The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1108: Couples should be like this

Qin Xuan sent several of his concubines out!

This is a relatively common thing among high-ranking officials, which is to give away women, including those that have not been used, and some have used them by themselves.

But even if you have used it yourself, as long as you look good, you can send it out.

Qin Xuan sent several out.

This will naturally make room for the backyard. Of course, what is more important is that you can save a lot and you can also make friends with people outside. This is another way to kill two birds with one stone.

On this day, Qin Xuan was called into the palace.

Qin Xuan is still a little nervous, don't his emperor find something? It's been a long time since he was called into the palace!

However, after entering the palace, Qin Heng asked him if he was free. If he was free, he would go to Yuhe to patrol and patrol. Recently, I heard that there was a group of thieves who were very rampant and did all the bad things. There were complaints.

The local power was not enough to destroy it, so it was reported.

When Qin Xuan heard this news, he was simply pleasantly surprised!

Suppressing the thief, this is a good job. There must be gold and silver jewelry in the thief's den. Does his uncle doubt him anymore, and want to make up for him?

"The errand is for you, it's up to you whether it can be done well." Qin Heng glanced at him.

"Uncle Huang, don't worry, my nephew will never disappoint Uncle Huang!" Qin Xuan said quickly.

"Okay, go ahead and prepare, it's not too late for this kind of matter." Qin Heng waved his hand.

"My nephew can leave tomorrow!" Qin Xuan said immediately.

Qin Heng let him give him a token that could lead the people out, all of them obeyed his orders, Qin Xuan withdrew with joy.

After he left, Qin Heng's eyes darkened.

Mr. Feng knew them very well. Long live the Lord was closing the net. He estimated that King Qin couldn't escape from Long Live's law!

Qin Heng got up and came over to Weiyang Palace.

As time passed day by day, the weather had even become a bit cold recently.

When Qin Heng came over, Chu Yue was still wearing thin clothes, and he was doing yoga slowly in the study.

"The emperor is here." Chu Yue glanced at him and said.

"Why do this again, such a big belly." Qin Heng's eyelids twitched slightly.

Now this belly is not fake, it's really big, and it's the same every day, just like a gasp.

Chu Yue said: "I'm fine, and it's not the first time I did it. Don't make a fuss every time."

Qin Heng was really helpless, which one of the other people was not pregnant? She is dancing and doing this so-called "fishing house".

But I don't know if it was because of this, so the woman did not appear bloated at all during the two pregnancies.

The person is a little plump, but still with thin arms and legs, the belly is bigger, and the other changes are not big.

In this way, she would often say that she was fatter and her figure was ruined.

In fact, it hasn't been ruined, and it has an extra flavor, a flavor he likes very much.

The belly of Chu Yue is not small, but her pregnancy is really a long-term pregnancy without meat. The nutrition is absolutely sufficient, and the child will not be disadvantaged, but her condition is still very good.

After the yoga practice was over, Chu Yue took the veil and wiped the sweat, and also slightly cleaned myself.

"The emperor was not so busy today in government affairs? Come here so soon." Chu Yue said.

"It's a lot of leisure time." Qin Heng nodded, and came over to help her walk outside.

"At this time, it's also the time of the autumn harvest. The weather in the big phoenix is ​​good and the emperor doesn't have so much trouble." Chu Yue came out and looked at the clear sky and said.

Qin Heng was quite satisfied, and said, "It's been hard for you to handle palace affairs these days."

"It's okay. There are concubines who help me, and I can't be tired." Chu Yue said.

"Is there anything you want to eat? I asked someone to make it for you." Qin Heng rubbed her waist and said.

"Stop eating it. I had just drank milk before the emperor came up, and also ate a plate of snacks. After eating it, how will I get fat? Yongle Houfu also sent me many things in, which are all stored in the warehouse "Chu Yue said.

"Also thoughtful." Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue thought of sister Miao'er coming to the palace tomorrow, and said: "Sister Miao's marriage with Young Master Liu Qi, how about the emperor's marriage to the couple?"

Qin Heng nodded: "Their marriage has already been decided, and that's it when the time comes to send Xiaoxuanzi a copy of Yu Ruyi."

This also represents the emperor’s congratulations.

Chu Yue was quite satisfied with his responsive appearance and gave him a smile.

Qin Heng also smiled and took her for a walk.

When Chu Yue said that this scum dragon was not scumbag, it looked pleasing to the eye, but sometimes it was too scumbag, so scumbag she wanted to give him a knife to make him happy.

Because Qin Heng's performance was especially in line with his wife's wishes, his wife did the same thing that night and let him go to heaven again.

She always said that she loved him before, but he never believed that this woman just loved him with her lips, not at all in her heart.

But now he somewhat believed it.

Of course, if she hadn't had a big belly, he would have to give back to her, but there was nothing to do with her big belly.

Zhou Miao entered the palace the next day.

Seeing her Chu Yue smiled and said: "Why go out so much? Come over and have a look at my aunt."

Zhou Miao came over with a smile and let her elder aunt look at it, and said, "I don't know how. After I went to Zhenhu City, I really grew a bit taller. I can't wear the clothes before."

"That's the water and soil to support people in Zhenhu City." Chu Yue laughed.

Zhou Miao pursed her mouth and smiled, looking at her aunt's belly and asking: "Aunt, is my cousin still good?"

"It's noisy, you have to give me a kick from time to time." Chu Yue laughed.

Zhou Miao smiled and said, "That's a strong one, and he can protect his mother and concubine when he comes out."

Chu Yue asked her to sit down and talk, and then asked about this time.

"My mother came here and brought me back in person." Zhou Miao said embarrassedly.

"Your mother cares about you too. Now that she comes back, she will prepare for marriage in the Imperial Capital and elope with Liu Qinghe. That is the next best thing." Chu Yue said.

Zhou Miao explained: "Qinghe respects me very much, and doesn't despise me because of my past."

"Don't worry about explaining it to him. My aunt didn't say that he was that kind of person." Chu Yue said: "This hasn't been married yet, so I started to face others."

Zhou Miao blushed: "Aunt, I don't have one."

"It's okay, the husband and wife should be like this, you face him, and he respects you." Chu Yue said in a convenient way: "By the way, to tell you a good news, the emperor has already agreed. Next year, when you two get married, Then the emperor will give you Yu Ruyi."

"Thank you auntie." Zhou Miao was naturally happy too, and smiled.

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