When I got up early the next morning, the heavy snow outside stopped, but the barracks were all covered in silver.

The Boy Scouts have already got up to sweep the snow and train for the first time. Qin Weiyang went to bed early last night, and he also got up early this morning and didn't sleep much.

After a simple breakfast, Qin Weiyang began to see the soldiers.

I also asked Xiaobing to invite Old Military Doctor Hu to come over. When she sees a doctor, she can teach them a lot, and she doesn't need to teach them separately, so she will usually let them come when she sees the soldiers.

Of course, Old Military Doctor Hu and others came over without saying anything. The younger Doctor Zhang was eating pancakes. Hearing that half of the pancakes had been eaten, he hurried over and brought his own medicine box.

Qin Weiyang also began to teach three military doctors while seeing a doctor. In fact, most of the soldiers had similar illnesses.

The legs and feet were unsuccessful, with gout, cold legs, and hidden injuries from training. After Qin Weiyang showed it to people for seven or eight days, the rest of her was handed over to three military doctors.

"Six girls, don't you show it to us?" A brave soldier looked at the six girls who was wearing a power fence and didn't know the truth until now and asked.

"It's the same with three military doctors." Qin Weiyang said gently.

Although they are the same, they are different. They are more willing to believe in the medical skills of Six Girls.

The three military doctors have been here for many years, but their problems have not been specifically resolved. It was only after the six girls came that they saw hope.

And as long as those who have been treated have not said it is bad, it can be seen that there is a medical gap between the three military doctors and the six girls.

Old Military Doctor Hu, Doctor Zhang, and Doctor Li all knew that they were disgusted, but they were really convinced of the Six Princesses' medical skills. There was nothing to say.

"If we can't cure it, we will ask Girl Six to take action. If it is cured and still feel uncomfortable there, we will also ask Girl Six to diagnose again." Old Military Doctor Hu said.

Qin Weiyang also felt very good, so he nodded.

Everyone was relieved after hearing this.

When the three military doctors were about to go back, a soldier hurried over and said: "Old Military Doctor Hu, there is a small soldier on the Boy Scouts who has a high fever, and everyone is burnt. I only found out this morning. Go and take a look!"

"I'll go over, Old Military Doctor Hu, you just need to treat everyone." Qin Weiyang said with a turn of his eyes.

She originally wanted to wait, but she didn't expect that the opportunity would come, so there was nothing to hesitate.

"Then there will be Lao Liu girl." Old Military Doctor Hu nodded.

Qin Weiyang brought Bingye over, and all the recruits were training here, and the entire row was sprinting horses.

When Qin Weiyang and Bing Ye came over, they saw these little soldiers.

"Aunt Ye, can you see it?" Qin Weiyang whispered.

"Middle of the first row." Bingye's eyesight was obviously excellent, whispered.

Qin Weiyang looked over, because he was wearing a power fence and the distance was relatively far away, so he didn't see it very clearly, so he withdrew his gaze.

"Six girls, please go ahead," said the little soldier who led the way.

Qin Weiyang came over. This boy soldier was not too old, and at the age of seven or eight, he was a little younger than her ninth brother. This would indeed be burning.

After Qin Weiyang tested the temperature, he immediately began to cool him down, also applying acupuncture to the acupoint.

After two cups of tea, the temperature on the child's body began to drop. Qin Weiyang checked the temperature before closing the needle and said, "Aunt Ye, feed him a glass of warm water."

"Okay." Bingye also helped the half-old child and fed him water.

Probably it was also a severe fever. The child was in a hurry. One cup of water was not enough, and two more cups were added to be considered enough.

"Six girls, what's wrong with him?" the soldier who led the way asked.

"It's okay, as long as you raise it well, but the children in the barracks are weaker, and he has many dark diseases." Qin Weiyang said.

But in fact, such a dark illness is not a big problem, because it is still small, as long as you eat enough, nothing will happen.

But this does not prevent Qin Weiyang from taking advantage of the topic. She really wants to see her brother.

"Let him take care of it, and prepare egg and meat porridge for him these two days." Qin Weiyang said, shaking his head and sighing, saying: "This child is like this. Other children don't know what's going on. I heard they are all Homeless children all over the country?"

"Yes." The soldier nodded.

"I don't know how many dark illnesses are left on me, but that's all, there are not many people, and the situation is easy to treat at a young age. I will go back today to make preparations, and come back tomorrow to do some checks on them one by one. "Qin Weiyang said.

The soldier was overjoyed: "Thank you six girls, it would be great if you could!"

Now the medical skills of Six Girls are spread throughout the camp. There are no diseases that she can't cure, nor diseases that she can't cure.

The children of the Boy Scouts are all exposed from the outside. It was really difficult before. When they came, they were so hungry that they were left with a skeleton. Can there be no root of the disease?

So this Six Girl could be happy to come over to get a pulse diagnosis, it couldn't be better.

The news also spread.

The caring people in the barracks couldn't help but squint, and then asked what was going on?

"There was a child over there who had a high fever and almost lost it. The sixth girl was cured in the past, but she also found that the child was extremely weak and left a lot of dark diseases in his body. It should be the root cause of the disease when he was wandering. Telling Girl Six that the other soldiers are almost the same, Girl Six became sympathetic and willing to give those children the number one pulse. If they are sick, they can be found and treated early." The leader said.

He was also convinced by the six girls. He always felt pain in the liver, but he had seen many doctors, but none of them could tell.

But the sixth girl only got the pulse, so she asked him if there was any sign of pain and blockage in the liver.

It's simply amazing.

He was also thoughtful and attentive. He was really a bodhisattva. He directly prescribed the prescription and told him to take it on time and according to the amount, and healed after three months.

But it hasn't been three months yet, but he has no pain anymore.

Moreover, General Jiang personally came to invite her. Wasn't his wife pulling her back from the ghost gate because of the sixth girl?

Hearing the leader's words, the figure in the barracks did not say anything.

But it's not to blame him for calling her six girls, but they, the upper class, are very clear about what six girls are here, this is the current six princesses!

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