The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 129: Ancient and Modern Love Letter

This made Mrs. Jiang a little restless. Although she cares about Yonglehou Mansion, she also cares about her granddaughter.

She is already the emperor's woman, and she is the only way she can go in the palace and staying with the emperor, remarrying someone else?

Is it possible, the emperor's woman, who dares to get infected?

Soon, Chu Yue received a letter from her grandmother, who told her that she was no longer seen.

Chu Yue froze.

She thought that the monk would be eager to see her, after all, didn't he just let her come back to him after all his thoughts?

But unexpectedly, he was missing?

Is this playing a trick of getting caught up?

Her grandmother wrote to her and told her to write to her by herself, and she could forward it on her behalf.

Chu Yue wrote a letter with a sneer, the content of the letter was still rather dragging.

"Do you see me in the end? If you don't see me, I will leave!"

Mrs. Jiang was a little worried. Now this granddaughter felt that she had a bad temper and was spoiled by the emperor, so she checked.

She almost scared her old man out of nowhere.

"Let her change it and write another one!" Mrs. Jiang said immediately.

Fortunately, she checked, and if it were sent to the emperor in this way, it would make the emperor angry.

"Old lady, do you want to hear what the old slave says?" her mother-in-law said with a smile.

"Say." Mrs. Jiang said.

"The old slave feels that this letter should just be delivered like this." The woman laughed.

"Can such a letter be sent to the emperor? It's really an obstacle to the holy eye!" Mrs. Jiang coldly snorted.

She couldn't stand it anymore.

"Old lady, look, do you feel that the emperor is having a temper with the lady?" The woman said with a smile.

Mrs. Jiang was stunned.

The mother-in-law continued: "If the emperor really doesn't see her, how can she tell me back? The old lady, the old slave thinks that the emperor wants to read the letter written by the lady herself."

"But... but it's written in this letter." Mrs. Jiang still accepted her incompetence.

That's the emperor, how can you talk to him in this tone?

"Miss Ciao is not guilty of ignorance. We haven't opened it, but we don't know anything." The mother-in-law said.

Thus, this rebellious letter was sent to the imperial case.

After reading Qin Heng with a cold face, he threw the letter directly into the paper basket.

This time I didn't even reply to a message, and this letter fell straight to the sea.

Mrs. Jiang waited for a day, but she had to tell her granddaughter in a panic that this letter annoyed people!

"Dare to lose my temper with me!" Chu Yue was at her grandmother's place that night, and said with a sneer, and then borrowed her grandmother's pen and ink and wrote another:

"You stinky man, you are the most scumbag and despicable I have ever seen. I was blind!"

Mrs. Jiang did not promise to send this letter anyway.

"Grandma, you sent me the last one, and there is nothing more of this one, you just don't know it." said Chu Yue.

But with her grandmother's repeated insistence, she still harmonized the most scumbag and despicable sentence in the middle.

That's the case, Mrs. Jiang was still helped by her wife to take medicine.

This letter was sent out.

That night Qin Heng was still dealing with Zhezi. The letter that said she was blindly looking at the wrong person and was also scolding him was sent, making Qin Heng's face black.

Feng Gong Gongxin said that the former Queen Qin who had died, she had written about what great rebellion.

Not surprisingly, this letter was thrown into the trash again.

Father Feng looked at it and said in a low voice, "Long live, do you want the people below to return directly?"

After saying this, he saw his master and son-in-law glance at him, Feng Gong-gong immediately shrank his head and backed away, dare not say anything.

Chu Yue didn't receive a reply the next morning, I knew that this letter was not answered again.

She was also angry. She wrote one letter after another, all scolding him, and Qin Heng read them all, but never answered a letter or said a word.

Chu Yue finally couldn't bear it.

Because she can face the monk, but Bingye will suffer another day if she waits one more day.

So after scolding him for three days and he didn't reply, she could only bow her head.

After scolding, I started to say I missed him.

There is no embarrassment about changing your face quickly.

When the first love letter came back, Qin Heng read it once and sneered, "Hudged!"

After speaking, he threw the love letter aside, and then continued to deal with the zhezi. After almost half an hour, the father-in-law Feng saw that his master had taken the love letter again.

"There is no truth." His master's eyebrows were full of disgust.

Father-in-law Feng: "..." Since you are so disgusted, why don't you throw it into the waste basket and watch it again.

Chu Yue waited for a long time, but still couldn't get a reply.

"Do you think he is a child, let you have a stick and a sweet date?" Mrs. Jiang glanced at her granddaughter, and said with hatred.

"If a love letter can't be touched, then two letters and three letters." Chu Yue said.

Then continue to write love letters:

"Linglong dice puts on red beans, and I know I don't know if I'm in the bone."

"Enter the door of my lovesickness, know that I am bitter, long-term love is long, and short love is endless."

"Why should I cut the candles at the West Window together, but talk about the rain in Bashan."

"In the sky, I am willing to be a lovebird, and in the earth, I am willing to be a branch."

"Forever, for a long time, there is no end to this hatred."

This song of love and tears came over, and Qin Heng before the imperial case could not help but read it over and over again.

"This woman...where does this woman have so much sorrowful talk." Qin Heng was so disgusted after a long time.

But under the face of serious disgust, there was a slight invisible blush.

Father Feng looked at it, and couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for his master, master, you have to hold on, don't be fooled by her little words, madam, she was with Uncle Xiaoguo. , Is an infidelity.

But after all, there was no reply.

Chu Yue frowned, what the dead monk was doing, she was so comfy, he was still indifferent? Don't you understand?

So she wrote a few more love letters in vernacular:

"Brother Monk, I miss you so much, I really want to think about it, I can't sleep at night, I want to die!"

"I think you used to steal people's incense and jade from the wall in the middle of the night, but now it's only two or three months, and you won't even reply to your letter. Do you really want someone else?"

"We are in the Xiyuan Meilin. You carry me on your back and tell me that you will be nice to me in the future. You will spoil me for the rest of your life and keep me from letting anyone look down on me."

"You have forgotten these words, but I have not forgotten, every word you have said, I will deeply remember."

"People, don't miss you..."

"At night, people don't dream of you again..."


These great vernacular love letters full of anger were sent to the imperial case. Qin Heng couldn't help but reproduce the old little lady in his arms in his head. Feeling a bit dry in his throat, he cursed.

Then the fourth letter was delivered.

Qin Heng calmed down for a while before receiving the fourth letter. He wanted to see what the woman had said.

------Off-topic ------

PS: Sao is just one word, a recommendation ticket ~ the poem comes from Baidu.

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