The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1430: The Queen Mother

The Queen Mother is really going to be **** off.

She stared at Qin Heng fiercely, and said angrily: "The emperor, are you so suspicious of your biological mother? How dare you bring this **** in!"

Because of the extreme anger, I couldn't help but coughed.

Concubine Luan comforted her by the side, and said, "The Queen Mother is safe and not irritable, the body is important."

But where will the Queen Mother take care of the others? She gritted her teeth and stared at Qin Heng, then with a vicious look at Concubine Shu, who seemed to her abominable.

The last time the thief shouted to catch the thief was nothing more than that, this time he tried the same trick again. The key is that his eldest son even believed in her trick.

So early in the morning, they sent someone to surround her Ci Ning Palace.

What does it mean? This is disobedience and disobedience!

"The mother's empress made a serious statement. I just brought in Concubine Shu and told her face to face." Qin Heng said.

"The concubine begged the queen mother. The ten princes are the grandsons of the queen dowager. The eldest prince is also the grandson of the queen dowager. The difference is that the prince did not grow up before the dowager, but there is no difference otherwise. , I beg the Queen Mother to let go of the prince, and let your blood relatives and grandson a life!" Shu Fei burst into tears, knelt down and said helplessly.

The Queen Mother was trembling with anger.

No matter what happened last time or this time, it has nothing to do with her, but this cheap maid will have to buckle her body twice!

How could she agree!

"You mean maidservant is really good at doing things to the emperor again and again. Do you really think that your strategy is so successful? I really can't see your trick!" The empress mother said coldly.

"Please let the queen mother let go of the prince." Concubine Shu started to kowtow, and her forehead was red soon.

The empress dowager was so angry that Concubine Luan stood aside and watched the show.

"Send Concubine Shu back first." Qin Heng said slowly.

So Concubine Shu was sent back first, and when she left Ci Ning Palace, she saw the guards outside.

This is the look of Concubine Shu Shu's eyebrows and she was holding the winning ticket, she didn't say anything, she sat in the sedan chair and went back.

Inside Cining Palace.

Qin Heng had already sat down and looked at his biological mother quietly, who surprised him.

"Emperor, the Ai family did not take action against the eldest prince. This is a crime. Ai Jia is standing upright. The Ai family will not allow Concubine Shu to slander and plant the Ai family!" The Queen Mother waited for a while. Even if he could not wait for him to speak, he spoke first.

"This matter is indeed not done by the Queen Mother." Qin Heng said.

His title has changed from mother queen to queen mother.

Concubine Luan was faintly excited, and it seemed that the emperor had thoroughly investigated it, and this was about to showdown.

Empress Dowager also noticed the name change, but she didn't care. Instead, she said: "Since you know that it wasn't for the Ai family, what do you mean by enclosing the Ai family's Ci Ning Palace with the guards?"

"When did the queen dowager know that there is a secret way in Ci Ning Palace? I have lived in this palace for so long, and I don’t know that Ci Ning Palace still hides such a secret way, and if I guess correctly, even the father He also doesn't know, where did this secret road come from?" Qin Heng did come to the showdown, so there was no need to go around and get straight to the point.

"Wh...what?" The unsuspecting Queen Mother would be scared to death by his words.

"Queen dowager, I am afraid that the emperor knows everything." Concubine Luan said softly, and the eyes of the emperor also showed obvious worship.

Look, this is the man she likes, he is so keen, she hasn't done anything yet, he has already found out the clue for himself.

The Queen Mother was about to be shaken to death by Concubine Luan's words.

She looked at Qin Heng with horror and loss.

Qin Heng glanced at Concubine Luan indifferently, and then looked at the Queen Mother, his biological mother, the mother who had betrayed his father and the emperor and became a child and daughter with a farmer outside.

Qin Heng didn't know it only in the past two days. He has known it for a while. After designing his mother's queen out of the bedroom, and after finding out that the main hall bedroom actually hides the secret path, everything else is smoothly felt.

It is impossible to say not to shake.

Before, he had always thought that his mother really was practicing Tianyin Guan practice, and had always been there, and the host had also said that it was true.

So I never doubted anything.

But I didn't expect it at all, it was just a stand-in.

For the real, she left Tianyin Guan early after a few years of guarding, and met a farmer outside. Not only did she betray his father and marry the farmer, she also gave birth to a son and a daughter with the farmer.

After all, these were all his half-brothers and sisters, but Qin Heng would never admit it.

Especially his half-brother, even went into the palace with his back and hooked up with Concubine Luan. Of course, he knew that his mother and queen agreed to this matter. Otherwise, how dare the one named Si Xu?

Qin Heng also suspected that Xiao Shi was not his son, but the son of Si Xu and Concubine Luan.

Otherwise, how could his mother treat Xiaoshi as a fate, but treat other grandchildren as if it were a must?

For the sake of Xiaoshi, she can attack the old five without hesitation, and for the sake of Xiaoshi, what is it impossible to attack the boss again?

So in her heart, only Si Xu is her son, and she is not her son at all. This is why she wants to go all out to help Xiao Shi in the upper ranks, and at the same time, she wants her and the farmer’s descendants to become the next phoenix. emperor.

It was also in this way that it could be explained clearly, why he, the queen mother, had made plans for Xiao Shi in this way.

This is really a good calculation, and it's also a good play for the dove to occupy the magpie's nest.

It's a pity that people are not as good as the heavens. From the beginning to the end, he never thought about putting Xiao Shi in the position. What's even more pity, he had already focused on Cining Palace.

Because it has been known for a while, Qin Heng's face at this time has not had the shock and disbelief when he first knew it.

He was very calm this time, and a pair of eyes that were exactly the same as the first emperor looked at the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother couldn't help but feel palpitations.

"Wh...Where is the secret road? Huang'er, have you misunderstood something?" She still wanted to struggle to death, wanting to think that Qin Heng was deceiving her.

"Behind that side of the cabinet, I personally went in to see it, leading to a courtyard outside the city. Of course, all the secret guards in the courtyard have been taken down by me." Qin Heng said slowly.

The empress dowager couldn't say anything, she just looked at her son incredible, no wonder there was no news outside for so long, it turned out that the people outside were controlled by this son!

------Off-topic ------

PS: I have to go to Guangzhou to see a doctor tomorrow morning. Because my body is in a bad condition, I should keep changing it. If the problem is not enough, I will continue to restore and update. Sorry everyone, everyone should take good care of their health.

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