Qin Weiyang came out with Bingye.

General Yunhu already burned his eyebrows and gave Qin Weiyang a gift.

"Needless to say, lead the way." Qin Weiyang said without taking off the power fence.

She looks so much like Xiao Jiu, people will recognize it when they see it. This is not a high-level person like General Yunhui, but the ones below, because those who have never seen the emperor, even if they have met Xiao Jiu will never know what is suspicious about his identity.

But if you see her again, it will be clear at a glance.

"Thank you six princesses." General Yunhu quickly stepped aside: "The carriage is already waiting outside."

However, Zhou Miao also wanted to come with him and said, "I have a good relationship with Mrs. Jiang. I have gone to incense with her in her birth, and I will also go there today!"

The main reason is that she doesn't worry about her cousin. She really can't imagine her cousin going to deliver babies at such a young age. What if she is scared?

"Cousin, if you want to come over with the cousin's husband, I'm afraid it will be difficult to wait over there, I will go first." Qin Weiyang said.

"Good." Zhou Miao nodded.

Qin Weiyang took Bingye with the medicine box and took a step forward.

As soon as they left, Zhou Miao couldn't help but annoyed: "What's the matter with you? You really brought General Jiang here. Not to mention that the relationship between the two families is normal, but there is such a thing as delivering babies. Can the marriage be done?"

Although Mrs. Jiang is a good person, it has not been easy to conceive this child, but General Jiang has long invited experienced old women to come over. They are helpless to deliver the baby for a lifetime. How could the six princesses?

And now she is still young, what if she is scared and left a psychological shadow?

"Daughter-in-law, you don't know the sixth princess, it's not the first time that the sixth princess did this." Liu Qinghe said helplessly.

Zhou Miao frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Liu Qinghe explained how General Jiang knew that the six princesses would deliver the baby.

General Jiang is a member of King Jiang Xia, why would he not investigate when the six princesses came here? Just investigated the six princesses on the road all came to see a doctor.

After passing by many existences, many diseases were cured for the people for free. Of course, the most eye-catching thing was her helping a pregnant woman to give birth to a baby.

"I heard that the parturient was about to die, but after the sixth princess went there, the injection was given and the ginseng soup was fed again. After that, the parturient regained her strength, and she also gave birth to the fetal position safely. After the fetus of the dragon and the phoenix, she stayed for a few more days and left after making sure that the mother and the child were healthy." Liu Qinghe said.

Zhou Miao was dumbfounded when she heard it: "So the sixth princess can really deliver babies?" Not only did she do, it also sounds terrific. This is pulling people back from the deadlock.

Liu Qinghe said: "General Jiang also inquired, so today I begged to come and ask Princess Six to save his wife and children."

Zhou Miao said, "Hurry up and get on the carriage. I will also go over and have a look. I am sorry for a woman like Mrs. Jiang and married to General Jiang like that!"

Obviously Zhou Miao felt that Madam Jiang was tired by General Jiang.

With the carriage prepared, the couple came to General Yunhui's mansion. When they came to the delivery room, General Jiang was waiting outside the door anxiously.

"Six princesses in?" Liu Qinghe asked.

"Yeah." General Jiang responded.

Liu Qinghe didn't ask anything else, Zhou Miao looked at the delivery room a little anxiously.

Qin Weiyang was administering an injection to Madam Jiang at this time. Madam Jiang has passed out of a coma. This is a very dangerous symptom.

And the old lady and the others are all numb, because if Mrs. Jiang has something to do, they will not survive.

When I saw the little girl Qin Weiyang coming in, they all wanted to chase people, but after learning that she was the sixth princess, they didn't dare to breathe.

"Wake up." Qin Weiyang quickly closed the needle and said.

Madam Jiang really woke up at the answer, but she was very weak and couldn't help groaning in pain.

"This is my secret medicine, please take it to Madam Jiang." Qin Weiyang took out a blood-red pill and said with some dismay.

This is extremely precious, and there is only one left. It was originally reserved for Xiao Jiu, but now there is no other way. It is important to save the lives.

Bingye poured warm water over and helped Madam Jiang to feed her down.

The old women want to say that they can't take any medicine at this time, but they don't dare to be a princess.

"Don't be stunned, prepare to deliver the baby, you can't delay any longer." After Qin Weiyang slowly corrected the dystocia's fetal position, he said to the old women.

At this time, Mrs. Jiang's spirit turned out to be better, and the whole person seemed to be alive.

She didn't know where the general invited this girl, but obviously her medical skills were very good, and soon there was pain in her stomach, and she was about to give birth again.

It was almost an hour after Qin Weiyang entered the delivery room that Mrs. Jiang gave birth to a child, a baby girl. Because she stayed in the mother's body for a long time, she was a little weak, and she didn't cry so loudly.

But even so, the cry of the baby girl made everyone outside cheer.

"God bless you, it's safe for everyone," Zhou Miao said.

General Jiang's eyes were also red, his eyes fixed on the delivery room.

Half an hour later, when Qin Weiyang brought Bingye out, he directly knelt down and squatted his head: "Weichen thank the sixth princess!"

"Get up." Qin Weiyang said: "Your wife gave you a daughter, and the mother and daughter are safe, but the mother and daughter are a little weak. I will take care of them for the time being. I will come over and show her tomorrow."

General Jiang actually wanted to invite the six princesses to stay in the mansion, but this is the sixth princess, which is not an ordinary doctor girl. After thanking him, he asked the housekeeper to give him away. He can't wait to enter the delivery room to see his wife and daughter. Up.

Liu Qinghe, Zhou Miao and Qin Weiyang Bingye returned home in a carriage.

Zhou Miao said, "I heard that it was difficult to give birth when I came along on the road. It is very dangerous. Can you save the Sixth Princess?"

"The fetal position is not correct, but the old woman is also very experienced. She helped Mrs. Jiang massage earlier, but the umbilical cord was around her neck, so it didn't go so smoothly." Qin Weiyang said.

"Hey, Mrs. Jiang, this is not easy, but it is also a good blessing. Just when you give birth, you will meet the Sixth Princess and you will go back to the city. You did it before! So much blessing has come." Zhou Miao said with emotion.

Qin Weiyang smiled and said, "It's nothing, I will save it if it can save it."

"Six princesses are righteous." Liu Qinghe also said.

Their carriage returned to Liu's house on the front foot, and the thank-you gift from General Jiang's Mansion on the back foot came. It was a box of gold with ten gold ingots inside.

Obviously, this is a gift of thanks from General Yunhu.

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