The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1166: Emperor Yuan did not stand after

Chu Yue originally thought that her trip out of the palace would not go smoothly. After all, the assassin had just happened not long ago, especially she was still a key suspect.

But I don't know if God helped her tonight, because when she was out of the palace, there was a lot of noise on the east side.

There were three or four people in black appearing there, and basically all the combat power was attracted there.

I don't know the origin of these people in black, but after all, they have little to do with Chu Yue, and she got out of the palace smoothly through the movement they caused.

Just the height of those walls, this is what she had taken the pills made by her Da Yunyun, otherwise she really couldn't get up.

Out of the palace, Chu Yue feels good in my heart. After all, she is really free to come and go now, and the palace can't keep her shut.

It's not difficult if you really want to go.

But I still want to solve what happened to Qin Heng.

Chu Yue went to Zhongzhou Fengshi, but before that, she still came to Yonglehou Mansion first.

Grandma Jiang wakes up in the middle of the night to see her, and hastily said: "Why is this dress up?"

Chu Yue was initially dressed up as a court lady, but she also changed her clothes before leaving the palace. Now she is dressed in night clothes.

"The granddaughter has something to go to Feng's family, so she specially came to see you grandmother before going away." Chu Yue said.

Grandma Jiang was really worried for a while, and said, "What happened to you and the emperor?"

Chu Yue also had to make her grandmother a little bit psychologically prepared, she was not ready to report the good or bad, she whispered: "My grandmother asked this because she probably hadn’t seen the appearance of Princess Luan. I'm still very young, just like me ten years ago."

With this calculation, she and Qin Heng had consumed more than ten years of youth.

Of course she didn't say that she was suffering, after all, she was not old alone.

It's over thirty, and in the blink of an eye, time flies like an arrow.

But feeling is just a moment.

Grandmother Jiang knew that the emperor actually cared about her granddaughter, but she was not as naive as the emperor's Long En, she could really live her life, especially if she appeared younger and more beautiful.

"Then what are you going to do with the Feng clan now?" Grandmother Jiang also looked at her granddaughter.

"I'm going to visit Weiyang, and I don't know if there is any news from Xiao Jiu, I also want to ask Yunyun." Chu Yue said.

Grandmother Jiang said: "Didn't you even tell?"

"No." Chu Yue shook her head, but she also believed in the old teacher, so she hurried back to pick up Xiao Jiu, and didn't even stay too much. It was obviously important.

Perhaps staying in the palace is really disadvantageous.

"Then you will come back this time, when will you come back?" Grandma Jiang asked again.

"You can always come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival." Chu Yue detoured.

Someone has been ordered to bring medicated food up, Chu Yue smiled and ate a supper. At this time, the city gate was about to light up for about an hour, and Chu Yue went down to change clothes at her grandmother's request. have a break.

When it was almost time, he changed his clothes and changed his face, and left the Yongle Hou Mansion.

Calling a carriage with a strange face, he exited the city gate smoothly and came all the way towards the ferry.

It is much faster when you get on the boat, but you still have to walk for seven or eight days before you enter the boundary of the middle continent.

It was not so fast before, because the water pirates were rampant between the two places, where is it so easy to go? Stop and go, especially ordinary merchant ships can't go too much.

It is not uncommon for a ship to sink directly if luck is bad.

It's just that the waters between the Central Continent and the Dafeng Dynasty are not comparable to those ten years ago.

After taking office, Emperor Dafeng attached great importance to friendly exchanges with Zhongzhou, and the trade between the two places was also very prosperous. Regardless of whether it was official roads or waters, the governance was very good.

This includes the Grand Canal.

It is also famous over there, but all these years have been in the hands of the court, and it is no longer the same as it did in the past.

And the thieves in the south that have been wiped out in these two or three years...

This is where the people are very respectful of their emperor. It is true that after taking office, the thieves have been severely suppressed.

Once you find out where there are bandits who occupy the mountain as the king, the local government officials will be held accountable, and the people will really live and work in peace and contentment.

The emperor also set up a monitoring system.

That was the emperor's close minister. Now it has been monitored and has expanded across the country. Once it is discovered that the local officials have the means to search for the people's fats, they will go straight to Tianting, which can also save the people from being exploited.

The entire Dafeng dynasty showed a state of prosperity and vitality.

This is what Chu Yue listens to those people gathered together on the boat and talks, although it is a bit exaggerated.

For example, the difficulty of setting up the supervision is no less than that of Qin Heng's implementation of the imperial examination system, and for now it has just begun.

But everyone is very optimistic.

Of course, Chu Yue also admitted that the scum dragon was indeed a good emperor in government affairs, and that he would deal with government affairs late at night from time to time, and was indeed diligent and loving the people.

He is also an ambitious emperor, he wants to lay a solid foundation for Dafeng, and Dafeng does develop in the direction he wants.

People like to reclaim land, and children under the age of five don’t even have to pay a population tax, so the pressure is reduced.

Because of this, the people have a lot more wealth in their hands, and they have a lot more money, so they can start studying for their children and work for the country.

After entering the boundary of Central Continent, the hearing of Chu Yue is not limited to Dafeng.

The people on the boat before did not dare to speak of other dynasties, but the people on this boat dare to speak from all corners of the world.

Because this is Central Continent, a place of freedom of speech.

"Emperor Dayuan will not establish an empress after he is enthroned. Only one imperial concubine will manage the harem. This is also a great wonder in the world!"

"What a great wonder in the world, it is because the woman he loved the most at the time died under a divorce, and it is said that he was still pregnant with his child at that time!"

"I also heard about this. I heard that the woman sacrificed voluntarily for him. The portrait is still hanging in the study of Emperor Dayuan."

"I don't know anything right here. The portrait in the study of Emperor Dayuan is of a concubine, not his concubine!"

"What is it called Aunt Zhu?"

"It is rumored that this Aunt Zhu is so beautiful that she is very fond of Emperor Yuan, but she has a fate."

"If you were alive, the current post might belong to her."


Chu Yue is dumbfounded. It's nothing more than hearing people talk about the length of Emperor Yuan, but it is also related to "Aunt Zhu"?

Also, the Emperor Yuan didn't even have a queen?

What is he going to do? He also created this kind of misunderstanding, is he sick?

Chu Yue didn't stay on the boat for long, and got off the boat to go to Fengshi when it arrived.

She didn't know that after she left, the original tea guest on the ship sent a message the first time.

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