Chu Yue frowned and said: "What's the vacant position so far, he is not for me!"

"It's not for you who is it for?" Qin Yun looked at her.

"I once prophesied for him. He knew that Dafeng’s several distresses were all resolved by me. There were major floods before the Yuan Dynasty, or shortly after he became the throne. This has caused a lot of rumors and legends about him as the emperor. Virtue is deficient, and it is this way that the anger of the sky will be brought down by the great floods that have not been seen for a hundred years. If it were not your prescription for expelling the plague, the plague would have to run rampant in the Yuan Dynasty." Chu Yue said.

Qin Yun said, "Isn't Qin Heng trying to do this with you?" After finishing speaking, he stared at her again: "Moreover, even if the Emperor Yuan has a plan, with your charm, you can make him change from a plot to you to a stubborn heart to you."

Chu Yue smiled sweetly: "Thank you Yunyun for complimenting me, but I don't want to deal with his cousin and his mother, so let's forget it."

Qin Yun understands her naturally, so no matter what it is, this is obviously not a touch.

This was still thinking about the dirty scumbag Qin Heng, and wanted to go back.

"You go with Granny Miao first, and Yang Yang stays in Feng's clan." Qin Yun said.

"No, it's okay for Yang Yang to take it back. Qin Heng just forgot about me, but he didn't forget about Yang Yang. If there is something best for her to do, Qin Heng will not doubt it." Chu Yue Tao.

Qin Yun didn't say anything.

But when he returned to the room, it was still a little dim, Feng Huainan asked, "What's wrong?"

"You said Yueyue has changed so much, why does Qin Heng want to throw it away?" Qin Yun frowned.

Feng Huainan coughed dryly, and said, "Isn't that what I said, now my sister-in-law is also involuntarily, she has already given birth to two children, even if she is willing, what will happen to the children?"

"Just take the child away, do you need to worry about this?" When Qin Yun said this, he glanced at Feng Huainan with the look of Dead Fish.

Feng Huainan immediately hugged his daughter-in-law: "Daughter-in-law, I am different from Qin Heng. My innocent virgin was told you to go. Before you, after you, I will I haven't asked the second woman to get involved, and I can learn from the world and the sun and the moon to show you my heart!"

"The heat is dead, let go quickly." Qin Yun didn't have a good air.

"If it's not loose or loose, I'll rely on you. I'll rely on you for the rest of my life, not only for the rest of my life, but for the next life, I will also rely on you." Feng Huainan said.

The pig hummed and arched his daughter-in-law onto the bed.

Chu Yue saw her Da Yunyun the next day and felt it, and said: "No wonder I Yunyun is getting more and more beautiful now. This flower is different when it is moisturized. It exudes a kind from the inside out. Charming and enchanting."

Qin Yun ignored her.

"By the way, did your in-laws go out to play again?" Chu Yue asked.

"No, they are busy too, but they are not in Zhongzhou." Qin Yun said.

Chu Yue nodded and said: "Miao Po's temperament is a bit gloomy, and Qin Heng may be very wary of her because of her suspiciousness."

"Don't worry about this." Qin Yun said, and said to the maid beside him: "Go and invite Granny Miao over."

Granny Miao, who had rested for a night, came over, changed her clothes and hair accessories, and took off all the decorations on her body. Her whole temperament was reduced and she looked like an ordinary old lady.

Chu Yue is really too worrying, she has already arranged it for her.

"When will the imperial concubine leave?" Granny Miao asked after seeing the ceremony.

"I have a mother-in-law, or I will leave tomorrow?" Chu Yue watched her.

"The concubine can decide." Granny Miao nodded.

"Then set off tomorrow, but I won't be with you." Chu Yue also said.

Granny Miao didn't say anything, it didn't matter to her.

"This is a prescription for removing malaria, Granny Miao will accept it." Qin Yun took out a prescription and handed it to Granny Miao.

Granny Miao took it and saw that there had been no volatility, and she showed a touch of excitement: "Thank you, Mrs. Feng, for your kind gift. This time, the old woman will definitely do her best and will not refuse!"

The place where they live is full of miasma. Although there are special methods, it can't be completely eliminated.

The consequences of the miasma and the poison left in the body will be known by her appearance.

Although Yang Gu loses Yin Virtue, this year she is only over fifty, but her body is like a person with more than sixty bones. A large part of this is caused by the miasma in the body, and she has to take pills every day.

But this recipe is really a good recipe, and Granny Miao only needs to look at it to know the value to them who raise Gu.

Nature is like a treasure.

Qin Yun said, "This is just the first prescription. I have two more. The effect of taking them together is several times better than taking this prescription alone. Granny Miao can come to me to get it after taking it, and remove the miasma from the body. It's not impossible."

"Thank you, Mrs. Feng." Granny Miao said with great joy.

Qin Yun didn't say anything else, let her go to rest first.

"You are here for the rest," Qin Yun said to (Chu Yue).

Chu Yue nodded, and she came over to explain to Bingye: "The Miao Popo is a Gu breeder, this time I will follow Yang Yang back to Beijing, but I can't trust her, so don’t let Yang Yang come in contact with her along the way. ."

Naturally, there is no need to say anything about her, but this Miao Po's Chu Yue is not familiar to her, it is just an employment relationship.

Especially when raising Gu people, with weird methods, how could she let her daughter take risks?

"Don't worry, Empress." Bing Ye nodded.

Chu Yue of course also explained Xiao Weiyang: "After returning to the palace, you are not allowed to talk to your father and the queen about the mother and concubine coming to the Feng clan. Now he is fainted by the woman, and there is nothing in his eyes. Mother concubine."

"Okay, I see." Xiao Weiyang nodded.

"Mother concubine will leave first tonight, and you will go home with Bingye tomorrow." Chu Yue added.

"Will it be too hurry to walk at night? Don't you come with us?" Xiao Weiyang said.

"Not together." Chu Yue shook his head.

Came over to have a meal at night, and she coaxed Xiao Weiyang to sleep again, and then she was ready to go out.

Qin Yun came over to send her off, and even complained about her: "Every time I come here, I am in a hurry, and I have to go back without having my **** sitting hot. I really can't do without him for a moment."

"Well, when the gu worm on his body is solved, I will come to accompany you when that time comes." Chu Yue said.

Qin Yun said: "Let's talk about it when you come." After speaking, he called out several dark guards and said: "Escort Mrs. Yue to the Imperial Capital."

"Yes." The dark guards nodded their promises.

After sending Chu Yue to the ship, Qin Yun turned around and said to the surrounding empty space: "Go back and tell you the Emperor Yuan, let him be more upset, but it's better not to do things that are forced to sell."

After speaking, she didn't care if anyone heard it, turned around and went back.

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