The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1428: Son is not too ugly

Because it was confirmed that this was his relatives, and it seemed that he was obviously harmless to him, Qin Jiu put down his guard and looked at Qin Weiyang.

I have to say that his elder sister is indeed very similar to him, and she knows that she is a real sibling.

As for his own life experience, he was obviously the son of Emperor Feng, but he had been living in the Dayuan Dynasty since he was a child. Before coming to Dayong, he had grown up in the Dayuan Dynasty.

So much so that he once thought that he was going to come to Dafeng Dynasty to be an undercover agent.

Of course, I only thought it for a while.

Then I didn't think so.

However, he was taken out of the palace to raise him because of the hardships he had to raise, rather than being abandoned by his parents. This made him feel relieved.

"I really want to take you back to show her concubine. The concubine will be very happy if she sees it." Qin Weiyang said while looking at his brother.

This is so fast that he doesn't grow up in front of him. In a blink of an eye, this younger brother is so big, as if he grew up from a baby overnight.

But Qin Weiyang knew that his younger brother must have had a hard time when he was young.

Qin Jiu didn't feel much about it, because he hadn't seen his parents, and of course he didn't have any feelings.

But he knew that they were thinking about him again, that was enough, and there was nothing else to say.

"You put on Mili," Qin Jiu said.

He looks so much like him, people know it is his sister at first glance.

Qin Weiyang smiled and said, "Don't look at my sister more?"

Qin Jiu was expressionless, Qin Weiyang looked at him and said, "It's so cold."

"I'm going back for nothing else." Qin Jiu stood up and said.

"Alright, don't have any pressure, just do what you should do." Qin Weiyang looked at him and said.

Of course Qin Jiu won't be under pressure, because he also guessed his identity, Qin is the emperor's surname of the Dafeng Dynasty.

Of course, he never thought about his identity as a prince, and wondered if he would be a clan of the royal family, but he was born with a heavy pupil threatening the emperor's power, so he was sent out from an early age.

He felt that among the many speculations, this guess was the most suitable for his identity, but he didn't want him to be the son of a dragon.

As the emperor, but let him be exposed outside, it seems that his father's ability is not very good.

But that's all, the son will recognize his father if he is not too ugly.

Qin Weiyang didn't know that his younger brother despised his father's emperor in his heart, but he was in a very good mood. Xiao Jiu looked even better than she thought.

"Aunt, Xiao Jiu is very good, isn't it?" Qin Weiyang put on Mi Fence and said with a chuckle.

"Although he grew up outside since he was a child, he is the son of the emperor and the empress, and he is also the younger brother of the princess. He is clever and wise, calm and composed, stable and sharp." Bingye's face was gentle, and she exclaimed.

Qin Weiyang couldn't help laughing: "Auntie, you are too exaggerated."

Bingye said: "Excellent!"

After seeing his younger brother, Qin Weiyang's wish was over, and he continued to give pulses to other children.

Seven or eight children were found to have poor bones. As for the other ones, they were really good. After the pills were given, no other medicine was used.

Afterwards, the seven or eight children and the few in front of him were found. Qin Weiyang unified them to live in a tent, and everyone also prescribed prescriptions.

"Take the medicine well, you can grow up safely and live to old age like normal people, otherwise you might be in danger of halfway death." Qin Weiyang said.

The faces of these children changed, obviously frightened, and nodded tightly to indicate that they would drink the medicine on time.

The old military doctor Hu was stunned when he heard that it was so serious, as did Zhang, the doctor, and Li, and then they all came over to give these children pulses.

"The pulse condition is indeed weaker, but it's not so serious?" said Old Military Doctor Hu.

"Now it’s just weak, but once they get seriously ill, like the kid with a high fever I rescued a few days ago, once they get that kind of emergency, I won’t be able to save it, because your bones are so bad that you can’t resist it. Hit, now these prescriptions are for you to adjust and build your body. After taking it for three consecutive months, you can take it twice a month. Don't do heavy work, do some cleansing, and you can grow up safely. "Qin Weiyang said to them.

"Please don't worry about the six girls. We will look at these children. It happens that we plan to expand the pharmacy next year. We will need manpower at that time, and they will just go over to grab the medicine and calculate the money." Zhang Junyi said.

"But we...none of us will." The children couldn't help but hesitate.

"So you don't have to go to training this winter, just read and read in the tent and learn to count. Those who are qualified will be hired next year, and those who are unqualified will go to the cooking camp and help." Zhang Junyi said.

These things were arranged by them, and Qin Weiyang went back to his tent without saying much.

Liu Qinghe brought her a pot of mountain mushroom chicken soup.

"Why did my brother-in-law come here?" Qin Weiyang smiled.

"Isn't the time here? I plan to go back to Zhenhu City, so I'll ask you if you want to go back together?" Liu Qinghe smiled and asked, "This is just cooked over there. I brought you some over. , You drink more."

"Thank you brother-in-law." Qin Weiyang smiled and said, "Go back, it's almost done here, and the antifreeze ointments have been handed over to the military doctors. I am basically fine."

Liu Qinghe understood that he had seen the Ninth Prince a few days ago, and there was nothing else to stay here.

So he left the barracks the next morning.

Qin Jiu heard about it that day.

"Hey, although the frostbite is cured and there is no serious illness, but the genius doctor feels that he has a bottom here, and the genius doctor feels that something is missing after leaving." Knowing and sighing.

"The pills don't have much to eat, they taste strangely good." Dahu also said.

"That pill is not ordinary. I have heard from the disciples of the old military doctor Hu. That kind of pill is a mixture of dozens of medicines. It is not easy to make, and it can make you eat more? Okay," said the monkey.

"So amazing?" Dahu was stunned for a moment, he thought it was a candy ball.

"Don't tell me, after I ate that pill, I didn't pant so much when I got up in the morning for morning class. I feel really relieved!" The monkey nodded.

"I also feel that my legs and feet are much more comfortable, and sleep less cold at night." Knowing.

Qin Jiu didn't say anything. He knew that his sister came to see her specifically, and that treating her illness was just a gimmick.

But now it seems that she is clearly successful, no one knows that what she really wants to see is his brother.

It's fine to leave now, he looks so much like him, don't let anyone see, or he won't be able to stay here anymore.

He really likes it here at the moment.

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