The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1115: Our son is not a docile deer

Chu Yue I slept too hard.

Suddenly giving birth to a child tonight, she was exhausted enough for her body and mind. Where is there any energy?

The whole person was a lot more energetic after waking up.

Qin Yun sat next to her and saw her wake up and said: "Wake up?"

"Well, I seemed to have heard it last night, really a kid this time?" Chu Yue smiled and said.

Qin Yun smiled and asked her to rinse her mouth and feed her lotus seed porridge. Chu Yue was too hungry, so she stopped after eating two bowls of ribs and lotus porridge.

"What about the child?" Chu Yue also said.

"Yueyue, I will tell you something." Qin Yun lowered his face seriously and looked at her.

Chu Yue was stunned, and couldn't help feeling a little flustered: "Yunyun, what's the matter? Is it the child?"

"No, although the child was born prematurely, he is very healthy," Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue heaved a sigh of relief: "What's that, you look like that."

Qin Yun said: "Yueyue, can you trust the old teacher?"

"The old teacher can be trusted." Chu Yue also tells the truth.

She knew that it was the old teacher who calculated the natural and man-made disasters of Dafeng, so she asked Qin Heng to go to Long'an Temple to practice.

Later, she lived in the Dayuan Dynasty and heard what Qin Heng said. It was also the old national teacher who pointed out the direction for him so that he could know that she was in the Dayuan Dynasty in such a short period of time so that he could go to find her.

There are always a lot of mysterious and mysterious things in the world. If you don't understand it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The old national teacher is like that.

"Yueyue, the old national teacher said that the Nine Princes cannot be kept in the palace." Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue frowned: "What do you mean by this? He is the prince, he can't be raised in the palace, where can he raise?"

"The old teacher has already taken the Nine Princes out of the palace, and now no one knows where they are going." Qin Yun said in a convenient way.

Chu Yue's face changed: "What?"

"Don't get excited, I've watched it for you. The old teacher is indeed not a crooked way. He calculated that we are not a native of this alien world. The old teacher said that Xiaojiu must be taken before dawn, otherwise there will be no chance. That's why I let him go." Qin Yun said.

"What the **** is going on, Xiao Jiu let him take it away? I didn't even have time to look at it!" Chu Yue said.

"Qin Heng said that the old Chinese teacher had calculated Xiao Jiu's birth date a long time ago, and this time he came back specifically for Xiao Jiu. I was also worried about the collision after dawn, so that he would take Xiao Jiu away." Qin Yun squeezed Mouth.

She also understood that the end of science was metaphysics, so she didn't dare to stop the old teacher from taking her Yueyue's child away, because Qin Heng, the father, did not stop it.

"Birthday Eight Characters?" Chu Yue was stunned, remembering what Qin Heng showed her, and said: "Xiao Jiu was born..."

"It seems that you have indeed seen it, and it is not bad." Qin Yun nodded.

Chu Yue could not help but said: "What did the old teacher say?"

"I didn't reveal too much to me. I just said that you will take the Nine Princes out of the palace before dawn, so you don't have to worry. When Xiao Jiu grows up, he will come back then." Qin Yun said.

Although Chu Yue is extremely reluctant to give up, there are always things in the world that she can't touch.

For example, she had a sudden childbirth last night, and there was no warning before that, as if she was born at that hour by the old teacher.

But even so, Chu Yue is still heartbroken.

Before she could meet her, her son was taken away, and he was just born, so young.

Qin Yun also knew that she was reluctant. This kind of thing would be the same for anyone. She also had a little trust in Qin Heng last night and felt that he would not use this kind of thing to blame her, so she let it go.

Otherwise, no one would want to take the nephew away from her.

When Qin Heng was dealing with government affairs in the imperial study room, he heard that the imperial concubine was awake, and he came over without delay.

"Consoling Yueyue well." Qin Yun came over with the soup just to meet him and gave him the tray.

Qin Heng nodded, took the tray and went into the house.

Chu Yue didn't make a good face when he saw him, Xiao Weiyang was there, she was sleeping last night, far away, did not bother her.

She didn't know until she got up this morning. Last night her mother and concubine gave birth to her a younger brother, who was in the order of Xiaojiu.

She still wanted to see Xiao Jiu, but her mother told her that Xiao Jiu had gone to a far place and would come back when he grew up.

Xiao Weiyang was very unhappy, because she hadn't seen Xiao Jiu yet, why did she send Xiao Jiu so far away?

However, her mother and concubine were reluctant to talk more. She would see her father coming, so she immediately went to look for her father.

"Father, how can you send Xiao Jiu to such a far place in a good manner? I think the little cousin and them all grew up next to my aunt and grandmother. My six or seven or eight brothers also grew up in the palace. , Why is my ninth brother special?" Xiao Weiyang said.

"Your ninth brother is naturally special. He was born to your mother's concubine and father's emperor." Qin Heng comforted.

"Then I was also born to my father and mother, why didn't I send it away when I was young?" Xiao Weiyang said.

"Because you are a girl, the father is reluctant to bear you, but your ninth brother is a boy, so you should have more experience, so the father sent him far away, and he will come back when you grow up. "Qin Heng said.

Xiao Weiyang sighed and said, "But I haven't seen my brother. If I see it later, I might not even know him."

"You will know her. She is your younger brother. As long as you see him, you will know that it is your younger brother." Qin Heng said.

Xiao Weiyang smiled and said, "Doesn't that become hide and seek?"

"Yeah." Qin Heng smiled: "Let's go out and play."

Xiao Weiyang also went out to play. She asked her third sister to share the story of her mother and concubine giving her a ninth brother last night.

"Yue'er, this soup is warm and ready to drink." Qin Heng held a bowl to feed Chu Yue soup.

Chu Yue looked at him and said, "Don't you come to fool me?"

"How is this flicker? It is sent out to be raised outside the palace and sent back when the time is up. Didn't you say what you said? Some children will be picked up by immortals as soon as they are born. Our parents cannot stop him, otherwise it will affect the child's luck for the rest of his life." Qin Heng said.

"When I woke up this time, you gave me away without knowing whether my child was Yuan or Bian!" Chu Yue said with red eyes.

Qin Heng said, "I know I've wronged you, but the old teacher came back for Xiao Jiu this time. According to his attention to Xiao Jiu, I am afraid Xiao Jiu's life is extremely precious."

"I don't ask him for a good fate, I just hope that he can grow up safely." Chu Yue said.

"I know, don't worry, our two born sons are not docile deer. They will grow well wherever they go!" Qin Heng said.

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