The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1183: Imperial concubine

Chu Yue, which is full of grievances but did not show, is dressing up.

It seems that Xiao Weiyang is not coming back tonight, Chu Yue naturally wants to come to Panlong Temple.

It’s not too late to get rid of Gu worms, and she doesn’t have a tendency to be abused. She looks like Qin Heng really wants to punch someone.

While detesting her, she still wants to sleep with her. If he is normal, she can directly beat him into panda eyes.

The ability to endure his temper is only based on his abnormal face.

At that time, Chu Yue came to visit.

Qin Heng was still in the Panlong Temple. When Chu Yue saw him, he was washing, and when he saw her coming, he cast a contemptuous look at her.

It's home delivery again!

Chu Yue read this information from his eyes, but Chu Yue is not angry because she has a kind of scum dragon, which is a duck in the flower house, waiting for her benefactor to enjoy the meal The feeling of eating.

This feeling is called Chu Yue with a smile between the eyes.

Manager Feng and the others all retreated. Qin Heng looked at her mockingly and said, "What do you mean by such an expression?" If you can come over and let him be pampered, I'm afraid I will fly with joy!

Chu Yue smiled and followed his heart and said: "The concubine is happy to see the emperor."

Qin Heng looked as expected and despised this woman very much.

He really hadn't seen such a cheeky woman, he was so obvious that she could still rely on it so much.

Chu Yue used to pour a glass of water to drink, and at the same time gave him a glass. A pill dropped into the water and disappeared instantly. Chu Yue was brought to Qin Heng to drink.

"Henglang, drink water." Jiao Didi said in Chu Yue.

Qin Heng said displeased: "Don't pretend to be such an artificial look in front of me!"

"The emperor, do you drink it or not, if you don't drink it, the concubine will have to give it to you by mouth." Chu Yue said softly.

Qin Heng was very disgusted, and took a sip of the water. Apart from the swaying in bed, this woman was annoying at other times.

"Did the emperor miss his concubine today? After the concubine returned, he really missed the emperor." Chu Yue said softly, and directly pushed him down.

Qin Heng looked indifferent and let this hungry woman pick his clothes.

It was like this every night, he was not active at first, and he turned passive into active in the second half.

Suddenly, Qin Heng felt that his stomach was not feeling well, and his face changed slightly. Without a word, he pushed her away and ran into the room.

Chu Yue squinted his eyes at once, and it really caught the worm of Concubine Luan's bitch.

What is the origin of Concubine Luan? She really grew up next to the Queen Mother? You can still play Gu, this is not something ordinary people can play!

For example, she didn't know where to get this stuff after coming for so long.

If you had known that she would not wait anymore, she would feed Qin Heng directly, and see if he dared to pamper other women.

Therefore, the origin of this concubine Luan really needs to be verified.

Thinking like this in my heart, Chu Yue came over to Gongfang and cared about Qin Heng: "What's wrong with the emperor, is it better? Is it better to declare a doctor?"

"No comparison!" Qin Heng's gloomy voice came out.

"The emperor hurry up, the concubine is waiting for you." Chu Yue said.

Just ignore Qin Heng, let him go.

Qin Heng didn't doubt her at all. Could this woman dare to give him the medicine? Besides, the glass of water was poured in front of him.

After coming out of the Gong's room, Qin Heng went to wash his hands again and then came back.

Chu Yue was already waiting for him on the bed with an enchanting look, but Qin Heng was out of interest, and said in a hurry, "You go back quickly."

"No, my concubines are here. How can I go back like this?" Chu Yue said, and looked at him: "Did the emperor eat something wrong tonight?"

"I think you have eaten the wrong thing. I will go to court tomorrow, where will you go back!" Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue determined that he had enough Gu, so I pressed Qin Heng to a hot kiss, and I felt that he was coming back again, obviously he wanted her, Chu Yue) Just pushed him away and said: "The concubine will go back first. The emperor will go to bed early."

After he waved his hand, he ignored Qin Heng and went straight back.

This was so angry that Qin Heng, but it was impossible for him to keep her open, so he stared at her and watched her go.

"This **** woman is absolutely lawless!" Qin Heng gritted his teeth.

She had to stir up the fire when he didn't want it, she went away again when the fire came up, she was absolutely deliberate, and deliberately wanted him to think he had to be her.

But how is this possible?

Qin Heng didn't leave her a word, and let her go. As soon as she left, he started to sleep on his own.

But some couldn't sleep because there was still anger in my heart.

But Qin Heng soon noticed something was wrong.

He thinks he understands the routine of this ugly woman, she is trying to attack her heart step by step!

Look, now she can cause his mood swings. Before that, even if she pierced the sky, he was still unmoved, and he didn't even frown.

But tonight he made her so angry that she couldn't sleep!

This is probably the purpose of this woman, right? I just want him to miss her even when he is sleeping.

After Qin Heng realized this, he didn't want to pay attention to her. He just slept on his own, and definitely couldn't tell her to succeed. This ugly woman, what is she proud of?

But when the day failed, Qin Heng got up with a black face and changed a pair of trousers when he dreamed back at midnight.

Because that **** woman came into his dream, and the result can be seen from these pants.

He felt that this woman was so capable, she obviously didn't do anything, but she seemed to have done everything.

The **** who watched the night personally waited for the long live master to change his pants, so the manager Feng knew the next day.

Last night, the imperial concubine didn't take care of the Lord Long live, who got up in the middle of the night and changed his pants.

This is called Master Feng, who couldn't help but tittered. How about Weiyang Palace, who has the means, I'm afraid Long live Lord slept with her name last night?

Even if it is a curse, it is still being talked about by Long Live Master in his heart. This is a success.

Chu Yue didn't feel any pride about it, she would already have breakfast.

Xiao Weiyang didn't use it in Luoyu Pavilion, and returned to Weiyang Palace early in the morning to accompany her mother and concubine.

Chu Yue smiled and said: "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Very good, the third sister is very comfortable there." Xiao Weiyang smiled.

"Then you are going to study in the study room today?" Chu Yue asked.

"Yes, I'm going to take the gifts over, and bring a lot of them back." Xiao Weiyang said.

"Then go there when you are full, and the dim sum kitchen will also prepare you." Chu Yue nodded.

Xiao Weiyang nodded, and when she went to read Chu Yue, she was asked to invite Granny Miao over.

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