The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1410: Six princesses

Although she was puzzled by Chu Yue, Chu Yue didn't take the initiative to say that Concubine Liu did not ask her if she liked the prince.

After all these years of getting along with each other, Concubine Liu can understand who is Chu Yue, and she will never make fun of Yonglehou's wealth and life.

If Chu Yue is willing to support a prince to come out to reap the benefits of the fisherman when Prince Jiang Xia and the Queen Mother are both defeated!

Because whether it is Concubine Luan or Concubine Shu, both of them have had a deep hatred with Chu Yue.

Concubine Luan's favor was taken back by Chu Yue, while Concubine Shu was due to the fact that He Mansion still had a few years of cold palace in those years. It doesn't matter which one of the two is in good position.

So if you support one more, it might not be a better choice.

If Zhou Miao used to think so, but now it is clear in her heart, where does her elder aunt need to support other people's sons? The Ninth Prince is no better candidate!

But she didn't say these words, not even a performance, because this is not something she can intervene, she just needs to watch it.

After playing in the palace for a day, I didn't go back until the evening.

Zhou Miao also told her mother-in-law that he wanted to keep the eldest daughter Liu Hu'er in the capital.

Of course, Mrs. Liu had no objection, and she was very happy. She smiled and said, "Then let Hu'er do your filial piety with Qinghe for you in front of us, and give Hu'er to your mother, you and Qinghe can also rest assured."

"Naturally rest assured, the lady taught by my mother is a real lady of everyone." Zhou Miao laughed.

Liu Qinghe also has a sister who was born under the name of Mrs. Liu, but it is no different from the one who was born, and she has the demeanor of everyone.

Mrs. Liu Er's praise for his daughter-in-law was also very useful, saying: "I have been tired these few days, and I will rest for two days, and then go to the temple to pray for blessing with my mother."

"Okay." Of course Zhou Miao had no objection.

In the following days, Zhou Miao will do her filial piety, go to incense with her mother-in-law, have an appointment with her mother-in-law and wait to go out to eat in the restaurant, and buy her mother-in-law new silk and new jewelry, which is very flowery. A lot of money went out.

But Zhou Miao didn't feel distressed at all, and Mrs. Liu Er was also smiling. On the day she was about to leave, she privately subsidized her daughter-in-law with a cash payment of 10,000 taels, which Zhou Miao couldn't push.

"Mother knows that you and Qinghe are filial, and there is no way to come back to fulfill your filial piety, but your mothers all know that Hu'er can rest assured that your mother's upbringing is not easy. If you don't come to the house a few times, you will need to take care of it outside the house, so you may have more money!" said Mrs. Liu Er.

"Thank you, mother." Zhou Miao's eyes were red.

Her mother didn't agree back then, she braved the pretence of elopement to follow Liu Qinghe, now it seems that the original impulse is so worthwhile.

The good marriage her elder aunt said was really great.

Zhou Miao left the capital with gratitude and embarked on the road to the border town of Zhenhu.

On the road, I couldn't help but open the box. There were three envelopes inside.

Her mother-in-law gave her one, which was ten thousand taels, her grandma also gave her one, which was two thousand taels, and the other was given by her mother, which was one thousand taels.

These are the wishes of the elders.

Of course Zhou Miao was also very emotional.

When she was going to elope to look for Liu Qinghe, her elder aunt gave her a bank note of ten thousand taels, which later became one of her dowries, and she didn’t use it for these years, because the Liu family owned many villagers, private There are also some shops underneath, and the business is very good.

Every house will have income at the end of the year.

And as Liu Qinghe's official position rose, the people below also gave gifts, and the expenses were actually pretty good.

It's just that the elders were always worried about her not having enough money, so she accepted it if she couldn't refuse. Of course she was also grateful.

Zhou Miao’s wife smiled and said, “It’s all for the wife, such as the top face that the imperial concubine gave to the wife. If it is taken out of Zhenhu City, it will also be decent and long-faced. I guess it may not be five. I can't make a thousand taels of silver."

Yes, even though her elder aunt didn't give her a silver ticket this time, she also gave her a superb, extremely luxurious.

Zhou Miao smiled and said, "I know the thoughts of these elders, but I hope that Qinghe can make a difference in the future, so that the elders will be full.

The woman was full of praise: "Madam, you can rest assured that a person like the master is definitely going to be prosperous. It's really hard to make progress!"

Zhou Miao smiled and turned to other topics.

When he arrived in Zhenhu City, Zhou Miao naturally asked if any guests had come to the mansion.

She didn't talk about the six princesses bluntly, because the six princesses worked in private, of course it was not easy to expose them.

But obviously no guests came to the house.

Zhou Miao couldn't help but wonder if the Six Princesses haven't arrived in Zhenhu City yet, right? Otherwise, why didn't she even come here? This shouldn't be. It's all this time, and the weather in Tiger City is about to snow.

And you still have to go to the barracks to see the Nine Princes, you can't make it through your own words, you have to make arrangements, otherwise the movement will be too big.

And isn't the movement on the barracks side of this club just big?

Qin Weiyang is already here, and he is still treating the soldiers.

"Did your leg soak in water after being injured in the early years? It was still ice water." Qin Weiyang, who was carrying a power fence, frowned after examining a soldier's leg.

"Yes, yes." The soldier nodded while looking at the veil.

The three military doctors' eyes lit up, and they immediately looked at the sixth princess. They did not dare to underestimate the sixth princess, because the sixth princess was taught by Madam Feng and inherited the mantle of Madam Feng!

It was also General Murong who personally brought them here to teach them medical skills, of course they had to study hard!

"I'll give you acupuncture first, and you will come back tomorrow, and then order someone to get the medicine. Drink this medicine for three days, and then cooperate with acupuncture for three days. You can recover 80%. Said.

The soldiers all obeyed. They rolled up the trouser tube and asked her to administer the injection. Qin Weiyang didn't care about it, and said while administering the injection: "Doctor Hu, please write down the prescription, I'll report it to you."

"Yes." Military doctor Hu had no opinion at all, so he took the pen tightly and started to smear the ink.

The other two military doctors looked at him enviously.

Qin Weiyang said a prescription, and Old Military Doctor Hu also quickly wrote it down. Finally, he brought it to Qin Weiyang. Qin Weiyang glanced at it and said: "Come and see his acupuncture point..." Three military doctors made the introduction.

The three military doctors all listened and remembered, for fear of missing something.

"Okay, that's it. With this prescription, just eat as I said." After receiving the injection, Qin Weiyang said to the soldier.

"Thanks to the genius doctor, thank the genius doctor." The soldier was overjoyed when he learned that the leg disease that had troubled him for many years was about to heal.

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