank you noble concubine empress." Yin Blessed Fushen.

Chu Yue turned around with Qin Heng and went back. Yin couldn't help but looked at the emperor's back, with melancholy in his eyes.

"Niang Niang, it's late, let's go back too." The maid said.

Yin Bi nodded, and then took the Seventh Prince back home.

The imperial concubine is now powerful, and the entire harem is in her hands. She also exchanged blood in the palace by letting the **** out of the palace. She also gained a good reputation. What she is now fighting against others.

Before you are fully sure, you should take good care of the Seventh Prince and don't try to draw her eyes like Yan often.

Chu Yue returned to the palace with Qin Heng and said, "Yin Bi is really as beautiful as ever. This woman who has never had a child is different. The emperor, don't you?"

"It's not as charming as the noble concubine, and I can only see the noble concubine in my eyes." Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue was in my heart. I didn’t know who told her before. He would spoil her by herself, but what he said was like a fart. She didn’t bring people back that night. Stay overnight at Chuxiu Palace.

Instead of trusting the man's mouth, it is better to believe that the sow can climb the tree.

Of course, Chu Yue is not believed at all, so there is no such thing as sadness.

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