There are many things in the harem, and the rise of the concubine Luan in Wutong Garden is the decline of the concubine Weiyang Palace.

It is said that the emperor is completely disgusted. The emperor is now passing by Weiyang Palace and has not stayed there for half a step.

The news is naturally concealed.

The Lord Chu Xiang in Chu Xiang's Mansion was very worried.

"You have to have a son!" After a thousand words, it was finally turned into this sentence.

Isn't it just that there is no son? If there is a son, it will be different now. Who can get a daughter in the palace? Not so isolated and helpless now.

In the past, he was favored, but would the same man as a man of Chu Xiangye not understand the nature of men? Just meet one and love one.

Although he also has a concubine that he loves very much, but even if he loves it, he still didn't get that share. It was after the concubine gave birth to his son that he became more concerned.

But Shangxin is Shangxin, which doesn't prevent him from taking a rest, and it doesn't prevent him from seeing young and beautiful people like him.

And the premise of this is that the concubine in front is not making trouble, if she is making trouble, he will not agree.

Pushing people with oneself, just relying on the eldest daughter to directly treat the queen dowager with anger, it will definitely attract the emperor’s dislike. After all, the emperor has been separated from the queen dowager’s mother and son for many years, and the queen has made many sacrifices for the emperor. Let your daughter be so presumptuous?

However, people's hearts are always biased. Master Chu is still biased toward his daughter. If the daughter has a son by his side, why is he so unassuming?

Although there is a sixth princess, the sixth princess is a daughter, so she can't compare with her son.

If the eldest daughter has the skills of the second daughter, how good would it be? If you can give birth to two sons and a daughter, your status in the palace will probably be too strong!

In fact, Chu Jia has more than two sons and one daughter.

She was pregnant again recently.

"I'm pregnant again." Chu Jia said to the man who was sleeping with her arm in the middle of the night.

Who is this man if he is not Guan Shi Jin?

Guan Shi was stunned, and couldn't help being surprised: "I'm pregnant again?"

"You still said, it's not all you bad guys who come so frequently, which made me pregnant again." Chu Jiajiao groaned.

Guanshi Jin was naturally very happy, but after Chu Jia's words told him to stop, Chu Jia said, "I don't plan to stay this child."

"Why is this? This is our child!" Guanshi Jin said hastily.

He and her already have a son and a daughter, but why would he abandon too many children? Especially the daughter of Chu Xiangfu's concubine gave birth to him, and it was the orthodox concubine of Emperor Xuan's palace!

It's not too much.

"You don't want to think about how long the prince hasn't come to me? Forget it, he hasn't come since I became the princess, and he has been hanging around. If I am pregnant at this time, what do you want me to say? "Chu Jia said.

"It's all of us, so naturally there is no need to worry." Guanshi Jin said quickly.

Whether it's a doctor or a midwife, they have their own people, so just let them come.

"It's been almost a month and a half, and the time is too late, so let's forget it." Chu Jia shook her head and said, she didn't want to give birth, nor did she want to take risks.

Guan Shi Jin was very disappointed, but he had no choice but to get her medicine and let the child go.

Although the child was shed, Chu Jia, who was lying on the bed and sitting in the confinement, was not much sad. On the contrary, she was a little proud.

"I have so many children that I don’t want it anymore. I get pregnant at all times, and I’m so annoying. But look at my eldest sister in the palace, it’s really hard for her to want a child, but this time she is replaced by Concubine Luan. , She has a son who doesn't stop here, and no one can help her." Chu Jia scoffed.

"What the princess said is that the imperial concubine is not young anymore. How can it be compared with the past? She even smashed the queen mother and made the queen mother angry. Although the queen mother was not as tolerant as her, the emperor would inevitably get angry. I haven't been there for half a step, and I don't even mention Weiyang Palace. I heard that Weiyang Palace is often taking medicine. It seems to be very sick, but the emperor is not as nervous about her as before!" The maid also said.

"Men, they are all the same. They like the new and dislike the old. They all like the fresh and beautiful. Let alone the emperor of the Sannomiya and the Sixth Court, you can tell from the prince. How much he liked me before? Now look at it, how long has it been since? "Chu Jia said flatly.

She knew that Qin Xuan was showing her a look, and she was dissatisfied with her forcing him to promote her to be Princess Xuan, but what about this? She has a son and a family, this is her confidence.

As for whether he will come or not, she doesn't care at all. Anyway, she is not the only man.

In the days when he was not here, Guan Shi Jin came here to accompany her every three days, and she was not lonely at all at night.

"But my eldest sister can't see through this. She thinks that if the emperor loves her, she will be proud of her life. It's really a joke." Chu Jia mocked.

Last time at the hunting ground, if her elder sister agreed to let her go into the palace to accompany her, why is it so now?

She can't give birth as a sister, but she can give birth as a younger sister.

They all came from Chu Xiang's Mansion. If she were allowed to enter the palace at that time, she could now give birth to at least two children for the emperor.

This is the blood of Chu Xiangfu, and her elder sister will not be reduced to this.

But her eldest sister was very confident and refused her surrender, and now she is well, replaced by Concubine Luan.

They all think so. After all, Concubine Luan is young, and it is said that she has a beautiful appearance and a natural fragrance on her body. And most importantly, she grew up next to the Queen Mother.

No matter what these conditions are, it is enough to make her favored, let alone she has all of them.

Now that he is pregnant with the dragon heir, the emperor must be very affectionate.

Of course, this may be her elder sister's opportunity, and being pregnant with Long Si means that she can't accept the favor. It depends on whether her elder sister can take this opportunity to come out.

At this time, Chu Yue, who is eating tofu brain in Weiyang Palace, is really not in the mood to prepare for favor.

Sweet tofu nao is the most delicious, but magpie little chestnuts like to eat salty tofu nao, so she ate it herself.

After eating, continue to piling.

"In this situation outside, Niangniang doesn't say that she wants to fight for favor, but she pilings to practice martial arts every day. What does Niangniang plan to do?" Magpie sighed.

Little Lizi said, "No matter what the mother is going to do, we just listen."

Magpie also knew: "I'm just worried."

Little Lizi nodded: "I'm worried too, but Niang Niang always has her own plan. Didn't Niang Niang tell you to send a letter to Feng Family secretly last time?"

"Yeah." The magpie pursed her mouth.

"That's right, let's wait for the lady to make arrangements." Xiao Lizi said.

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