The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1185: Princess Shang

Of course, I have heard of Chu Yue, two extraordinary ladies, Chen Ruoxue and Lin Taotao.

The list of show girls sent to her by Concubine Liu stated in detail how good these two women are.

How else would Chu Yue envy and jealous of Qin Heng. As an emperor, she can do whatever she wants, but as his concubine, she can only occasionally watch Xiao Xianrou to relieve her greed.

Who is more pitiful in comparison between the two?

Chu Yue feels that I am the poorest.

Empress Xiao didn't let Chu Yue and Concubine Liu wait long here, and she asked the six princesses to go back with a cup of tea.

The five princesses were still aggrieved when they were brought in, and came in while wiping tears.

"Why, are you very unconvinced about punishing you with the queen?" Empress Xiao looked at her and said.

Of course the fifth princess was not convinced: "Mother, I am your own birth. I was beaten. Not only did you not help me clean up Qin Weiyang, you also punish me. Am I the mother's birth?"

Empress Xiao was really about to be laughed angrily by her, and the fourth princess hurriedly said, "Sister Wu, how do you talk?"

"Am I wrong? I was obviously the one who was beaten. Why should I be punished and think about it?" said the fifth princess.

"Just because you are a princess, you are older than the sixth princess, and you are even a princess from the middle palace, understand!" Empress Xiao couldn't help but said.

"The queen mother also said that I came from the middle palace, not from other nobles who often came out of the stomach, then why should I be so cautious?" The fifth princess said in a convenient way.

Empress Xiao was choked by her words.

The fourth princess explained: "Fifth sister, the queen is not asking you to be cautious. You and I are all princesses who came out of the belly of the mother. Even if you don’t have titles like the sixth sister, you and I are both princesses. No one can shake it. Since it is a princess, you must have the grace of a princess instead of quarreling or even fighting in public."

"Have you heard what your Fourth Sister said?" Empress Xiao looked at the little daughter and said.

The fifth princess wiped her tears: "Anyway, I can't do anything right, and nothing is good. Sister, everything you say is right, and everything you say is good here!"

She cried and ran away.

"Fifth sister!" The fourth princess called her, and she was about to chase her out.

"Leave her alone!" Empress Xiao said angrily.

"Mother, forgive me, the fifth sister is just a bit more straightforward." The fourth princess said in a convenient way.

"I don't know how much he will suffer in the future. Now it is getting bigger year after year. If you don't suppress it, you will have to worry more about it!" Empress Xiao said.

She also couldn't understand why this little daughter was like her mother's temperament, she really felt tired when she thought about it.

As for the two punishments this time, she was true to the queen, but if this matter went to the emperor, she would not agree to the emperor's justice.

You know, even if the emperor doesn't like Weiyang Palace, he still treats the sixth princess as always.

The fifth princess ran out crying, of course she also brought Gong E with her.

"Fifth princess, don't be so sad, the empress is also for the princess." Xiao Gong'e persuaded.

"The mother said everything was done for my own good, and I was so annoyed that I was clearly at a loss, but the mother said it was my fault!" said the fifth princess.

Xiao Gong'e looked around, then took out a letter from her pocket and whispered: "Fifth princess, this is the slave and maidservant who gave this to you."

"Cousin's letter?" The fifth princess' eyes lit up, and she hurriedly took it. After opening the letter, her little face was flushed.

Especially the sentence in the letter: "The cousin is as beautiful as a flower, and even more colorful as a butterfly."

And there is a sentence attached to it: a gentle lady, a gentleman.

"I'm really ashamed of myself. How did cousin Shan write this kind of letter to me? If this is for people to see, then he won't even think about coming to the study to read." The fifth princess said with a flushed face.

"Princess Fifth, if the slave and maid looks good, Son Shan is afraid to like you." Xiao Gong'e whispered.

"Oh, why are you talking about this? I'm so ashamed!" The fifth princess said with watery eyes, red cheeks, and her mouth was unhappy but did not stop Xiao Gong'e.

Xiao Gong'e thought of the two golden leaves she had received, and whispered: "This is already the fifth letter. Can the fifth princess want to show the good son?"

"What do you mean?" The fifth princess looked at her and asked.

"Otherwise, the fifth princess will sew a purse for the good son. If he can receive the fifth princess's purse, I think the good son will wear it day and night." said the little maid.

The fifth princess blushed and tweeted softly: "Isn't this a private offer? If it is to be known, what can be done?"

"How can outsiders know that, and the good son has already sent you so many letters to the princess, you have to say no to the fifth princess, he is afraid that you don't like him the fifth princess." The little servant girl said.

"Then, then give one to Cousin Shan." The fifth princess said with a blush.

"If you receive the fifth princess's purse, I am afraid that Young Master Shan will be happy to death." The little servant girl whispered.

The fifth princess was full of joy, and the purse was naturally embroidered quickly. Chen Shan, the youngest son of the princess Xiyang, wears it every day, and once in front of the fifth princess, he gently stroked the purse.

The fifth princess was immediately full of red clouds, as if she was touched by him, she was really ashamed, and she was cautious.

But in my heart, I couldn't help but rejoice and jump for joy.

The princess Xiyang had time to enter the palace because her husband's family had offered the mineral veins, and now the family has moved back to the Imperial Capital, and her emperor's brother also rewarded a mansion.

He was considered to have a face, and when he entered the palace, he sent a pair of new jewelry to Empress Xiao.

Empress Xiao said politely: "Now that I am at this age, where can I wear this kind of jewelry?"

"The empress is not too old, so she is naturally dressed appropriately." Princess Xiyang said with a smile.

Empress Xiao smiled and accepted it without much delay. Princess Xiyang chatted with her about gossiping, such as which back home.

Empress Xiao was also willing to listen to it. After all, she was a queen, and it could not be better for these things.

Princess Xiyang also wanted her eldest son to follow the second prince.

This is her own. Empress Xiao smiled and said, "If Yi'er is willing, then let Yi'er report to the Second Prince's Mansion tomorrow."

"Will you be willing, where are you unwilling." Princess Xiyang said quickly.

The two of them were talking about each other very happily. Finally, when Princess Xiyang left, Empress Xiao ordered someone to give her a high-quality Ganoderma lucidum.

The princess Xiyang also accepted it, and felt that she was still very good at dealing with them. If the youngest son becomes the fifth princess in the future, then the next three generations will not have to worry!

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