Not only was there a fire, but Qingluan's people were also drugged, and the whole person was immobile, and her whole body was soft. This was going to burn her to death in the house.

"Girl, this is someone who wants to harm you and doesn't want you to go into the palace!" The palace lady sent to serve Qingluan said with a pale face.

Qingluan looked weakly at the guard who had saved her and said, "Go and take down the people in the pantry. I only used a bowl of plain porridge tonight, and nothing else."

When the dark guard passed by, he found a little cook who died of poisoning directly, which meant that there was no evidence to check.

"Girl, let's go back to the palace, let's go to the Queen Mother, so that no one will dare to hurt you girl!" The palace lady said pale.

She knew almost without doubt that this must be the handwriting of the inner palace. The concubine in the palace knew the existence of the Qingluan girl, so she didn't want her to enter the palace, so she wanted to take care of people outside the palace!

The fire suddenly ignited tonight, if there weren't secret guards there, it would basically be impossible to escape.

"I just serve the Queen Mother wholeheartedly. The Queen Mother raised me since I was a child. Without the Queen Mother, there would be no me, but I don't want to. But I am obstructing the way of others." Qing Luan said with red eyes.

The court lady said: "The girl grew up next to the queen mother, and she didn't know that this person's heart was sinister, especially the struggle in the palace. It has never stopped. The girl is so young and beautiful and threatening to the people in the palace. Naturally great, especially..."

"Especially what?" Qing Luan looked at her and asked.

"Especially the noble concubine empress of Weiyang Palace!" the court lady whispered.

"The imperial concubine?" Qingluan's teary eyes were hazy: "How did I offend the imperial concubine?"

"The girl doesn't know, the noble concubine has always prided herself on her beauty. For so many years, no one has been alone in her harem, but now she has a strong opponent like you, her beauty is not inferior to her, and she is more than a dozen years old. How can she not get rid of the stumbling block of the girl in advance?" the court lady said.

Qing Luan cried and said, "I really didn't want to compete with the imperial concubine, nor did I ever think about climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix. I just want to follow the queen mother and serve the queen mother well!"

The maid cried so beautifully when she saw her crying. The key is that she still has such a big backing as the queen mother. She naturally wants to show her loyalty. The future is really limitless. Will she be able to follow the tide in the future?

She began to popularize that the open and secret struggles in the palace are still sinister.

Qingluan was terrified when she heard it, like a little white rabbit who knew nothing about the world. The maid who looked at her couldn't help but feel happy. She looked so beautiful and so pure and flawless, and the emperor would definitely treat it as a treasure!

There was a fire on Tianyinguan, and the news that Qingluan was almost burned to death was unavoidable.

Who told me that there is a queen mother here, can I still not pay attention to the heat? Can't hide it.

The Empress Dowager also knew, she almost got a cold face, and said: "It hasn't been a few days since the Aijia family returned to the palace. Some people can't wait to start with Qingluan. This is really good!"

"Queen dowager, do you want to summon the emperor?" The mother asked softly.

"Let's wait for the emperor to come over and give an explanation to Ai's family. Qingluan has grown up with Ai's family since childhood!" said the empress dowager.

When Qin Heng heard the news, his face was really ugly.

In places like Tianyinguan, have there ever been any fires over the years? But now it has appeared, and he went straight to Qingluan, is it necessary to say what this intention is?

"Let Qingluan return to the palace, and save the mother from worrying about her." Qin Heng ordered.

"The emperor, it seems that the queen mother already knows it." General Feng said in a low voice.

Qin Heng frowned, but came to Cining Palace to see the queen mother without delay.

Empress Dowager said: "Originally, the emperor, you know everything, and the queen shouldn't say anything, but Qing Luan grew up next to Ai's family since she was a child, and she didn't understand the world and the world, but she was drugged and thrown in the house to burn to death She, this is what Ai Jia has heard, she is all frightened!"

"Erchen knew that Qingluan was wronged this time, so she has been ordered to take her back, and later let her serve her mother in Cining Palace." Qin Heng said.

The Queen Mother glanced at him and said: "The emperor is interested, but after this battle, the queen mother is not worried about leaving her outside, and she can be taken back. Poor child, she won’t be courageous this time. I frightened her."

"For the outside affairs, the child minister has ordered someone to thoroughly investigate and will give the mother an explanation." Qin Heng said.

"There is no need to confess. The queen mother knows that you are also busy, so you don't need to take care of these things. You can just take it back and stay with Ai's family in the future. The Ai's family will let her wait for a year or two." The queen mother said, another one. Sigh: "The Aijia originally just asked you to send someone to protect her, but she didn't want something really happened."

Qin Heng said, "My son has ordered the imperial physician to give Qingluan pulse."

The Queen Mother said: "The emperor has to ring the bell for the harem in this matter. The people around Ai's family can't easily move it if they want to move!"

"Children follow the order." Qin Heng nodded.

When he left, the Queen Mother said, "Do you think the emperor would like Qingluan like this?"

"Queen dowager, don't worry, which man can resist a woman like Qingluan?" The mother said.

"But Qingluan is different from the concubine Yue." Empress Dowager Man said.

Of course, she had focused on the incomparable concubine Yue, the woman who was like a blooming red rose, more like a burning flame, very eye-catching.

"Different temperaments can make the emperor more like them. If they are the same, how can they attract the emperor? The queen mother can rest assured." Mother said.

The empress dowager sighed: "The Ai family did not raise a big emperor, so we can only use this method to consolidate our relationship between mother and child."

Of course, the harem that happened at Tianyin Guan also knew that, after all, they were all paying attention to the Qingluan girl.

Concubine Xi and Concubine Shu were taken aback when they found out. As far as they knew, Weiyang Palace and Fengqi Palace were silent.

Although they wanted to tell her not to enter the palace, have they not implemented the plan yet?

"Whose black hand is this?" Concubine Xi couldn't help but, after being reminded by Concubine Shu, she could ask someone to inquire about it. The little hoof named Qingluan is really beautiful and young, and of course there are people staying there, so I also know that not only arson, but also medicine was given to her, so that she had no energy to come out to be burned alive.

Concubine Shu said: "Her existence is a threat to the entire harem, but any woman in the palace can do it."

Concubine Xi couldn't help saying: "It's really useless. I have already started, but I haven't succeeded yet!"

"The emperor's secret guard is guarding her." Concubine Shu said softly.

Concubine Xi's face tightened, and said: "This can make the emperor so diligent before entering the palace,"

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