Chu Yue really didn't prepare any surprises. It just brought him over for a barbecue. But when he walked hand in hand with him on the snow and plum, Chu Yue couldn't help but think of the time when he was in Longan Temple.

"The emperor can still remember me now?" Chu Yue smiled lightly.

When she said that Qin Heng also remembered that this bold woman lied to him that she was a widow, and the little widow was particularly attractive.

It was so bold to let him carry her under the plum grove in Long'an Temple.

Even now, she dared to ask him to carry it. The key is that Qin Heng didn't mind carrying her. He looked around, and when he saw no one, he said, "Come up."

Wei Wei squatted down in front of her, and Chu Yue was unceremoniously on his back.

"The emperor, let's go to the pavilion. It is best to stand on the pavilion and see the plum blossom. Let's go over there." Chu Yue pointed to the pavilion not far in front and said.

Qin Heng came over behind her back.

Chu Yue came down from him and saw that he was still not breathing, and smiled: "The emperor is still as strong as he used to be, and I walked most of the mountain with me without panting."

Qin Heng also gave her a hand: "Ai Concubine is as graceful as before."

"The emperor doesn't have to make me happy. A woman who has given birth to two children, no matter how well maintained, how can she compare to that time?" Chu Yue said: "But during that time, occasionally midnight dreams In return, there is still a hint of sweetness in my heart."

Qin Heng laughed.

"My lord, you see how nice this plum blossom is." Chu Yue looked at the plum blossom and said.

"Yes, very good." Qin Heng took a look and said.

"But the plum blossoms are not as good as the one in front of me." Chu Yue blinked at him.

Qin Heng laughed: "Really?"

"Naturally, does the emperor know the difference between you and the moon?" Chu Yue said.

"What's the difference?" Qin Heng also said.

"The moon is in the sky, and the emperor is in my heart." Chu Yue said.

Qin Heng just watched her and didn't speak, Chu Yue was not very polite, put his hands on his neck, and sent his fragrant lips.

Naturally, Qin Heng would not be polite.

After Qin Jiaoyu and Xu Peck came out, they heard that Qin Heng had come with Chu Yue, but they just went in to enjoy the plum, and they haven't come out yet.

Qin Jiaoyu and Xu Peck looked at each other, then coughed dryly and said, "Then let's start first, the emperor and noble concubine should not come out so quickly."

"Auntie, can you not follow the rules on such occasions? Otherwise, my third sister and my Aunt Mu Ling are too reserved." Yang Yang said.

"Okay, I will allow you to not behave today and let go of eating and drinking." Qin Jiaoyu said.

"Aunt Bingye, is the leg of lamb cooked? It would be nice to bring some to my aunt and grandfather." Yang Yang said.

"Okay." Bingye nodded, she took the knife and lifted the knife down, and then cut a lot of meat, all thin and tender.

Xiao Weiyang went to bring it over and said: "Auntie, grandma, please eat while it's hot, it's delicious, we have to go there to eat."

"Go." Qin Jiaoyu smiled.

She picked up the plate and used chopsticks to feed the dipping sauce to Xu Peck. Xu Peck was a little bit embarrassed. She looked at the children, but the children each had a chicken wing. No one cared about them, so he did. have eaten.

"Is it delicious? I just smell it," Qin Jiaoyu smiled.

"It's delicious." Xu Pecking nodded: "But the emperor and concubine have not come yet."

"The two of them don't know where they are hiding, I and I, the day lily will be cold when the two of them come back, leave them alone." Qin Jiaoyu said, and said to the children: "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious, mother will also taste these chicken wings." Xu Mubai said with a mouth full of oil.

Xu Muling and the third princess are the same. The two are still very reserved, holding bamboo sticks, eating grilled chicken wings, eating small bites, but they are obviously very happy.

Xiao Weiyang eats more boldly, and of course she also pays attention to her image, just not as reserved as the two of them.


The grandmother smiled and fed chopsticks in. It was a small piece of meat, mostly white meat, so Xiao Muding was very happy to eat.

Not only the barbecue, but also the fruit wine. Just don't let you drink too much. Everyone will drink a small cup and slowly sip to remove the oil.

After Qin Heng and Chu Yue came out, they saw that everyone was just happy eating.

"If you don't come out, we will all have to finish eating." Qin Jiaoyu smiled.

Xu Peck gave a gift to the meeting.

"No need to be polite today." Qin Heng nodded.

"Father, hurry up and eat too. The leg of lamb has just entered our stomachs. This leg of lamb has just been roasted, and I can smell it," Xiao Weiyang said.

"A mouthful of oil." Chu Yue laughed.

"Mother concubine, don't laugh at me, it's delicious, try it soon." Xiao Weiyang greeted.

It's rare for Qin Heng to be so relaxed. Isn't this just eating barbecue with a piece of meat? He doesn't like to drink fruit wine, but he also warmed rice wine.

It is very good to eat like this. Qin Heng is satisfied with it, and the same goes for Chu Yue.

The imperial concubine took the emperor to the plum garden to have a barbecue, and the grand princess Chang Lehou's family was also there, which also spread to the palaces.

Yanchang is really full of resentment over there.

Before Weiyang Palace was pregnant, she was unable to bring the emperor over to her when she was sitting in the confinement. Now that Weiyang Palace has taken care of her body, how can she fight with her?

This barbecue banquet actually violates the palace rules. How can the palace hold a barbecue banquet in a place like Meiyuan with such fanfare?

But I invited the princess and Chang Lehou's family to come and play, so who would dare to say anything?

Especially after the emperor passed by, isn't it also very happy to hear.

"Always be here, maybe this time the queen mother will return to the palace, maybe it will be a chance to be here often." Granny Mou said softly.

Yan Chang couldn't help saying: "The queen mother is a cultivator. What opportunity can she bring to me when she comes back? Besides, although she is the birth mother of the emperor, she has not raised the emperor for a day in so many years. The emperor is this age. Now, what kind of admiration can I have for her, but it is because of filial piety that I brought people back!"

"But now there is no other chance for Chang." Granny Mou sighed.

Before she was invited into the palace, she was sure to win, and she felt that she would definitely be able to help Yanchang achieve a career.

After all, she tuned it out, but it was all liked by the dignitaries.

But who ever thought that this imperial concubine was so good, after so long, the emperor hadn't been here for a day, and Xingyan would always be here.

It really disappointed her.

People used to have their stomachs stubborn and were still sitting in the confinement. Now they have recovered to the same level as before, how can they fight?

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