After Mrs. Zhongyong returned, Mu Bi did not recover for a long time.

Because she found that she really didn't understand her elder sister enough, what on earth did her elder sister picture?

It's good that Princess Qin is inappropriate, and would rather marry a young general at the border, and then go to a place like the border, there will be no good life over there!

Is it because her brother-in-law is too romantic, but this time is also killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred.

"Niangniang, it's time to drink the medicine." Die'er delivered the medicine and said.

Mu Bi sighed and said, "When will this medicine be taken in the palace, it is really endless."

"Didn't Chang Lehou say that, after taking it for a few days, you can stop taking the medicine." Die'er comforted.

Mu Bi could only drink the medicine, and Die'er asked, "Do you want to change the clothes for the empress?"

"Change clothes?" Mu Bin frowned.

"Doesn't the empress take the eighth prince to sit in Cining Palace?" Die'er said.

Mu Bin waved his hand and said: "Fine, this palace is not someone who doesn't know how to wink. The queen mother obviously looks down on this palace, is this palace going to let her show her face!"

Die'er pursed her lips and said, "That girl Qingluan doesn't seem to want to stay in the palace?"

"Doesn’t mean to stay in the palace? It’s just pretending to be indisputable in the world. Following the Queen Mother, she was cultivated by the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother wants to use her to consolidate the relationship with the emperor. Yes!" Mu Bin said indifferently.

Originally, she was also full of hope, hoping to enter the eyes of the Lafayette in Ci Ning Palace.

But it is clear that they have prepared a second hand long ago, and it is still an existence that can make all the concubines in the harem be afraid of it.

Regardless of the love of raising up since childhood, she would still be worthy of her eighth prince. When that Qingluan becomes the emperor's concubine, it will not be difficult to have ten princes and eleven princes.

Die'er hesitated when she heard the words: "If this is the case, then what can we do?"

If you want to take refuge in Weiyang Palace, Weiyang Palace will not accept it. If you want to take refuge in Cining Palace, it is not uncommon at Cining Palace.

Mu Bi sighed softly: "It's really better to rely on the sky than on yourself."

It's just that now she is so strong that she is really powerless to compete with others.

At this time, Concubine De came over and said, "Sister Mu Bi, can you feel much better today?"

Mu Bi was about to get up and salute, but she was pushed down by Concubine De, and said, "Why do you still have so many courtesies with this palace?"

"Thank you very much for your concubine De concubine's concern. My concubine's body has improved a little over the past few days." Mu Bi said.

"If it's all right, do you want to go for a walk? The weather is good today. My palace wants to sit in Weiyang Palace? Would you like to take the Eighth Prince with you?" Defei asked with a smile.

"My concubine is sick now, so I won't pass it, so I don't have to pass it on to the imperial concubine." Mu concubine said.

De Fei sat by the bed and looked at her, and sighed: "Don't blame this palace. Last year's palace rules were the same. This palace treats everyone equally. If you don't believe it, you can ask about it." She finished this. He lowered his voice: "There is a problem with the palace account book, and the imperial concubine can only throttle and fill the vacancy."

Mu Bi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Sister De Fei made a serious statement. Concubine has never been surprised."

"That's fine, if you don't go to Weiyang Palace, then do you want this palace to take the Eighth Prince to Weiyang Palace? It is also good for the Eighth Prince to sit there." De Fei said.

"This...isn't this bad?" Mu Bi said softly with a heart move.

"How could it be bad? My palace personally come over and you bring the eighth prince over, and my palace can send you all the beards and tails. There will be no accidents, but if you can't bear it, then forget it." De Fei said.

"How can I be reluctant? Sister Defei wants to take the eighth prince to greet the imperial concubine. That is also the blessing of the eighth prince." Mu Bi said.

So De Fei took the Eighth Prince and left.

"Niangniang, Defei brought the Eighth Prince to Weiyang Palace, what did she want to do?" Die'er couldn't help but worry.

"The Concubine Dee has no children under her knees, and there is no child in the Weiyang Palace. Maybe this palace can take the path of Concubine De." Mu Bi said with a slight squint.

"But Consort De..." Die'er was startled.

Mu Bi said indifferently: "No one knew what happened back then. There was nothing between my palace and Concubine De."

De Fei has already brought the Eighth Prince to the Weiyang Palace.

The eighth prince was still very cute, and Defei teased him with a smile.

"Niangniang, is this?" Madam Li asked in a low voice.

"You don't have to ask anything, just look at it." De Fei smiled lightly.

How could it be enough to let Mu Bi linger on the sick bed? She would live on the eighth prince. If Mu Bi delivered the prince to her, she would tell Mu Bi the truth, what would Mu Bi do?

She is really looking forward to that scene.

At Weiyang Palace, Chu Yue is packing Xiao Weiyang, because tomorrow he will be sending Xiao Weiyang out of the palace, and it’s time to go to Zhongzhou Fengshi to study.

After falling into the water last year, Chu Yue really felt that she could only teach capable children, so she wouldn't be able to use that hand.

So it’s good to send Xiao Weiyang over there to learn, and let her train in a big way.

As for the young age? That's not a problem, she knows that she will not be overloaded.

Xiao Weiyang said: "Mother concubine, I want to sleep with you and my father tonight."

"Yes." Chu Yue naturally satisfies her little request.

"Then I will go and find Sister Third." Xiao Weiyang said.

Chu Yue nodded and let her go. De Fei came in with the eighth prince on his back and forth.

"Eight princes, pay a courtesy to the concubine noble mother." Defei said.

The eighth prince was not young, he was more than three years old, but he was taught to understand the rules, so he met with a ceremony.

"The Eighth Prince exempts the gift." Chu Yue chuckled and said to the magpie: "But I brought some snacks to the Eighth Prince."

"Yes." The magpie went down and brought up a plate of snacks. The Eighth Prince was obviously very happy, so he sat and ate.

Chu Yue was talking to Concubine De: "How come the Eighth Prince was brought out, can Mu Bi be willing to do it?"

"I said I wanted to bring the eighth prince over, and Mu Bi agreed. She would like to come to the imperial concubine," Defei said.

"The eighth princes are also welcome here, but Concubine De, the children in the palace are all the children of the emperor. You and I are both harem concubines. The family also enjoys the honor that they deserve, so it is the obligation to take care of the emperor's heirs." Chu Yue glanced at her and said.

"The imperial concubine, don't worry, it was the concubine who carried the eighth prince out, and the concubine will naturally take good care of the eighth prince." De concubine said.

Chu Yue clicked to the end, saying: "I got a new box of bird's nest, but I haven't finished eating the previous one. You will bring this box back later for De Fei."

"Thank you noble concubine." Concubine De nodded and turned to talk about the affairs of the harem.

Listening to Chu Yue, from time to time I look at the eighth prince who is more than three years old, who is the cutest age, with obvious misses in his eyes.

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