Compared with Sun Auntie, who has no maiden family, Jiang Mian’s family is obviously outstanding. She has been married to Zhou Qingshu from before to now.

No matter how Aunt Sun is at this point, there is no way to compare with Jiang Mian.

Because he won at this point, Jiang Mian's face was a bit more joyful, and he said a lot of things from the Yongle Hou Mansion, saying that her grandmother missed her so much, and she had never seen Hu. My great-granddaughter.

Of course, they spent lunch with the family. Aunt Sun took her two daughters back to her yard.

The youngest daughter Zhou Lin was immediately dissatisfied, and immediately cursed: "What's so great about it, open your mouth and a Yongle Hou Mansion, shut your mouth and a Yongle Hou Mansion!"

"Don't tell me, this maiden power is amazing, who can compare with her?" Zhou Mei whispered.

"Yes." Aunt Sun sighed: "My natal family is Yongle Hou Mansion, and there is also a noble concubine in Yongle Hou Mansion. Now the entire harem is in charge of noble concubines, and the daughter is also married to a high school. It's far behind her."

This is a fact that can't be denied, so she never thought of trying to overpower Jiang Mian in her life, because she was really weak.

"If both of your sisters and your brother can stand up, then you will be able to raise your eyebrows as your mother." Aunt Sun sighed softly.

Only his own children can be counted on.

"Mother, don't worry, my daughter will definitely fight for your glory when she grows up!" Zhou Lin said.

Zhou Mei didn't speak, but there was a calculation between her eyes. She wondered how she could squeeze the Sixth Princess away and marry the Feng Family?

This is not an easy task, especially Young Master Feng doesn't seem to have any feelings for her.

So after letting her recover from the injury, she was sent out of the Feng clan, but if she could become the young lady of the Feng clan, then...

The mother and daughter were talking, and in another place, Zhou Miao had also come to the house with her mother. As for the daughter, she had already followed her uncle.

"Mother, Zhou Mei is so old?" Zhou Miao couldn't help but said.

"I only found out later. Do you know how scheming and tricky the **** surnamed Sun is?" Jiang Mian gritted his teeth.

Without her daughter asking, she told her what she had inquired.

It turned out that Zhou Mei was secretly born in Sun's pregnancy. She had the opportunity to serve Zhou Qingshu in her early years, and then determined that she was pregnant, so she went out to raise her.

Until Zhou Mei's eldest daughter was a few years old, she ran into Zhou Qingshu outside by chance.

She just portrayed herself as a maiden who didn't want to climb the dragon and the phoenix alone to raise her daughter by washing clothes.

Only when she ran into Zhou Qingshu she left a flaw. Because she was so panicked, Zhou Qingshu naturally asked someone to check it.

Then I learned that this woman had been with him for a while, and she also brought a daughter? Do the math, isn't this daughter the same age she was when she was with him?

In desperation, the auntie grandson who ran with the ball confessed and became the auntie outside Zhou Qingshu.

Therefore, compared with the other three, Zhou Mei's age is naturally a bit older, and now they are all at the age of Jiqi.

Jiang Mian found out these things. After all, they weren't a secret. She was the wife in charge, so it was not easy to find out.

"What kind of low-level trick is this? But no one can tell that she is ambitious, especially your dad. Did you see that? What kind of nervousness is she?! If it weren't for us, I'm afraid she would have to go forward. Help her, what kind of thing is she!" Jiang Mian said with air.

Although it hasn't been long since Aunt Sun and the master came back, but in these days, Jiang Mian has already suffered several dark losses.

And what I like the most is to show how much she is liked by the master and how nice the master is to her.

For example, the last time I bought her roast duck for her to eat, and bought her jewelry.

I heard Jiang Mian furious, because don't tell me, the master hasn't done anything similar to her!

Although I'm not young anymore, I don't have much thoughts, but the main reason is mental discomfort!

"Mother, why do you have to compete with her? Apart from this she can tell, what else is left of her worthy of your anger. Are you so angry that you make yourself uncomfortable?" Zhou Miao said.

She also looked down on Aunt Sun’s mannerism, she looked soft and weak, but in fact she was not weak at all, as she could tell from what she said.

But Zhou Miao really didn't care too much. Whether it was Aunt Sun or Zhou Mei's concubine, she didn't care.

Because Zhou's protagonist is her brother, this can't be changed anyway, and it's not that the latter's concubine can get over it.

Jiang Mian also knew it, and sneered: "You’re right. My family is Yongle Hou Mansion, and my eldest sister is the imperial concubine in the palace. My daughter is married to Liu Mansion, one of the first-class giants in Beijing. Me? Which green onion is she!"

Zhou Miao asked, "Mother, how is my aunt?"

"Very good." Jiang Mian said: "This time you come in, you have to go to the palace and see your elder aunt, don't you? You will definitely have to walk with your elder aunt!"

A lot of things happened in the capital, although no one dared to tell them about it, Jiang Mian had also heard of some.

It seems that the queen mother murdered the queen mother and poisoned the queen mother?

She didn't know exactly what was going on and it was hard to find out, but after all, the harem was completely in the hands of her older sister.

"Your elder aunt is amazing now, I regret that she failed to give birth to the Ninth Prince safely, or else...or..." Jiang Mian stopped after the words.

But she believes her daughter can understand. If her promising eldest sister has a son, then she must be crowned the emperor and noble concubine in this society?

Because the imperial concubine can control the harem, but the weight is still not as heavy as the imperial concubine.

Only when you become an imperial concubine, is that true right? Isn't it?

But it is a pity that her eldest sister could not leave a son, otherwise, who would be able to compare with the splendor of the Jiang clan in the Yongle Houfu?

Zhou Miao's eyes were bright when she heard her mother's words. Her eldest aunt had a son, and the Ninth Prince was very strong, and as long as he returned, no one would question his identity.

Because there is no prince more like the emperor than him, it is the prince and others, who do not look very much like the emperor, but the nine princes are really printed like the emperor's template.

But she wouldn't tell her mother about this, just as if she didn't know it.

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